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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Yamato obviously will make a larger scale VF-0S, it's only a matter of time. They're not going to announce plans for it, since its existence will have a chilling effect on sales of the 1/100 scale VF-0S. They know otakus will fork the doughs over for anime crack regardless of whether product news were announced well in advance. They'll go on ramen diet for months and mortgage the house if that's what it comes down to.
  2. See my post in the other thread. Hobby Search offers a discount on all the stuff they carry, including pre-orders. They offer the 1/60 armor set at 5% off. I give them thumbs up for speedy shipping and outstanding customer service. A better alternative to HLJ.
  3. Is that supposed to be special?! Discount is the norm at Hobby Search. Scroll down the left frame to the section of Anime Robot (Completed) and click on the Yamato link. Their service is also way better than HLJ. I've ditched HLJ ever since I found Hobby Search and have been enjoying their discounts and services for years.
  4. Better yet, cancel your order with HLJ since they obvious do not appreciate your being an early-ordering customer and take your business to Hobby Search instead. They offer a 5% discount on the Yamato 1/48 VF-1J Millia regardless of when you order. As long as they have it in stock, you get 5% off the MSRP. Hobby Search's site
  5. They moved the cliffhanger scene from after the credits to right before the credits for the theatrical run, so you didn't miss anything - the cliffhanger was after the credits for the version shown to critics.
  6. Excellent work. I have a spare kit of the EX Model that comes with the 1/35 command car and the SV2 gang. PM me if you are interested.
  7. Dude! Where's his car? This movie got a 4.7 out of 10 (rotten) rating at Rotten Tomatoes, which averages ratings from nearly 100 reviews. I'm not about to blow 10 bucks on a movie just because 1 person went against the grain and said it 0wnz when the majority of reviews advised using your hard earned money else where.
  8. That's a weak drawing posted on HLJ. Here's some real photos you can drool over:
  9. Yay, more oversexed young, no-name actors in space.
  10. This reminds me, recently a friend came over to check out my PS2. He's never been a videogamer as long as I've known him but he picked Cassandra and proceeded to beat the arcade mode without losing a single match. Exhibit A for this game being the champion of button-mashing.
  11. You'd give anyone a wang, including half of the members of this board! Not to mention the doorknob.
  12. I blew through Weapon Master missions mostly as Heihachi and Raphael. However, these days I find Talim and Cassandra to be incredibly powerful characters.
  13. I visited 2 Targets last night and only 1 had them in stock. While the first 2 AEs (W0C and Tallgeese 3) were $29.99 at TRU, when I saw them at Target recently they were $19.99 each. Either TRU was overcharging on those about a year ago or Bandai/Target decided to price them down. I haven't taken any of the AEs out of the box yet so I don't know about the change in materials, but the first 2 AEs looked like prepainted, pre-assembled 1/100 HG models while the RX-78 looked like a scaled up 4.5" figure, complete with crooked V-fins and uneven paintjob on the vital areas such as eyes. They even used soft rubbery instead of hard plastic for the beam rifle which comes bent/deformed due to the way it was taped to the tray. Overall, I'd say the first 2 AEs were great deals for $19.99 while the RX-78 was... you get what you pay for.
  14. They run their reports unedited. It was from some kid who attended the Fangoria convention, what kind of prose were you expecting?
  15. Last picture. I picked one up just an hour ago. Of all 4 they had on the shelf of Target, 3 had messy paintjob for the eyes and none of them had a perfectly symmetrical V-fin. The quality is about as shoddy as the 4.5" U.S. Gundam figures, and nowhere as good as the first 2 Arch Enemy releases (Wing Zero Custom and Tallgeese III). The proportions are rather blocky and the arms shorter and thicker than the MG version. The biggest surprise/bonus is that it comes with a transforming Core Fighter. There are some parts that require assembly. Edit in: No sign of Char's Gelgoog, either it's a one-per-case rarity or it hasn't been released yet. I noticed there were at least 3 Wing Zero Customs for each Tallgeese III at Target, damn Bandai for stuffing more Gundams than non-Gundams in an assortment case.
  16. Second picture due to popular demand.
  17. The pictures are HUGE, so my apologies to 56Kers...
  18. Here's the link Looks pretty good for the price.
  19. AICN just posted a bunch more screen grabs of Weta's concept art from the DVD: Look here That's one nasty Eva-02
  20. LOL, I was gonna mention that. They changed their name from AD Vsion to ADV Films probably in order to distant themselves from their not-so-gracious past.
  21. If you can stomach fugly/dated animation, I'd highly recommend Aura Battler Dunbine. It's set in a fantasy setting, but there's plenty of action and the story is hardcore (imagine an ending where practically everyone dies).
  22. Here's the short version of it: in production order: late 1970s-early 1980s - Mobile Suit Gundam (first TV series, then movie trilogy) mid-1980s - Zeta Gundam late 1980s - Gundam ZZ 1988/89 - Char's Counterattack (feature film) 1988/89 - Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (OVA series) 1990/91 - Gundam F91 (feature film) 1990/91 - Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (OVA series, plus movie Last Blitz of Zeon) 1993 - Victory Gundam 1994 - G Gundam 1995-96 - Gundam Wing late 1990s - Endless Waltz (OVA series and movie version) late 1990s - Gundam X late 1990s - The 08th MS Team (OVA series and movie) late 1990s - Turn-A Gundam (TV series and 2 movies) early 2000s - Gundam SEED In chronological order of Universal Century: Mobile Suit Gundam The 08th MS Team Gundam 0080 Gundam 0083 Zeta Gundam Gundam ZZ Char's Counterattack Gundam F91 Victory Gundam Turn-A Gundam supposedly takes place in a far distant future and manages to tie all Gundam series together, but for all practical purposes it bears no close relationship to the U.C. shows above. The other shows I didn't mention similarly do not tie into U.C. shows in any significant way, except for Gundam X, which alludes to the One Year War with its own version of it. Only MSG, Zeta, ZZ, CCA, F91, V Gundam and Turn-A were directed by the show's original director. The rest were done by different people.
  23. WTF? That crap for $3,500? I'd rather buy a Stormtrooper suit instead.
  24. They price regular discs decently because there are a lot of competitions out there. When more stores start carrying anime DVDs then they'll have to face the market reality too. Don't you hate it when you ask why something you're looking for is not in stock, they tell you to order it from their online store?
  25. No, it's derived from the descriptive term of their products - cubic, brick-shaped renditions of popular characters.
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