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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Subservient Chicken Try asking it to eat some McDonald's or KFC.
  2. I don't think Jack "faked" it - read the episode synopsis here. It appears to be based on the script or unfinalized cut, as the broadcast version ends with the gun shot (without Kim telling Tony new info) and the usual clock countdown is soundless. WARNING: the link contains spoilers for Tuesday's episode!
  3. Note to self: never accept a high-level appointment at the CTU.
  4. Why is the quality not as good as the Hikaru 1J? Don't they use the same mold? Or did Yamato change factories again and got a bad one this time?
  5. Yeap, if they have firewalls in place (and most likely they do), it will intereferece with most online games if not cripple them entirely.
  6. So you're gonna drag your girl back to complete her experience?
  7. As an offline game no. I rented it this past weekend. ugh the A.I. for your partners is awful. All they do is run into zombies. I don't play online but I could see where RE OB would be fun with other players. Thanks, I heard the load time is intolerable if you don't have a PS2 HDD. My only concern is if I wait until the price drops there won't be people playing online by then.
  8. I find it interesting that people find the need to bash a flick when they've only seen the first half. If I started bashing DYRL after having only seen the first hour...
  9. I'll be an undercutter... I'll sell mine for $200.
  10. Now that's a toy that deserves to be called a Chunky Monkey.
  11. From the trailer it looks like they ripped more from Animatrix than anything else... except instead of a war between men and machine we get Fresh Cop of Bel Air battling hordes of robots and saving the day single-handedly.
  12. The pegs for the PG Zeta is not exactly tough enough to hold the legs in Wave Rider mode AND take occassional abuse. One of the pegs on mine is showing white stress mark. They should have cast these pegs as diecast parts instead. Other than that, everything locks into position rather nicely. The polycaps aren't too great at maintaining poses in MS mode, however, due to the weight of the plastic vs. the strength of the polycaps.
  13. It does, but it also comes with regular beam sabers:
  14. Get it from Hobby Search with 5% off MSRP: Click this link It's in the center of the 2nd row in the right frame.
  15. If you have the MG ZZ, I think it uses the same part for the sabers as the PG Gundam.
  16. Extended Cut DVD coming
  17. So did you get the Rei figure? Was it a disappointment?
  18. Gimme $280 + S/H and you shall have one.
  19. CN doesn't do the dubs. This is what you get when Bandai America, in the name of cost-cutting, hires non-union Canadian shops to do the dubbing for their shows.
  20. Yeap, that's designed for one of the voice actresses who had a role in the Encounters in Space videogame for PS2. They even had it as a downloadable mobile suit for the game in Japan. Obviously, the neutered US version doesn't have it because they removed that portion of the game's features and did not include it along with all the kiddie Gundams they crammed onto the disc.
  21. On the off chance that the little green men attack us, we should at least have some decent fighters to defend ourselves besides harsh language, the flu, and computer virus...
  22. Add the following DVD-9 games to the list of the ones that won't work with the flip-top: - Sakura Wars: Atsuki Chishio Ni - Sakura Wars Monotagari: Mysterious Paris From what I hear, Xenosaga won't work either since it's DVD-9 too.
  23. I am more worried about how the manufacturer is ever gonna recover all their investment. It's not like they can turn around and sell the planes to the highest bidder on the open market. Think about all the jobs and potential boost in economy this would have generated.
  24. There is nothing remotely realistic when Snake can engage in Codec chatter all day without attracting all the guards around him, assuming he is voicing his lines - I don't think it was ever mentioned that the nano-machines can read what's on the spec op agent's mind and translate it into speech the field CO are hearing.
  25. Dang, they lowered the price already? I bought one last month and it was $49.99 before taxes. I had to travel to another Costco to find the all-region model because the first one were out of them - more than half of the ones they sold were returned as defective, BTW. Luckily mine still works, but I don't use it unless I need to play a non-R1 disc or VCD. I suppose all these super-cheap DVD players use plastic lens instead of glass? How long are the plastic lens supposed to last anyway?
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