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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. I wouldn't talk when the Yamato VF-1's were ¥6,800 then dropped to like $26 shipped on eBay. That's about 35% of its original worth (assuming S/H was about 6 bucks) compared to the Toynami, which kept at least 62.5% of its value. Yeah, whatever... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3163466723 I thought we were talking about MIB ones, not opened and played with ones. Didn't someone see a VF-1J MPC being sold for 50 bucks on eBay recently?
  2. One word: vasectomy. Children and a pristine collection are mutually exclusive, unless you can afford a child-free storage facility.
  3. Not sure if the picture's showing up properly, here it is again:
  4. For those who don't know what I am talking about, it's the new GK for the character from Macross 0.
  5. I'm getting my sister to pre-order the Kadokawa Taiwan edition instead. It'll be roughly the same price as the Japanese original. Diamond can sit on a pile of their (or is it Viz?) $34.99 ripoff edition for all I care.
  6. So does the Japanese original version... for half the cost. English-speaking consumers really get shafted in the rear...
  7. Why would Yamato want to expend their resources on an old OVA that's over a decade in its tooth when they can cash in on Macross 0, which is "in" and "now", immediately? Maybe they just ran into severe engineering problems and had to start from scratch more than a few times.
  8. Yeah I've used SAL form Hobby Search, it was never that slow - usually 2-4 weeks. When did you place your order that took 60-90 days? I think orders placed around November tend to take much longer to arrive by SAL due to the holidays traffic, regardless of who you order it from.
  9. WTF! $34.99 for that itty bitty figure?! Wasn't the original Japanese version for less than ¥2,000? And I thought Diamond always get those Eva stuff at below yen MSRP...
  10. I wouldn't talk when the Yamato VF-1's were ¥6,800 then dropped to like $26 shipped on eBay. That's about 35% of its original worth (assuming S/H was about 6 bucks) compared to the Toynami, which kept at least 62.5% of its value.
  11. I think by now it should be pretty obvious Chase is the He Kim. His only talent is getting himself and everyone around him into trouble now that Kim got locked behind a desk.
  12. I saw photos of the HGUC Rick Dom II in the Feb issue of Hobby Japan. Continuing the funky proportions tradition of 0080 HGUC kits, it's the most bizarre take on the Dom body style yet. The good news is that the head can turn significantly. But its torso proportions totally rub me the wrong way...
  13. Outstanding work. Now I'm sorry I sold my only duplicate...
  14. Are the features locked-in yet? Will there be a functional compartment for Ride Armor storage?
  15. Were you thrown to the end of the line or are you guaranteed one?
  16. You people seem to have forgotten that the 19FP is gonna be a complete resculpt, unlike the 21FP and 11Fb, which were quickie reissues with the FP add-ons.
  17. You guys have too much time on your hands.
  18. I'd be offended if I were you. You placed an early order and they basically flipped you the bird when you nicely asked them to offer you the 5% discount they're offering everyone else.
  19. Manga is not exactly a luxury item in Japan, you can get your own copy for cheap unlike the insane prices being charged here in the US by the likes of Viz and TokyoPop. No biggie, only the cheapskates would be significantly affected by this price hike.
  20. Heck yeah, aren't we all sick of this Valkyrie oversaturation? Zentradi mecha get little to no love...
  21. Hmm, I haven't ordered from them recently (I got kickass local vendors who sell them at cheaper than Japan price + shipping, gotta love competition) but when I was buying from them they were fast with responses and shipments. Are you in the US or another country?
  22. Dang, sacrificing a SOC for a custom... it must be good to be that loaded.
  23. They don't wanna make the Toynami mistake of hyping something before it comes out. Imagine the reaction if they hyped the thing as a fully transformable toy for only ¥3,000 and when reality caught up with them they had to turn around and admit the toy will not be perfect transformation and will cost ¥4,000 instead...
  24. How long do you have to wait for the shipping notice after you place the order? For in-stock items it's usually within 1 business day unless you happen to order during Japanese holidays. They don't sit around their asses like HLJ does.
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