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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. They're also making a videogame off 24. I think the actor that plays Kim slipped this during an interview for her new movie.
  2. For its time (1980s) it was definitely nice. The small photo made it look extra nice, though. I wasn't too impressed with the way her face was sculpted when I saw it up close in person. It looked a little too generic. Too bad us Misa fans only have slim pickings when it comes to Misa figures/kits.
  3. Virtual GameStation should work if you have a Mac and want to emulate PS1 games. Do look for the version that allows you to play import discs, though.
  4. Here's what the Tsukuda Hobby (hard) vinyl figure looks like. I loved the box and almost bought one but the sculpt just didn't do it for me.
  5. I like the Imai plastic injection kit. The sculpt is not the best, but then again it was a cheap kit to start with (although it's worth way more these days). Even with the resin/garage kits, I still haven't found a sculpt that is worthy of Mikimoto's rendition. The search goes on...
  6. Don't think this one is in Valkyrie's list. Probably not even a licensed kit, since I don't see a BW sticker on the box. polizei_img596x407_1020565998ds
  7. If there's a Misa kit that cries to be recast, it's this one from Shawn's private stash:
  8. Like the Panasonic version of GameCube that plays DVDs too? How much are these things worth these days? I heard they're no longer produced.
  9. In our dream: PG Ex-S Gundam => the most expensive Gundam model ever... In real world: Bandai will not release anymore unrealistic/unprofitable model because of the poor sales of HGUC GP-03. Didn't many of the Sentinel MGs come out after the release of the HGUC GP03D? Heck, they even released a GFF Deep Striker, that thing's got practically zero articulation yet cost nearly half the MSRP of the HGUC Dendrobium. Bandai will release unrealistic/unprofitable model because it's Gundam and not Macross.
  10. Kawamori is not an animator, he's way up the food chain directing shows when he's not designing mecha. The animators in Japan are lucky compared to American ones - at least they still have the option of a low-paying job. Read this past Sunday's L.A. Times calendar section and see how Disney's shutting down their cel animation studios has sent animators packing. Some took a job at Trader Joe's, while some contemplated suicide as computers took over their jobs. Edit in: I'd also take L.A. Times' report with a grain of salt - last summer they had a big feature article on the anime scene (using Animatrix as a springboard) and the so-called experts they quoted were wrong on so many accounts they made the read laughable. They can be pretty biased. One need not look further than their smear campaign style reporting and during Schwarzenegger's campaign and how they wouldn't stop writing negatively about him even after he's in office.
  11. Was he being completely sarcastic about the movie?
  12. If you're talking about the one that was a Fix figure, they're making that into a 1/100 MG model. Which I might get later on. It's already out, and doesn't look like they even bothered to address the back-heaviness issue. Damn thing cannot even stand upstraight and has to be put into awkward "pelvis out" pose in order to stand up. Thumbs way down on.
  13. Used to have it, till mom figured I was too old for Gundam and tossed it... along with all my Gundam design books, HG models, and a half-completed MG ZZ.... grrr..... well, that was way back in high school... starting to rebuild now =) Anyhow... like the description says, it's half-toy, half-model. As a toy, it's very detailed, well articulated (although you won't see individual finger joints a-la the PG Zeta), and fun to pose. As a model though, it's a tad bit underwhelming... not enough detail. For a while though, it was the best thing sitting on my shelf. The F91 comes with beam shield, dual sabers, rifle, two back-mounted rifles, and a large cannon. The face plate can be changed, depending on which mode you want it in. Fins deploy from the shoulders (manually...) and calves (spring loaded =). Damn... talking about it makes me want it again, if only for the good memories... The articulation leaves much to be desired when compared to today's Gundam toys, even in the similar scale (the DX ones like the GP01Fb, GP02A, Nu and Sazabi). I am referring specifically to the arms, which is unable to hold the beam bazooka in a convincing shooting pose. The quality of the plastic used, however, is much better by comparison. It also comes with 2 scaled figures of Seabook and Cecily, and the cockpit door opens. Built-in springs in the calves allow the fins to pop into open position when the feet are pressed against a flat surface. This gimmick was later ripped off and used in the New Material Model of Turn-A Gundam. The shoulder fins are for heat radiation and do not deploy as weapons, BTW.
  14. There's also Skull Leader, but unfortunately it's so old it only runs under DOS with some funky memory setup. I couldn't get it to run in Windows. Has anyone written a batch file that'd allow the game to run in Windows?
  15. Unfortunately it appears Bandai is now making the PG line Gundams only - all Zeon designs get the crap treatment they call "Glorious Series" which carries roughly the same MSRP as the PG kits but offer little to no detail and interior frames that don't even compare to their MG counterparts. They should release a complete line of PG Zeon kits... I want a PG Gelgoog Marine Cima Custom, PG Acguy, and PG Gouf! They'll cure the too-much-Gundam blues.
  16. Are there any photos of it online? Every time I see one on Yahoo Japan auctions they only post the box picture (which is an illustration) and I have no idea what the sculpting looks like.
  17. I am proud of this? Please stop putting words into my mouth.
  18. I think it was 2 years ago, during a convention panel of HG, some of the folks from MW boards attended and asked them questions regarding the legality of their practices and started booing their answers. A photo was taken of the HG posse (including BankOfKev) being given the bird and posted here but was taken off almost immediately.
  19. Excellent choice. That song stayed on top of the J-pop charts for several months, definitely one of my faves. I also love the theme songs of Sumire and Iris from the first 2 Sakura Wars. Too bad they didn't get new ones in Sakura Wars 4.
  20. Sounds like a great idea, although the polycap problem does need to be addressed. Major Tom sold me a Destroids Conversion Set (although I have no idea where I put it... ) so I can definitely use recasts of the frame and shared parts. Please keep us posted if you decide to go ahead with the project. If there aren't enough interest here you can always sell some recasts on eBay to recover the cost of your time and effort.
  21. Hmm, I wonder if we'll be treated to more hilarious photos with people flipping the bird at the other camp this year.
  22. ??? The game does include cel animated scenes. Are you saying the DVD only includes the CG animated cut scenes using the in-game engine?! That's an even bigger ripoff then I thought it was.
  23. But we do expect them to be crap... Edit in: referring to the MS in Action figures
  24. Hahaha, the same could be said for the Yamato 1/60 VF-1s. After the hugely disappointing DYRL Hikaru 1A (come on... they did perfect transformation for the Macross Plus ones, there's no excuse to pull this leg swap stunt) I should have stopped, but it took me until the Super 1J before I told myself enough is too much. Edit in: Not to mention one of the legs refuses to lock into position for Gerwalk mode. Talk about crappy QA...
  25. Full story Another grad degree certainly wouldn't hurt, I wonder what qualifications do they look for in awarding scholarships, though.
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