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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Was this movie distributed by Universal outside of the US?
  2. Do you guys think Agent One would have a tattoo of Schwarzenneger, himself, or door knob on his body?
  3. Is ADV offering any kind of trade-in / discount deal for customers who already bought the original R1 DVD set?
  4. Didn't Shoji Kawamori design it? Are you saying he didn't work out the transformation details before handing the design over to the animators? I think a transforming Escaflowne has been available in resin kit form long before Yamato "worked out" the transformation details.
  5. I vote for Dr. Evil's space craft. Actually I should vote for his other one... "Private!" "Johnson!" "Willie!"
  6. Except for a quickie fix with the hip joints, it's pretty much the same VF-11b. Most people don't like it due to the smallness of the FP. If your 11b has no hip problems and you were hoping the FP version contains major improvements, then you don't need to get the FP version.
  7. AEUG vs Titans was supposed to come out in the US but now that Bandai decided to scale back on all merchandising related to Zeta Gundam to focus on Seed, I wouldn't hold my breath. Considering the game's been out since last year, I think this one is likely to go down the route of Lost War Chronicles (import only) since they're too busy gearing up Gundam Battle Assault 3 *cough* crap *cough* featuring Seed suits.
  8. 2004 - 1990 = 24?
  9. There's only so many polygons you can slap on a design before it starts to look stupid. Besides, isn't the mapping of complex textures on polygons pretty CPU intensive, especially when the complexity involved is on the level of the VO: M Temjin? Every movement requires recalculation and reprojection, unless, of course, some fancy mapping algorithm was involved. There lies the problem with Katoki's thinking - instead of slapping on more polyons on the surface of the basic design, he should smooth out the overall design using curves. Whereas the old systems like the Sega Saturn lacked the power to push enough polygons and thus limit his design to simple geometrical shapes, today's systems like the PS2 have enough horsepower that objects can appear curvy instead of polygonal without sacrificing speed. I don't think there's much texture mapping used in VO:M - look at the design, it's all polygonal. PS2 is very lacking when it comes to RAM for texture mapped games (2D fighters in particular). The programmers of Sega (or any good developer) wouldn't rely on texture mapping for a PS2 title if they can help it.
  10. Shin Matsunaga got the earliest version of the High Mobility Zaku II. The Black Tri-Stars version is a slightly improved version, thus the designation MS-06R1A. Johnny Ridden didn't get his until the 2nd generation High Mobility Zaku II (MS-06R-2) was developed. It features extra armor on the legs and the interior mechanics were closer to the new generation MS (Rick Doms and Gelgoogs) than the Zakus even though on the outside it still looks exactly like a Zaku. MG kits of all 3 versions of the MS-06R series are available. For other ace customs such as Robert Gillian, etc. you'd have to paint your own. The US version can't be patched, you're better off going the import route, consdiering good Gundam games like Lost War Chronicles will never see a US release.
  11. Magician Lord sequel... the vaporware that never was. I'd love to see a Beast Busters cart for the NeoGeo myself...
  12. Stick with consoles unless there are some upcoming PC-exclusive games you absolutely, positively must play.
  13. I have that manga, a compilation that also features other MSV Aces like Shin Matsunaga and Thomas Kurtz. It came out in the late 1990s, nearly 2 decades after these MSV characters were invented, just to cash in on their now legendary names kept alive in games like Giren's Greed and MG kits featuring their ace custom suits.
  14. I agree. With the hardware being able to push more polygons than ever, Katoki's designs haven't really caught up with increased horsepower. Just adding more polygonal patterns on existing limbs doesn't do much for me either.
  15. I am surprised Hasegawa picked it up - Wave had the Virtual-On license since the beginning and didn't seen to be doing very well with it.
  16. The manga, much like the Blue Destiny manga, was created for the sole purpose of promoting the game. It started serializing in Gundam Ace magazine shortly before the game came out to hype the game.
  17. You might want to check out the Sound Setup section for the movies in your library that has "sound problems" on your super duper 6.1 sound system. Most movies allow you to configure the soundtrack to take advantage of DTS and other setups, but autoplay does not always configure to best take advantage of your sound system.
  18. Did you unlock everything? That can take some time. I still haven't unlocked the Public, no big loss since I hate getting some weak ass ship from random selection. Import Lost War Chronicles if you want some good ground combat action. They made some huge improvements to the engine used in Journey to Jaburo. The Thoroughbred story was brand new, made up just for this game. None of the characters or mecha existed before this game. Johnny Ridden and Shin Matsunaga have been around since the MSV days, a line of model kits produced between the original series and Zeta Gundam. They were the ace pilot characters created to sell more model kits. Yu Kajima is the main character from the Blue Destiny trilogy of Sega Saturn games. I think it was the development team's first Gundam game. Cima's backstory was taken from part 2 of a 2-CD 0083 audio drama. The other CD's story is depicted in Kou's 2nd mission. BTW the US version you have got its online mode neutered, so any new MS made available for download won't be available. Bandai US hardcoded the Wing Zero Custom, Master, God, and Strike into the game but you won't be able to download suits like Casval's Gundam or the custom Zaku made for one of the game's VAs: Imagine being able to humiliate your opponent using this Zaku. Only in the JP version.
  19. Final NeoGeo games scheduled for July release
  20. The scenes involving Hanzo and his apprentice in the sushi bar was subtitled in the theatrical release. Check your DVD and see if that scene was subtitled (it should be). I'm holding out for the super duper edition that reunites the 2 parts as they were meant to be seen, with all the extras that should have been included.
  21. I don't even wanna know what Blaine will do with Man-Faye pictures when he's REALLY bored.
  22. I was slightly creeped out until I figured out that the video clips were pre-recorded. It's just an AI interface that deciphers your command and links it to the corresponding clip for playback. You'll notice in between each command/clip the chicken always walks to the center of the room to "reset", but you can still tell by the slight disposition of the chicken in between clips. If it were live, the chicken would have a hard time responding to everyone's request right away. Edit in: Ask the chicken to do some kung fu moves.
  23. 5 pages and tons of B-wing votes and still no love for the TIE Bomber?! Come on... the star of TIE-tanic has to have some fans!
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