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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. The good thing about the 1/60 V2 is it's perfect transformable (thinking Yamato 1/48), no part swapping like the Yamato 1/60. The bad thing is the proportions suffered even more in order to accomodate the perfect transformation.
  2. On a semi-related note, did Line of Fire get cancelled? It's been almost a month since the last episode they showed.
  3. Did you miss the preview for next episode? She ain't going down without dragging everyone with her.
  4. Those are already pretty graphic. I mean, to be frank, when was the last time you saw decapitation in a Gundam series? Boiling blood filling up the inside of a pilot's helmet? Decap's old news - see V Gundam. As long as they don't show any exposed nipple, any violence goes on TV.
  5. Zeta blitz? Did Bandai show any Zeta toys at the recent toy show? If anything, all the Zeta toys they announced last year were a no-show this year.
  6. Looks like SD crap is flying off the shelves where you are if all you see are G rejects... Be ready to be flooded with Seed junk this summer.
  7. The V Gundam was not supposed to show up until episode 3 or so if the story was told in chronological order. Sunrise wanted a Gundam in the first episode so they switched the order around and told the earlier episodes via flashback while what would have been a later episode became the first episode. The MS from G and Wing aren't that much taller than 15m yet they got MG and even PG treatment already. I guess Katoki's only good at "fixing" other people's designs since he did the original mecha designs in V Gundam.
  8. The MG Gelgoogs have better articulation and details - even the boosters in the skirt are independently articulated, unlike this cheapo toy that looks cheap both on the outside and inside.
  9. Based on your review it sounds like a major step down from the MG (whereas the RX-78 was at least close enough to the MG). Wasn't the beam bazooka meant for the Rick Dom series? WTF is it doing with a Gelgoog anyway?
  10. Nintendo's little gadget almost blew kids away
  11. That's a hilarious avatar.
  12. Beware of mods...
  13. Except it ain't no fan art - that illustration was approved and used as the sleeve cover art for the Symphonic Zeta Gundam album.
  14. I thought she got over that already and is embracing the fact that she was an important part of Macross. Or did she had a relapse again and hates being associated with Macross now like she did originally?
  15. I don't think my friend paid to have her picture taken... but what kind of fan are you if you aren't willing to show some financial support? I mean people there already shelled out an ungodly amount of money for admission to the con and subject themselves to fugly cosplayers (speaking of which, I think Jenny Craig should have a table there...)
  16. She was at Anime Expo a couple years ago. She had a table but most people just walked by, not recognizing who she was. My friend felt sorry for her and went up to her and asked to take a picture of her.
  17. She was also in Titanic. All films directed by Jim Cameron. I dunno if she was in True Lies, though.
  18. Didn't he unload on her prior to Season 1? Add in: Anyone recognized Jack's interrogator? * Hint * "Let's rock!!!"
  19. nah, Wayne's probably gonna stick around for a few more eps. I was referring to the Pres' ghetto ex-wife. Anyone think Tony and Michelle will remain married by the end of this season?
  20. She never did the OP (it was written for male vocals to start with) but she did the duet version of the ED of Macross. How come Robotech.com is selling her CD? She's totally unrelated to Robotech as far as HG's concerned unless they're pocketing a huge percentage for sales of her CDs...
  21. I was hoping the other bitch would die.
  22. Did you try jacking off on the door knob? I think he was too mesmerized by his reflection on the door knob to think of anything else.
  23. The recent Tiger Wood golf game allows you to customize your character's appearance to your heart's content. The PS2 tennis game also allows a great degree of control over your character's physical appearance.
  24. Can you get out?
  25. * Raises bow & arrow * Add in: WTF, eBay pulled the Hornet auction! Guess its sale wasn't so legal after all.
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