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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Sean Astin's body-building, 'roid-raging character from 50 First Dates.
  2. Are slide cards compatible with DVD-9 format discs? I know the flip-top method, which also uses a Swap Magic disc, doesn't work with the DVD-9 discs.
  3. McCain on the possibility of funds for the jet fighter program being used elsewhere. Edit in: for those who may be unable to access the link:
  4. So is this game worth 50 bucks? How much replaying value is there, considering I heard there were only 5 scenarios and like 8 different characters? On a side note, Capcom is offering RE Director's Cut for an amazing price here. "Free shipping on orders over $40.00."
  5. Forget HCM Pro, now this is exciting stuff:
  6. Wow, my friend used to have a replica of it. Wonder if he sold it or still has it.
  7. The punchline was the groping. Anyway... Surprised A1 hasn't posted this story yet.
  8. Yes I can... another endless color/head variation on the VF-1s.
  9. Saw it during The Apprentice. Boo on obvious and cheap-looking CG Spidy. Looks like they blew so much of their budget they can only afford to cloth Dr. Oct in sleeveless tank tops.
  10. Shameless plug for my auction.
  11. The Matrix Online section of the Matrix Revolution DVD contains interviews with the an earlier development team that's no longer onboard, something of an oversight that the DVD production team didn't get rid of but will be removed in future pressings. Might wanna get the "error" version since it won't be available in the future.
  12. Vol. 2 won't be an action fest like vol. 1. Those who whined vol. 1 was a mindless slaughterhouse flick with no clever dialog or writing will be happy to know that they'll get what they wanted in spades in vol. 2. Still debating whether to pick up the vol. 1 DVD or wait for both parts to come out in 1 package as they were meant to be...
  13. Be very afraid of strangers knocking on your door in the near future.
  14. You got that backwards buddy. They had no idea who the guy with the virus was until the man that released the virus in the hotel, now in CTU custody and being interrogated by Michelle, IDs his photo. Jack's only role was in helping CTU refine the search parameters and then IDing the guy's name based on the photo. Jack then calls MI6 who in turn gives him info about the madame's relationship to their ex-agent, when Jack decides to pick her up and bring her in to MI6 for questioning. Michelle demanded from Tony suicide pills used by field agents should they be captured and subject to torture to ease the suffering of the infected hotel guests. Tony was caught by Chappelle fetching the pills but was given the go-ahead despite the fact it's against "every regulation in the book". The ordering of Chappelle's death was incidental - they found out that Chappelle's following the money trail of their operation and must be stopped.
  15. Welcome to 1999, the Gundam was redesigned with the Turn-A 5 years ago by gaijin Syd Mead. Now kids, shield your eyes... Serious! Put on your Ray-Ban! You've been warned...
  16. I saw this either on the news or Tech TV a while back.
  17. Apparently none of you even bothered to read a brief bio on Scott. He might have been the youngest SEAL grad, but he never saw any combat while serving in the Navy and he worked as a fitness and movie consultant (he trained Demi Moore for GI Jane). Thanks a lot for generalizing the entire herd based on 1 ass misbehaving...
  18. I wouldn't trivialize the loss that way, especially considering one of them was a very close friend of my buddy.
  19. Mobile suits weren't developed to fight other mobile suits initially. Remember the Zakus were made because they served the role of nimble ship killers (like aircrafts) and were unopposed on the battlefield at the time because the Feds only have lame-o fighters and Balls for fleet defense. As with most technology, you start big until efficiency and new technology allows you size it down. The very computer you are using now would require more than a single room to fit merely decades ago. I wouldn't worry too much about trying to explain some future technology using what is known today. Imagine Ash trying to explain to those medieval guys the wonders of chemistry and his boomstick.
  20. Metal? "Big hair sissy boys whining" sounds more appropriate for them.
  21. Bandai America thinks that by slapping the kits in fugly boxes with English outside but no English translated manual inside is "adding value" worth of twice the original price. I haven't seen a MG kit at local TRUs for about a year. That must have been an inventory clearance meant to get rid of stuff that's been sitting on the shelf for far too long.
  22. I wish the DVD comes with an alternate ending... hehehehe.
  23. * Groan * As a diehead Gundam fan, I will have to say...
  24. She looked better as the petrified corpse in The Ring.
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