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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. I think you can find the original TV ad in this thread
  2. Without looking at the mail header I cannot be 100% sure, but I'll bet 99.999% it's fake. If you can decipher mail header, turn your mail client to view the message's full header and see where the message originated from. This is NOT the "reply to" field, but the ones that include the IP address of where the message originated from. If you are not sure, always forward the message to spoof@ebay.com they will tell you if the message is authentic or not within 24 hours. There are also a lot of similar fake messages sent to PayPal account holders. You should forward them to spoof@paypal.com if you are not sure whether the message you got is legit or not. These 2 sites NEVER e-mail people asking for their private info, so more likely than not it's so jerkoff that's trying to ripoff people who are too trusting.
  3. Hmm, I was only aware of 1 set. Do you have pictures of the most recent set? Which volume of Eva manga did they come bundled with?
  4. Are they big enough for ya?
  5. What sucks is they confirmed orders without checking against inventory status. Hope it wasn't a bait and switch sale, advertising stuff they don't have just to get traffic to their site.
  6. LISTEN TO THIS CRAP!! (What luck I have....) I go ahead and share the info to those who are interested and place my order for a Super Gundam. It's confirmed THREE TIMES and I send a money order. They call me today and say they OVERSOLD!!! Of course, I say "So what. How about YOU find another kit and send it to honor what YOU have confirmed." ........nothing, but apologies and that "it has happened to many other people due to their sale".............CHUMPS!!! End up getting the refund+cost of stamp+cost of money order and free shipping on a future order.....whooppeee I WANTED MY SUPER GUNDAM!!!! But I digress........hopefully whoever ordered from MW got what they wanted! You lucky bastages!!! BTW.......anyone got an extra Super Gundam lying around for $20?? Man, I feel for you. I paid for mine at MSRP + shipping from HLJ years ago. You probably won't be spending that much buying it from within the US these days.
  7. Isn't Ricky Tan the guy from Rush Hour 2? I don't recall ever seeing him on a motorcycle.
  8. Nothing personal, you didn't exactly answer the original question so I rephrased it to make it more clear.
  9. "Fun with Weapons" is on rotation this week! Anyone who missed it the first time around can catch it tonight (10PM and Midnight Pacific) or sometime this weekend on Comedy Central.
  10. It's the Aisan Prince. Do a Google search and you'll get an eyeful. He's the kind of pop star / idol you can expect to see on Asian TV shows when they run out of girly men and jailbait idols with looks but not the voice to match.
  11. Alex told me about this on Saturday April 10th, 2004. Did he tell you when he received the C&D letter? For all we know he could be recalling ancient history when the first 1/60 Yamatos came out.
  12. Yeap, it's the Gundam HCM reissues that came out about 2 years ago. There's never been any reissues of the Valk HCMs, rumor has it that the mold was beyond repair to be of any good. If you want them, Toynami MPCs are the next best thing.
  13. POSITIVE!?!?! Why they heck do we need more POSITVE entertainment?!? Oh boy, I am not sure if this is what one considers a positive image...
  14. Unless there's something wrong with the angle, you can't argue that the legs aren't fat in this photo, where the thickest diameter of her leg exceeds her waist: Compare it to this illustration where her leg's thickness never exceeds the diameter of her waist, for example:
  15. Too bad there weren't any SD Zaku Flipper and the legged version of the SD Psycommu Test Type Zaku.
  16. Is it just me or are this figure's legs way too chunky? The proportions all looked wrong. Small head, long body, fat legs...
  17. I remember reading an article in the newspaper about this project last year. Back then it was called "World of Tomorrow" and only Jude Law and Gweneth Paltrow were in the cast. It was basically a one-man-show - there was no set, it was just the film's writer/director with his PC and a bluescreen. They were trucking along slowly and the filmmaker had no idea if this movie would ever get finished. There was no mention of "flying robots" in the article. Looks like Paramount pumped some cash into the production and added Jolie, hoping to make a blockbuster out of an indie.
  18. You should watch the shows you missed in that order. Go with the movies unless you're getting the HK boot of the full TV series of MSG - the R1 DVD is English only and was lacking an episode that was voted by Gundam Ace readers as one of the top 10 episodes of all time. Bandai did Gundam a huge disservice by releasing CCA before Zeta is released. You miss out a lot on the dynamics between Amuro and Char without having seen Zeta beforehand. CCA was released only about 2 years before 0083, I don't think the animation quality is significantly inferior. In fact, having re-watched 0083 recently, its animation quality is not as good as I remembered it.
  19. No, I don't have a digi cam, unfortunately. These are some of the nice customs I've seen on Yahoo Japan auctions, and they all fetched a nice sum for the seller/builder too. Here's another nice one, Dozel Zabi's custom Zaku II: r_works2001_img400x600_10206157
  20. I think both were designed by Yutaka " Patlabor" Izubuki. That might explain the similarities, although technically both models inhereited Ramba Ral's Gouf colors. Here's another alterna-color scheme which works well for a monoeye:
  21. Like I said back on Page 4 of this Thread, I in no way claimed it as fact, I was just quoting what the Proprietor of Little Anime Shop told me First Hand. If there was any "Faulty" info, it came from him. I posted an inquiry in a less popular thread in the "Where to Buy Section" Frank & Sons Thread because I wanted to know if any of the F&S regulars had talked to the dude since I heard that tidbit from him. His booth was closed over this past weekend which prompted me to inquire. Check that other thread, another MW member was there and overheard my conversation with him. If you are really concerned email him at alex@littleanimeshop.com Oh yeah, now I remember. He's the guy that tried to sell me the reissued HCMs as "original issues from the 80s" when the boxes were clearly labeled with content materials formatted in compliance with current Bandai packages.
  22. WTF? 6 pages later and there's still no solid concrete new info. Did this Alex receive the C&D letter back then or just recently?
  23. I'll take a rehash of a good, solid series over a new POS like G-Saviour any day. Original does not equal good. Bandai obviously realized they've alienated a lot of old school fans with Seed and are trying to recapture some of the core audience that are leaving Gundam for good.
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