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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Don't these ARII 15th Anniversary reissues come with a mini character figure in each kit? Or is it just a few select designs that have them?
  2. Nah, we're talking about people with names, roles and spoken lines here. Otherwise nothing can top Evangelion.
  3. Actually, I think the reason this "American thing" happened was because of the long lead time between US prototyping and production and shipping from China. The Chinese factories do not always build to specs, and by the time the manufactured toys arrive on our shores the company faces the choice of selling what they paid for or trash the entire shipment and eat their losses. Guess what everyone did in the end. Most of the early McFarlane "variants" were a result of fixes to the scenario described above. They first version always had some kind of defect or mistakes that got fixed in the later reissues. They only started this whole manufactured variant practice later on when they realized there was a market for it. You don't see this practice with Japanese manufactuers because they are much closer to China geographically and usually problems are caught before the product was made and shipped. BTW I don't think the TRU cannon fodder is really that rare. You'd be lucky if you can get back what you paid for it, as is the case with most 1/60 Yamatos.
  4. Have you seen Aura Battler Dunbine? He wiped out every single character, including the main ones, except for one minor character who lived to tell the tale. Zeta doesn't even come close in terms of annihilation ratio, with plenty of people left over to carry on in ZZ.
  5. Eh? Weren't the Macross Plus toys from Yamato ripped off from existing Studio Halfeye designs?
  6. That sounded so wrong on so many levels.
  7. * Patiently awaiting Agent One's comments *
  8. The GX-02B is cast from the same mold as the GX-02, so if any improvements were made on the GX-02R that doesn't exist on the GX-02, you are not likely to see them on the GX-02B.
  9. Just when you think they wrote off Sherry Palmer, the bitch is back. I am soooo tired of her attitude.
  10. Apparently his costume won for worksmanship... but did not win for guts. Unfair, I tell ya.
  11. I know at least 1 person on MW will get this watch... mcj32th_img529x481_1064763941p9
  12. I don't do anime pretty boys. This is more like it:
  13. Mine happens to be a personal friend who lives in Japan and is not taking any more new customers due to his new job, so it's useless even if I give you his e-mail. I can tell you to stay away from Celga though... high fees.
  14. Like that has ever stopped anyone determined enough to get what they want. There are tons of deputy services out there that let you get around the "YJA sellers don't ship overseas" red tape. Tell me more!! Please!! Ever tried this phrase with Google's search engine? "Yahoo Japan auction deputy service" Captain Obvious to the rescue...
  15. I'd be all over it if it were an Asuka or Misato LE G Shock instead.
  16. Like that has ever stopped anyone determined enough to get what they want. There are tons of deputy services out there that let you get around the "YJA sellers don't ship overseas" red tape.
  17. Fans of Mobile Suit Gundam often debated whether the original TV series should be re-animated to introduce younger fans raised on the new style anime who can't stomach the fugly old animation. What are your thoughts regarding reanimating SDF: Macross, HG legality issues aside?
  18. I doubt they are that coveted considering there's been 2 Bandai reissues for it (although slightly modified), unlike the armored set which saw no reissue from Bandai.
  19. It can't possibly be worst than the Mk II...
  20. You like it!!!? I thought so... Here's something to think about, I am not wearing any pants in that picture either.
  21. Both the Perfect Gundam and Perfect Zeong originated from the old Plamo Kyoshiro manga, where the titular character builds customs and sticks them in virtual reality machines and battle with other people's custom Gundam models. The Musha Gundam also came from the manga before Bandai ripped the idea off and started making a buttload of SD Musha Gundams.
  22. What's wrong with her chest? It looks so.....normal. I thought those kits usually had D-cups and fanservice out the whazoo. It's a B-Club release, those crazy fan service proportioned sculpts are usually associated with specific sculptors whose kits are usually sold at conventions as exclusives since they are not affiliated with major GK shops.
  23. That's the million dollar MW slogan.
  24. That's my favorite Mari song. Are there any other songs she wrote which sound like that?
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