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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. There was a Japanese version of Spiderman back in the 1970s that came out in manga form and then later a show although I am not sure how closely did the show follow the manga (no robot in the manga at all). I think Marvel tried to sue the people who created the Japanese Spiderman but I am not sure how was the case settled. Back in the days the overseas edition of Marvel comics had a full page notice telling people not to buy or read the Japanese Spiderman.
  2. The gameplay is there, but you gotta admit the PS2 port of Fed vs Zeon was nowhere close to the arcade original graphics-wise, especially when you compare it to the graphics of, say, Lost War Chronicles / Encounter in Space.
  3. Dunno about the show but here are pics for the chogokin toy of the Japanese Spiderman's robot. I read the manga a long time ago. Very adult oriented, definitely not meant for kids like the original comics.
  4. The show is probably considered un-Western enough to be brought over. With the demise of Mobile Suit Gundam, I think the anime business people are steering away from classics and are going for all the trendy $h!t instead.
  5. My friend in Japan bought it and complained that it was the same as Federation vs Zeon, just with different mobile suits. He's already bored with the game within a few days of buying it.
  6. That's one sweet avatar!
  7. Yes, and the result shows. The commentary track does indicate that they try to have a level of consistency between the theatrical and EE cuts so people seeing one version won't need to have prior knowledge of a previous film from the other edition. Therefore the scene involving Sam's use of Elvish rope in the opening of TTT was cut in the theatrical cut since the gift giving wasn't shown in the theatrical cut of FOTR. They might "size up" Merry and Pippin for the extended edition of ROTK, but then again, they only grew a few inches taller in the movie, the growth wasn't as dramatic as in the book.
  8. Waiting for it to drop to $19.99, but with the first game it's Mitsurugi all the way. He's got awesome moves and a good balance between speed and damaging power.
  9. Note to self: program theater's help desk phone into cell phone before movie starts so I can call and fetch the manager to kick out obnoxious talkers.
  10. MM, did you see this when you tried to look up Santa's Secret Elves via Google? Looks like you're not alone
  11. That scene and line was right out of the book, FYI. Don't fault the filmmakers for sticking to the source.
  12. That auction stopped being funny with all the added description the seller added. Sounds more like he's got a big and thick stick up his ass. He needs to get laid and relax a little.
  13. Hahaha, I remember that one, but this auction is definitely a classic.
  14. LMAO, Metal Gear Solid style! * Codec rings * "Secret Elf? SECRET ELF!!!"
  15. Whoa! Check out this rumor. Contains major spoilers if true: January episode spoiler (rumor)
  16. None of them beat that nerd who tried to sell his virginity on eBay.
  17. If this whole thing was set up by Jack, Tony and Gael, how in the world did Tony get himself shot in the neck?! I smell plot hole.
  18. Post the seller's reply after you "waste his time".
  19. Over 42,000 views and only 9 bids, that's eBay for ya...
  20. Ah, I see. I stand corrected.
  21. Right from the trailer: Here, Sam is inserted for size comparison purposes:
  22. Should be the other way around. The only incentive for Nintendo to buy Bandai is if the Big N is doing poorly financially and adding Bandai to their assets would improve their bottomline and their prospective attractive to investors. Bandai's been raking in the bucks after a banker took over in the late 1990s. Nintendo OTOH had to slash the price on their GameCube by 50% just to stay in the game.
  23. A lot of times design defects like these are usually fixed when McFarlane reissues a second batch. You might wanna wait until the second production batch is on the shelves.
  24. * Foster beer commercial announcer voice * Keeper!
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