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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Dry-transfers may work better if you wash your plastic with warm soapy water first to get rid of the mold release agent. Try blue instead on your Sazabi: mix_ism_img600x600_1017927419sa
  2. Anybody seen this? Not sure if they're MGs but it's hilarious.
  3. Women's groups j/k Gotta face the reality. We as males are not going to be needed anymore. We're being phased out. Are you kidding? This is only men's first step in the quest to create the perfect woman. Genes for a Hollywood star face: $5M Genes for a pair of porn star boobs: $2M Having your dream woman: priceless.
  4. Yeah, that "female" mouse is more like this:
  5. I only caught the last 10 minutes of the show, he was sitting on the couch while the rest of the guests and Jimmy pretty much ignored him except for the occasional use of him as the butt of a joke.
  6. Guess which new late night talk show is gonna be canceled next for its inability to book A-listers.
  7. That's gotta be the worst costume you can wear in public. Imagine what if you suddenly get a boner with no desk to hide... My eyes!!!
  8. Mistakes are what makes rock guitar cool in the first place. He's not releasing it for profit but just for fun, so I wouldn't demand perfection.
  9. When you get to the credits please take a note on whether Flagship developed it.
  10. Wow, those prices are insane. Are they Bendi kits?
  11. I am not a fan of these small scale SOCs... they better start releasing GoDaiKin sized toys for God Marz, God Sigman, GoLion, Sun Vulcan, Goggle V, etc. soon.
  12. Sniping is for cowards. Teach your kid how to kick asses like you did back in the days. Better for him to take other kid's candy and money than to have him go to jail for a felony.
  13. Did you repaint the RickDom to Char's colors or was it the coated limited edition? Edit: Nevermind, I forgot they came out with a non-coated version last year.
  14. Can you escape from the Viridian Room? The site is getting tons of hits so if it doesn't load, keep hitting the refresh button until the Flash loads.
  15. Dude, I hate to point it out, but Hef probably bagged more chicks BEFORE he NEEDED Viagra, than most of us will ever hit in our lifetimes. LOL, that was a badly worded analogy. I was comparing the physical level of "high" and totally forgot about the "body count" part as far as Hef's prick's concerned.
  16. Man, I ain't seen an auction where there were more canceled bids than bona fide ones. Check out the bid history of that wedding dress. "Entered wrong bid amount" my ass...
  17. From what I hear they kept Reno's French in the beginning briefly but the rest was done by some crappy sounding English VA (hallmark of Capcom games). Did Reno record his character's Japanese lines or was it done by a Japanese VA?
  18. Say what? Every time someone's jet gets shot down by a missile it's parachute eject time. That show has about as high a bodycount as Hefner's prick before he found viagra.
  19. I heard Capcom pulled an Onimusha 2 again (English dub only) and the dialogue borders on ridiculously lame. Was wondering what folks here think about the final installment.
  20. Dante's Peak and Mars Attacks! Only because he was horrible in them...
  21. May isn't here yet. Look at the cover again, it's the June 2004 issue, which just came out in Japan. June isn't here either dude..... I'm confused. Look at the original post. He was referring to the June issue of Hobby Japan, as the scanned cover shows, it says JUNE 2004 right on it. You then asked if the 1/100 Red Frame's picture were out since May this year instead of June last year, answer was no. We're at the end of April and the picture's (on the cover of the June 2004 issue of HJ) already out. Lay off on the doobies, it will help with all the confusion you're having.
  22. May isn't here yet. Look at the cover again, it's the June 2004 issue, which just came out in Japan.
  23. Whoa, they arms sure are chunky!
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