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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Booth "babes" Remeber, they can't all be winners.
  2. Hey A1 did you catch this on TV? Be Gahlifournianh, Buy Gahlifourniah Crom
  3. Yes! I love class action lawsuits. Currently going though my collection of ADV Films DVDs I bought in the last 12 months...
  4. Not me, I'll be shopping for lingerie with my fellow bridge bunnies.
  5. As a straight male I could care less what an anime/manga male character wears, as long as his privates are covered. Now if we're talking female characters... less is more.
  6. Shouldn't all these women he fondled count their blessings instead of suing then?
  7. Insane gas price turning drivers to veggie oil Too bad this is only good for diesel cars... some genius needs to come up with an equivalent for us non-diesel drivers pronto!
  8. CG animated Transformers... they're already doing it on TV, won't be a stretch to see a feature film version. When Hollywood saw that VW did well by putting out a stupid-looking car and name it after one of their most popular models from a few decade ago, dozens of lightbulbs went off...
  9. What a loss... I don't mind Tony going to jail but Michelle made the show infinitely more watchable. I am surprised Palmer is coming back. I thought US Presidents can only serve 2 consecutive terms, and Mr. Insurance Salesman did 2 seasons already!
  10. No wonder I like "older" directors if this is what the best the new crop has to offer. Dude owes me 15 bucks for the waste of time known as Unbreakable and Signs. He had the most excellent casts and completely wasted their potential. The man is guilty for making Sam Jackson wear that hideous afro and not letting him go wild, and not living up to his potential exhibited by his first film. If he were to direct Schwarzengger it'll probably turn out to be a turd too, breaking AgentOne's Law of Movies™.
  11. I saw the trailer and was most unimpressed. The CG Garfield looked like it was designed by committee - they couldn't decide whether to stick true to the original design from the comics or to make it look more photo real so they compromised, and you've got this FUBAR looking thing, not making it fat enough in fear of being sued by fat people. But hey, the Scooby Doo movie made money with that fine looking CG dog (FOR ME TO POOP ON!) so kids will eat this one up too.
  12. The White Bronco chase is how many years old already? The LOTR references were more of a tribute I suspect - Dreamworks poached a lot of animators from WETA when they were still working on ROTK. Edit in: Does anyone find the King looking too much like Mango?
  13. Not really. The Japanese Hobby Magazines have a semi-regular column on how to fix-up your FIX figures for good reason. For the price they charge, the QA is somewhere near the level of the cheap action figures. I don't think I've ever come across one that has a perfectly symmetrical V-fin attached to the head. They are either crooked or the part itself warps unevenly, something you'd never see with the old Gundam toys made in Japan during the 1980s. Good for people who can't build kits and just want a good display piece (like the Yamato 1/60s) though.
  14. A tie between the Yamato 19 and 11B. Not that the transformation is hard to figure out, but the process is not transform-friendly.
  15. He was great in Sudden Death, but I think that's only because I am a sucker for Die Hard clones. I think the good directors knew how to hide his shortcomings and highlight what he does well. Bad acting is bad acting, just a matter of how much the director chooses to show to the audience.
  16. No Schwarzenegger = not a good movie. How ironic that a real-life wife-beater plays someone out to avenge his wife's death.
  17. A very suitable substitute to the banned pillow fight beer commercial.
  18. Yum. Naked Mandy. I wonder how long can she stay alive in the show if she was given more spoken lines.
  19. WTF? That looks exactly like a resin kit which was released several years ago. Did Yamato buy the sculpt or did they pull a "Toynami" as well? Compare:
  20. Drake's da man! "Hello, I am David Palmer, and I've approved the following message:"
  21. Look outside the window, people are dancing in the streets celebrating.
  22. Not until Bruce Willis shows up and shoots the kid as he says: "Yippekayay... M0+H3R$*3R" While Mace Windu shows up as Zeus and shove lightning up everyone's ass.
  23. You did? As long as it didn't hit ya in the nuts. Here's the opening weekend box office chart for the 1st RE movie. It got slaughtered by Ice Age, which made 2.7 times more than RE got.
  24. Knowing Bandai, if there's any "weapon set" in the horizon it will involve buying yet another F90 to go with it.
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