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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. The RE movie opened in spring 2002, Monsters, Inc. came out around fall 2001. Their release dates were at least half year apart. Milla Jojovich was the flick's only redeeming quality.
  2. Sony only started hiring programmers to code their PS1 and 2 emulator for the PS3 less than a year ago, so the console is far from being ready for roll out. Sony is only dropping the price of the PS2 to $149.99 so as not to be the most expensive console on the market. Don't worry, go ahead and buy a PS2. It will last you a few years before the PS3 comes out. BTW, if you are thinking about putting a mod chip in it, don't. Due to a class action lawsuit, Sony has settled and are now offering free repairs on any PS2 that has the infamous Disc Read Error problem. This offer is good regardless of your PS2's warranty status (if you bought yours upon launch you can still get it repaired if you're only experiencing DRE problems now) but they do not repair modified PS2s.
  3. It does not exist. There are 3 "trailer" clips that can be unlocked by beating Patlabor Game Edition for the PS1 which were completed a few years before the game came out, but the actual movie was never made.
  4. Apple //e, ah, brings back memories.
  5. This is Gundam. This is Flash animators high on illegal substance. This is the result of mixing them.
  6. So they're gonna do the territorial lockout BS with the PSP? Will the DS keep the no-lockout tradition or go with this non-sense?
  7. Great display case, and works with the Great Mazinger and Grendizer as well. Well worth the bucks since it enhances the display value of your other SOCs. I only wish I had 5 instead of just 1. So I can have a base for each (including the black versions).
  8. Nice, that's the complete set I think. Had all of them when I was a kid.
  9. You know Saunders will cave to save his daughter. He didn't kidnap Michelle just for fun, the kid obviously means a lot to him regardless of his speech about willing to sacrifice Jane for his goal. I thought Wayne would volunteer to take the fall in order to save David's presidency, but instead Palmer just sinks lower and lower. Once he went down that slippery slope there's nowhere to go but down I guess. Was the guy who Wayne met at a garage the same guy who played Drake from Aliens?
  10. Looks like the speaker to me. Too bad it's not stereo...
  11. I thought Sega was going to announce something regarding their participation in a new console and that all their titles will be exclusive to that console. Did that turn out to be a bogus rumor or have they made any announcements at E3 yet?
  12. you mean ???? http://www.kaikodo.net/kin01/kin79.html http://www.ne.jp/asahi/star/hoshimiru/TOY/0-banchi.html I am very impressed, I thought no one knew about these toys. Another quality line from Takatoku. I wonder what today's toy scene would be like if they had stayed in business...
  13. Here's another parody of the original Gundam: Gasodam
  14. Bonus points for anyone who can ID this obscure toy and the series it's from.
  15. when was this book released?? where i can get this book? thanks, d It was last year, book was never reprinted. Sold out in all local J bookstores real fast too. My friend has a copy, he's asked me to eBay it for him so I might put it up this week or later.
  16. The Gold Frame was only released as an exclusive 1/144 kit with Degenki's How to Build Gundam Seed book.
  17. Golden rule of crappy summer blockbuster. You can have a lame story, bad direction, and awful effects. As long as you cast a hottie, it'll put butts in theater seats. Jennifer Connelly certainly did that for The Hulk last year.
  18. I think that's all the designs there is. I have them individually but they are not colored in like the big compilation posted above.
  19. The one on auction is a bootleg. The Chinese on the box says "Space Battleship", which sounds more like Space Cruiser Yamato than SDF Macross.
  20. I don't know if there's gonna be an album but Van Hagar is gonna be on tour... Blaeechhh! Hagar rejoined Van Halen? That's news to me. I thought their split was not so amicable.
  21. Make it Agent One and I'll watch the show. Don't forget to remove all doorknobs.
  22. Yeah, the last one I got contained a bogus story about how my account was used to place numerous "fake bids". A quick check through the mail header revealed the e-mail came from China. I forwarded it to eBay's spoof dept. and the FBI, so if some nerd in Shanghai got busted, you know I did my part.
  23. My friend in Japan told me about this show about 2 years ago. Japan's version of The Truman Show. I can't believe he didn't know the entire country was watching him though, I mean look at the screen grabs, he was playing to the camera... It must suck to be locked up like that and not getting laid.
  24. That doesn't look like the complete mail header, but I'll point out which of the following can be forged: Return-Path: <aw-confirm@ebay.com> this can easily be forged by the sender Received: from ordenador-001 ([]) for <my e-mail>; Thu, 6 May 2004 10:22:46 -0700 (PDT) by eagle (EarthLink SMTP Server) with SMTP id 1blMAb6503NZFji0 this is your ISP's mail server's stamp IDing where it received the message from (ordenador-001, whose IP address is - look it up here reveals it is a server located in Holland. Note however that this could have been a relay server and the message could have originated from elsewhere, but your mail header does not contain such info - either the header is incomplete or the sender used stealth software to cover his tracks From: "aw-confirm@ebay.com" <aw-confirm@ebay.com> this can easily be forged so don't trust it To: "Buyer macrossskullone()( 34)" <my e-mail> Subject: TKO NOTICE:Update Registration Information Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 18:22:23 +0200 Reply-To: "aw-confirm@ebay.com" <aw-confirm@ebay.com> The reply-to field is also easily forged, so never trust it Message-ID: <02145135.20040507182223@ebay.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Priority: 3 (Normal) Importance: Normal Organization: eBay INC. X-Mailer: EM: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_PartID_178086786233348" X-ELNK-AV: 0
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