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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. What is it? Don't feel like downloading something from an unknown site these days.
  2. I doubt Howie wants to sacrifice his wholesome image peddling RadioShack junk.
  3. Although to be fair, JR, I don't think that episode is going to appear on any legit Japanese DVDs if they ever come out, since Tomino himself requested the episode be removed due to the fact that he just plain didn't like it. According to Bandai America. I have yet to hear these words from the man himself. If he hated the episode so much, why is it never removed from the show's syndication on Japanese TV? All the more reason not to buy the current dub-only R1 DVD. Re-importation is an excuse they use which sounds OK on paper but when one sees these HK boot DVDs are openly sold on Yahoo Japan auctions, that excuse falls like a house of cards.
  4. Is that supposed to be GTA3?
  5. It depends on whether you want to buy legit releases only or not. If you are only looking at R1 DVDs then your options are very limited: Mobile Suit Gundam TV series: multiple DVDs, not boxed, ENGLISH DUB ONLY. They have also re-recorded the soundtrack and replaced a lot of the show's trademark sound F/X with new ones that do not sound better nor make any sense (beam rifle now sounding like a shell-firing gun, etc.). To add insult to injury, the series is not complete, as one of the episodes were removed. If you want the full TV series experience in its original state instead of the "Special Edition", either pick up the Japanese LD boxes or the HK boot. Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy: available as a boxset, this is a special edition featuring re-recorded soundtrack and has both sub and dub. A good way to get introduced to the series without sinking a considerable amount of cash. The 08th MS Team: available on multiple discs, there is also a movie made from footage of this OVA series (plus new animation) called Miller's Report. This is the newest Gundam OVA production set in the UC universe so animation quality is fairly good, although I am not a fan of the hokey love story. Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket: OVA on 2 DVDs, this story takes place at the end of the One Year War and is told through the point of view of a civilian kid and a Zaku grunt pilot. Emotionally manipulative tearjerker/soap opera. Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory: OVA on 4 DVDs, featuring Gundams designed by Shoji Kawamori. Good animation, great action, good music, you can't go wrong with it. A compilation movie called "Last Blitz of Zeon" (aka Zeon's Fading Light) was released in Japan on LD and VHS but was never released on R1 or R2 DVD. It is basically a promo for the final episode's release on home video, so there's no point in collecting this movie unless you're an otaku that must have all things Gundam. Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: TV series to be released late this year as a DVD box. The cast from MSG returns as a support cast to a new generation of heroes and baddies. Compilation movies with new footage is in production in Japan, but no word on the movies' US release yet. Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ: TV series that picks up right where Zeta left off. First half of the series was lighthearted as it was directed by someone else than the regular director, who at the time was busy with the production of the Char's Counterattack feature film. When he returned to direct the second half of the series, it turned to the traditional "kill'em all" show. NOT AVAILABLE ON R1 DVD. Char's Counterattack: theatrical feature film that ends the Amuro vs. Char rivalry started in MSG. Gundam F91: a new era starts with a new slate of characters. This feature film did not do as well as expected, and a proposed series based on F91 was never produced. R1 DVD is supposed to come out this year but it's been a vaporware for years. Mobile Suit Victory Gundam: the final "classical UC" Gundam TV show. Another slate of new characters with new MS and new technology. Show didn't do that well, which prompted Sunrise to go to other directors and start exploiting the Gundam name, which resulted in G, Wing, X, and Seed, which have little to do with the UC shows cited here. V Gundam is unavailable on R1 DVD. Mobile Fighter G Gundam: imagine Dragonball meets Street Fighter and throw in a bunch of crazy looking Gundams and this is what you have. Gundam Wing: you probably have seen it on CN but if you haven't, pretty boys + sentai format + overpowered Gundams + annoying preachy chick = Wing. This TV series (available on R1 DVD only as a box now) yielded a 3-episode OVA series which was also released as a movie (Endless Waltz). The R1 DVD of EW contains both versions. Gundam X: a TV series that tries to pay tribute to the original series and be a happier sequel than Zeta is, got canned prematurely due to lousy ratings. No R1 and R2 DVD releases yet. Either get the LD, VHS, or HK boot if you want to see it. Turn-A Gundam: directed by the original director, this show takes places thousands of years after all the previous series to distance itself from all previous shows. It's mostly about racism and features surprisingly low body count given the director's reputation. 2 compilation movies were released as well, none of which are available on R1 DVD. Gundam Seed: a show designed to be a merchandising machine to sell model kits, toys, and soundtrack CDs. Very popular online due to the easy access to fansubs of this show. Coming out on R1 DVD individually. You will see some HK boot Gundam DVDs not listed here. Stay away from them. They are usually rips of promotional (e.g. free) videos or video game footages never meant to be seen outside of the game's context. There is also the live action movie G-Saviour, which is not really Gundam although it is available on R1 DVD. The movie is not even worth the plastic it comes on. Stay away from it and you will live a longer and happier life.
  6. No Schwarzenegger = not a good movie.
  7. You've just sold this movie to Agent ONE.
  8. Jolly Rogers

    clear jets?

    Are they translucent or molded in shiny colors?
  9. I think there's decap in 129. RE has very little gore. It's just chunks of red blocks without much detail. Added: Silent Hill 4 comics using actual screen shots Added: 3 movies containing spoilers
  10. Check out the ones whose file names end with 128, 129, and 138 (not the ones listed as #128, 129, and 138 in the gallery).
  11. LMAO Dr. V, that's a killer avatar.
  12. Wow, this has been a $h!tty month so far.
  13. Much like pirated DVDs, they spent next to nothing on developing the product. Back in the days, they actually had to reverse engineer and create a new mold from an existing toy they're making a bootleg off. With all the toys being made in China these days, my guessi s that a lot of the bootlegs were cast from the very same molds that were casting originals - the factory simply ran a couple thousand extra "off the record" while no one's looking, or they'd make duplicates of the mold and make copies else where.
  14. A little to skinny, I prefer this one better:
  15. gore? what gore? I can hardly see in any of those picts as it's too dark! According to those who are playing Part 4, some of the hallmarks of this series - flashlights and fog - are nowhere to be seen. The "gore" part refers to the images from around #150 or so. You've been warned...
  16. Over 200 (and growing) sreenshots - warning, may contain explicit gore
  17. Looks like a blow-up toy fashioned after the Pokemon jumbo jet (yes, there's actually a passenger plane painted with Pikachu on its exterior).
  18. For those who missed Conan O'Brien, catch the rerun on Comedy Central. Check out the NY vs LA segment. It's about 15 minutes into the show.
  19. I dunno, the T-1000 from T2 was one scary terminator. The Terminatrix from T3 was not scary at all. You also can't say Connor hooking up with Brewster wasn't "warm and fuzzy". Dude was homeless in the beginning of the movie, and he ends up with one of the few living chicks not mutated by the nuclear fallout.
  20. Did you actually check out that link for Lost Memories? Scroll down to the section on Valtiel Relating Valtiel to the Magician from Tarot cards Spoilers regarding SH1 and SH3 (highlight to read): Heather is in fact Alessa (you should know this if you've finished playing SH3). She reincarnated herself in the form of the baby given to Harry at the end of the original Silent Hill, who Harry raised as Heather. Claudia kept trying to remind Heather of "who she were" throughout SH3, because Heather was in fact Alessa, the vessel Dahlia Gillespie tried to use to bring their God to this world. Since the God was unborn, I called it a fetus (that sure looks like what Claudia swallowed). Heather/Alessa would be considered the mother of God. BTW Lost Memories was published by Konami as part of their official guide for Silent Hill 3 in Japan, so it's about as official as any book can get. Short of translation errors, whatever was stated in the 2 links above are official. PS I misspelled Valtiel as Vatiel... LOL.
  21. 312 is the # of the hotel room where James confronts the truth in SH2. Sunderland was just a regular Joe (main character from SH2). The doc is Kaufman from 1. The doc from 2 is not named, unless you are referring to the one who was referred to or wrote some of the memos you found in the hospital. The monster turning valves in 3 is special. SPOILER for plotpoint from 3 below (highlight to read): Vatiel is a guardian angel for the fetus of God that Heather/Alessa carries inside her. In some of the death scenes you see Heather's corpse getting dragged away by Vatiel, presumably so the fetus of God can be safely retrieved There's a book called Lost Memories, which contains interviews with Team Silent on the plot points, creatures, and characters from the first 3 games. It's in the process of being translated, and you can check out the translated passages here.
  22. As far as I know the voice acting in 2 and 3 are English only - the game being based in a small American town after all. They did provide sub options for many other languages. Did the JP version of the first game have a Japanese voice track? I think 4 was made by the same team that made 2, that's why I have high hopes for 4 (3 was made by a different team). According to Maskrider from SHF, he's a few chapters into the game and the story is "beginning to get interesting." In case no one's noticed yet, the main character from 4 is locked in "Room 312" and his landlord is also named Sunderland...
  23. Go look up the game at www.gamefaqs.com and you'll find some plot guides posted there. 3 was a direct sequel to 1 (2 being an independent story of its own) and was the best looking of the first 3 games and the most action oriented. I was slightly disappointed that the story was nowhere as good as 2's, but the unlimited submachine and light saber make it a lot more fun to play. The notes you come across in the games suggest that Silent Hill was built on sacred ground that has powers to manifest, give physical form to, the subconscious. This explains the creatures. The town is not inherently evil, it only serves as an amplifier of sorts for people's subconscious fears and desires. Story spoilers for Silent Hill (highlight to read): Harry Mason, a widowed writer, takes his daughter, Cheryl, to Silent Hill for a vacation. The got into a car accident and were separated at the outskirt of the town. Harry goes looking for his daughter, only to be attacked by hideous creatures. He later meets a cop, Cybil Shepherd, who comes from the next town to investigate as the town appears deserted. Harry meets a few living folks while encountering numerous creatures as he searched for his daughter. One of the "living folks" turned out to be a creature who did not realize that she had been turned into one. As Harry searches for clues, he came to realize that the strange happenings in the two has to do with a cult and the town covering up the cult's doings by distributing a drug called White Claudia. Harry also came to realize that Cheryl, his adopted daughter, was the soul of Alessa, a child who the cult had tried to use as a vessel to bring their God to our world. Alessa refused to be the vessel, which resulted in her being burnt alive. She lived, but spent years in misery in a hospital. During this time, she figured out a way to separate her soul from her body and entered into a newborn child, who was found by Harry and his then-living wife while they were vacationing at Silent Hill. At the end of the final confrontation, Alessa greets Harry and hands him another baby as a farewell gift. The creatures from the game, some have theorized, were from the nightmares of Alessa as her now soulless body still struggles against the pain as a burnt victim. The deformed nurses are a strong supporter of this theory, as her confinement to the hospital means her only social interactions are with nurses. The dogs also appear big and mean, as they usually do to small children. The killer children in the school is a physical manifestation of her fear of other children in school, who were being mean to her because of the special abilities she possessed (think Carrie). Story spoilers for Silent Hill 2 (highlight to read): James Sunderland, recently widowed, receives a letter from her dead wife telling him that she's waiting for him in Silent Hill "at that special place" they shared. Puzzled but too grieved to behave rationally, James goes to Silent Hill in search of Mary, his dead wife. Along the journey he encounters other searching souls who came to Silent Hill for their own reasons. Among them: Angela, who is still fighting the demon of her child-molesting dad (the pulsing rods in the room where she was menanced by the Door Monster being a less than subtle indication of this). Turns out she killed her father after years of abuse, but is unable to live with her guilt. The final scene between her and James was an indication that she was unable to cope with things and chose suicide (corresponds to the In Water ending where James commits suicide by plunging his car into the lake). Eddie, who turns out to be a psychopath who justifies his murders because people called him names for being fat. James ended up killing him in self-defense, and the state Eddie's life ended in indicates that he gave in to the madness, which corresponds to the Rebirth ending, where James takes his dead wife's body to a cult church in an attempt at resurrecting her. Maria, practically a doppleganger of James' deceased wife Mary, except she's more voluptious and sexy. Maria found herself in Silent Hill surrounded by monsters, and in exploring the town she found out she was one of the creatures herself, but she was given a human appearance due to James' desire to find his wife. Knowing that she is not the real deal but only a substitute, she exhibits insecurity issues around James and her repeated slaughters in front of James stem from James' desire to be punished for what he did to his wife. Her improved appearance in comparison to Mary also indicates that James wanted his wife back before the disease took her health and life away. The Maria ending where James leaves town with Maria obviously corresponds to this character, where James gives in to his desires regardless of the truth. Laura, a child who came to Silent Hill also looking for Mary. She spent time in the same hospital as Mary and became good friends. She is the only character who did not see any monsters in Silent Hill, and many attributed this to her childish innocence as compared to the other sinners who were summoned there for punishment/penance/redemption. She represents the "Leave" ending, where James finds redemption and receives a forgiving letter from his wife urging him to carry on with his life. Towards the end of James' adventure, he came to realize that while Mary's disease was terminal, it was him who ended her life early to ease her and his own suffering. The suppressed memory also played trick on his mind, making him believe that Mary died 3 years ago (when she was diagnosed as terminal) instead of a few weeks ago, as Laura correctly stated. Guilt-ridden, he felt the need to be punished (thus the creation of Pyramid Head, an executioner who repeatedly kills Maria in front of him and force James to confront his own guilt - after James came to terms with his own guilt at the end, there was no longer the need for the Pyramid Heads, therefore they "committed suicide" and no longer haunt him). The creatures James encountered are possibly manifestations of James' subconsciousness - the mannequin legs represent his sexual frustration that result from a bedridden wife. The patient demons and nurses represent the unpleasant memories from visiting his wife at the hospital, etc. That's the short and quick of it. I think you'll get a more in-depth analysis in the Plot Guides they have on GameFAQs.com. Added: You can also check out the Silent Hill Forums for more info via the link in the 1st post of this thread. If you go to page 9 or 10 of that link's thread there are video clips of the creatures from 4. Freaaaaky!
  24. GameTrailers.com has an extra freaky trailer. It sure looks scarier than 3, although if the story will be good like 2 remains to be seen.
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