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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. But of course. With toys you are the only one getting some enjoyment out of it.
  2. isn't it YF-1R? Maybe you're right... I am not a Robotech fan.
  3. No problem, I should have made it clear in the first place. Thanks for the help though.
  4. LMAO!!!!
  5. Actually the game I have is a licensed PC port - I played it years ago on a DOS machine before Windows 95 was out.
  6. Must be a surprise from a drunken bar encounter some 20 years ago.
  7. I had this game and played it years ago and decided to replay it recently, but after installing the floppy disks, the installed game won't run in Windows 98 without a customized DOS shell with special autoexec batch files. Does anyone have a working shell script that'd run under Win 98?
  8. From what I understand, the ones they did not renew were only the first 3 releases - the plain 1J, 1A, and 1S without any FAST packs.
  9. Actually, you can't say that about all their kits - they do carry some authentic stuff, and they also carry recasts... I know they carry authentic plastic injection kits like MG Gundams, etc. If they are also carrying authentic garage kits then that's news to me - must be a fairly recent thing.
  10. The Bandai re-issue Roy 1S is pretty much dead these days because people only want it with the Super pack.
  11. Why don't you check eBay or other online stores. I am pretty sure someone is willing to get rid of their copy for a few bucks if this game is as bad as everybody makes it out to be.
  12. Just FYI, the resin kits they carry are not original/authentic. Is their site down or taken offline?
  13. Takatoku: Hikaru 1J x 1 Super 1S x 1 Max 1J x 1 Joons: Airshow colors x 1 Cheapo bootleg: w/ 90s Bandai 1S head x 1 Bandai 90s release: Super 1S x 1 Bandai reissues: Hikaru 1J x 1 1S x 3 Hikaru 1A x 2 CF 1A x 2 Super 1S x 1 Max 1J x 1 Millia 1J x 1 Total: 16, plus 2 GBPs
  14. I think Wing is pretty much dead in the US. Stores no longer stock Wing toys and model kits except for the SD ones, which aren't exactly flying off the shelves either.
  15. You sir... are truly... EVIL!!! Not RedComet-level of evil I hope.
  16. I triple dare ya to "VF-1R" a 1/48.
  17. Those $10 ~ $20 games are US releases and the only ones left on the shelves are crappy sports titles. Macross M3 was never released outside of Japan.
  18. They showed a trailer in an earlier Anime Expo too when demos of Fed vs Zeon DX for PS2 were on display. "We have not made any announcements/decisions about a US release" = it won't come out, period. There's also the PS1/DC version of Giren's Greed that's been out around the time Rise from the Ashes for DC was released in the US. All Blizaard online games are free, no monthly fee required...
  19. What happened to the Ingram's thighs? They look very naked.
  20. Considering the sad state of UC Gundam in the US, I doubt it'd come out here. They didn't even bother bringing over OYW games like Giren's Greed, which I'd expect to require less translation work involved due to the repetitive nature of the battles. Seeing as how they crippled the Encounter in Space PS2 game's online feature for the US release - they can't even be bothered (or too cheap) to set up a server for MS skin downloads and custom pilot rankings, expect Bandai's Gundam MMORPG release in the US to be fee-based like FFXI.
  21. As if they weren't already doing it to the point of being excessive.
  22. Does that include Dodgeball, which beat The Terminal with Tom Hanks & Catherine Zeta-Jones and directed by Steven Spielberg, for #1 last week?
  23. If there's a J-town near where you live, check out their Japanese bookstores. That'd be your best bet.
  24. Have you tried National Console Support? ?
  25. Maybe she won't be returning in the sequels, so they figured why bother.
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