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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Just to nitpick, the TV series came later. The OVAs were the original. To nitpick further, there were 2 OVAs, with the TV series sandwiched in between as far as release order goes. The New OVAs were basically a continuation + bonus episodes of the TV series for those who bought it on home video, so the story and art style is consistent with the TV series, whereas the old OVA series is quite different and has little to do with the TV series or the new OVA for that matter.
  2. No... Sam Jackson's da man.
  3. He's too much of a girly man to be Bond.
  4. We're gonna *clap* PUMP YOU UP!
  5. But besides color, the box design is also different between the 2 waves. The EW boxes have a slightly more teal/green tint on a mostly black box, I doubt people will confuse it with a mostly blue box.
  6. I thought Sammo Hung was attached to the project as writer and director 2 years ago, what happened to it? Did he take a pass in the end?
  7. I've got my Taka so I don't care if Yamato never makes one...
  8. Interesting thought, although I'd prefer them to release MS Girl toys or the Koubus from Sakura Wars if they were going to make toys out of Mika Akitaka's designs.
  9. Sorry, just couldn't resist... this pose reminds me of the Tarzan figure from the animated Disney movie.
  10. Good lord, the man is like fifty. What did you expect, chisled pecs? Vostok 7 Hey, if the Governator can have that kind of physique at that age, why shouldn't Billy Crystal? I can't believe I'm doing A1's job for him. Edit in: wrote the above before I saw A1's posts. Great minds think alike. BTW the real crime are showing old saggy granny breasts * points at Calendar Girls while puking *
  11. More often than not we get crippled/inferior versions of Gundam merchandise here, that's just how Bandai Ameirca operates. They'd rather shortchange collectors/diehard fans in order to move bigger volume with the kids.
  12. I saw the 1/144 HG Freedom at Target for $14.88. Cool price considering the Japanese version was 1,500 yen. They've finally priced the US versions at a more reasonable level. From what I hear, the New Material Models will be released here but most, if not all of the diecast parts will be plastic instead. There will also be large sized DX figures, probably based on the 1/60 kits. Good news is the "Advanced MS in Action" crap will not be released here, but brand new sculpts more in line of the regular MIA figures instead.
  13. Dude, when you have that much money and can afford personal trainers and dieticians out the yin yang, there's no wordly excuse for looking like a fat hairy slob. I mean, he makes Ron Jeremy look clean and thin by comparison, and that's saying something! He might have the financial means to afford all that now, but he sure as hell cannot afford the time to work out and eat properly. We're talking about someone who spends nearly 20 hours a day working non-stop. This kind of lifestyle requires high calorie and high energy type of food to keep him going. If you want him to look fit, don't expect to see the extended edition of ROTK until 3 years later.
  14. Not bad for a "hack" of a director and his crew. I can't believe this movie won Best Editing with all the obvious signs of it being a rush job, but like most other Oscars, actual merit of the nomination has little to do with the result when compared to the cumulative goodwill the nominee's built up with their past work (case in point: Murray losing out to Penn). ROTK swept because the 2 previous installments were equally good work but got shafted with the nominations and awards, so voters tend to be overcompensating for past injustices this year, since it's the trilogy's last chance.
  15. I don't think these were ever reissued. I have 2, and I need to pay bills... if I get a good offer I'll let one go.
  16. Personally I prefer the version that comes with the Musha Mk-II samurai armor and accessories... thinking about putting my extra one on eBay. How much do you guys think it's worth these days?
  17. There ya go.
  18. Anyone but that genocidal nut. OK then... Kou Uraki! No? How about... Monsha!
  19. The HCM Mk-II is an all-around very solid toy. I think its cockpit opens too, just like the MG. Don't think the FIX version's cockpit hatch opens. Too bad we'll probably not see them again - these were made in Japan. Due to the high labor cost, Bandai only made a very limited production when they were reissued about 2 years ago.
  20. Yeap, most of the OYW Zeon designs have aged well - just look at all the kits and toys still being cranked out 25 years later - but the Zeta and ZZ monstrosities haven't all aged that gracely except for a chosen few.
  21. Depending on what kind of toy you had in mind. While put on display, they fit right in with your HGUCs both in terms of scale and plastic quality. The paintjob is better done than the MSiA figures and the plastic doesn't look or feel as fake, although there are always exceptions - for example, the Nu Gundam HCM's fin funnels were molded in 1 piece and the plastic has a very glossy surface, which clashes with the rest of the MS in a big way, since it was painted/molded in flat colors. Some of the major joints are done in diecast. Minor assembly is required for the detail parts. Proportions are accurate, no MSiA Zaku with oversized guns syndrome with the HCMs.
  22. Well, last year Bandai showed off a bunch of Zeta toys at the US toy show. This year none of them were present and were replaced by Seed stuff. Looks like they've ditched the entire line becauase they couldn't get Zeta on Cartoon Network. They should have tried putting it on TechTV's Anime Unleashed or another network, but I guess they didn't want to risk pissing off CN and its owner, AOL/Time Warner by going to someone else with a show they took a pass on.
  23. CCA is not really a standalone movie. Without having seen MSG and Zeta beforehand, the movie just won't resonate at all (much less make sense). Although I grew up watching Gundam, I have to admit, even the third Gundam movie is not as good as I remembered as far as animation quality goes... they really need to reanimate the whole shebang.
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