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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. No kidding. If they were serious, they should go after those who actually manufacture the discs in HK. These retailers are just like hydra heads. You cut a few off, more sprint up to take their places. They're just treating the symptoms and not the disease itself.
  2. If Bandai would spend 10% of their crackdown efforts on actually releasing their own DVDs on schedule, maybe people won't have to resort to boots. * cough * Zeta * cough * F91
  3. Hola Nicolas, mandame alfajores por favor? The last picture you posted are CG renderings of the parts in 1/1 scale for anyone who likes to try and scratchbuild their own parts to convert the 1/72 Hasegawa fighter models into a transformable one.
  4. Wow, you are a man of taste. The Kado Senshi line sticks to the original anime styling. Most MGs and PGs have been modernized, sometimes by people who didn't even design it in the first place.
  5. Like it's been mentioned before, it's Hutch from Hutch the Honeybee, not Speed Racer.
  6. That's based on the 1/144 Gold Frame Astray kit which came as an exclusive to the Dengeki Mook "Gundam Seed Modeling Manual". It got 1 print run and sold out rather quickly last year. Originally the 3 Astrays were supposed to be identical but for the colors, but they've since added a bunch of crap to make all 3 distinct from each other in Seed MSV. Edit: spelling
  7. Danger! Will Robinson! Thread lock imminent!
  8. Realism? Please tell me you are being sarcastic. Gundam remains popular because the products sold like hot cakes. It was a case of "let's give people more of what they liked". Zeta Gundam would never have been made if the model kits for original Gundam and MSV didn't sell like crazy. Once they've made a few sequels, they realized there's a lot of money riding on the franchise and became more conservative with new productions. It wasn't until the franchise was becoming stale and ratings started to fall (Gundam X) that they loosened the creative restrictions and allow a show like Turn-A to be made. However, the show wasn't the merchandising bonanza they hoped it'd be so here we have Gundam Seed and sequel being the good ho's for Bandai to pimp again. The rights to Gundam was owned by a corporation that has a banker sitting on the boards after its finances went down the crapper in the late 1990s. The rights to Macross was owned by artists. Therein lies the difference. Kawamori would rather follow his own muse and work on something with artistic merit/integrity than milking Macross on a full-time basis.
  9. Has it been confirmed that Okawara designed the Impulse? He may not be ideally bankrupt, but I am sure Sunrise and Bandai rejected his more creative designs in favor of the same old. Did you guys know the Sumo was Syd Mead's original proposal for the Turn-A Gundam? The color just drained from the Sunrise and Bandai execs and they rejected it, telling him what a Gundam should have. That's how you end up with the current version of Turn-A Gundam. If it were't for the powers that be, it would have looked like a bunch of cinnabuns.
  10. I dunno man, like I mentioned in an earlier post, my neighbor's kids behaved exactly like the one you had the misfortune to deal with (except they didn't pull that No. 2 crap at my house) and I did not think it was funny at all. It's more like a reflection of the sad state of affairs in parenting as far as our society is concerned. People spoil their kids silly and don't even dare to punish them nowadays. These days all it take is an accusation of child abuse and the parent goes to jail. You get a posse of social workers in your face and you are presumed guilty until proven innocent. People are also spending more time at work than at home raising kids properly. I wouldn't be surprised if this kid turns to drugs eventually. My gardener's grandson turned out like that because the kid's mom raised him with "positive reinforcement" and kept telling him how he's her "macho man" and can "never do wrong". The kid got busted and violated parole when he was caught stealing booze, now he's in a private "correctional facility" up in Utah and can only talk to his parents for an hour a week. All this entitlement mentality comes from the parents' failure to instill proper values at an early age. Instead of teaching their kids "if you want something, you have to work hard to earn it, sweat, blood, tears and all" they reward kids with stuff just to get the kids off their back so they can go work some more and buy more useless crap for their kids so they will continue to think they deserve it all.
  11. Are you sure it wasn't a Man Chobit?
  12. Whoa! Talk about having stylistic "consistency"!
  13. Which is why I am all for bringing the hurt back to the equation.
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's the funniest $h!t I've read in a long time. If they were so committed, how come we are getting garbage games like Gundam Battle Assault 3 instead of the better ones that came out in Japan only.
  15. Don't forget about the original, Double Zeta, GP01/Fb, etc. Seed Destiny looks great... for me to poop on!!!
  16. I'd give him a shovel and tell him to go dig a hole before I kick his unappreciative, gimme gimme ass in.
  17. Don't be surprised if you see a few dozens gaming geeks camping outside before they open.
  18. The artist's track record tells me to keep my expectation low... unless you are into G-Taste style body and faces that don't match the original characters at all:
  19. Anybody got an recording of the performance?
  20. Reading all this reminds me of my neighbor's kids. They are elementary school age and behaved EXACTLY like that little punk. They'd rush into my place when I opened the door and start asking to have this and that, which is why I no longer allow them into the house. I gave them each a little toy and one of them had the nerves to ask to trade it for something much more expensive. This is what you get when corporal punishment is not an option.
  21. My original VF-11B has a similar problem - I couldn't get all the pieces to fit perfectly in fighter mode, there'd be a gap in the middle of the fighter. Although I was lucky in that mine never had hip problems, most people have broken their 11B's hips due to poor design on Yamato's part, so be extra careful when you handle the hip joints. Personally I think the 11B is the worst of the 3 Macross Plus toys Yamato released. 21 is my favorite, even though it has some balancing/center of gravity problems.
  22. Why was the PS2 game footage being shown, are they going to release the game in North America? That'd be way cool although I doubt it's gonna happen.
  23. Lemme guess, the plumber (dad) didn't say anything while his son practices the art of begging? People who shouldn't have kids are having a ton of them. There should be mandatory exams and classes that people must pass before they have children.
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