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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. The "stamina pie chart" is actually a force gauge that indicates the amount of force applied to your attack/swing/strike. The higher the force the more damage it does, but if you miss, you will also be more open to attacks.
  2. I liked what you did with the eyes, better than my quickie colorized versions:
  3. If someone was stupid enough to bid on it, he'll be making plenty even after paying all the fees. This listing is a blatant violation of eBay selling guidelines (items listed must be for sale and no "advertising" allowed where items are offered at a fixed price outside of eBay) but I bet you eBay won't pull it even if people report it because they'd have to refund the seller the listing fee they charged in order to pull the action, and at that opening bid amount, we're talking more than pocket change here.
  4. If I get a penny everytime I hear that accusation by people who can't even pinpoint the CD time where this "ripping off" occurs... Just because both John Williams and Satoshi Kagokura were both ripping off Wagner's composing style doesn't mean Kagokura was ripping Williams off. That'd be like accusing a remake of The Hidden Fortress as a ripoff of Star Wars Episode IV.
  5. I was watching The Grid instead of this blatant marketing tool. Kind of a cross between The Agency and 24 without too much of the soapy drama. Good stuff.
  6. What a bummer, I'd have preferred NewLine handle the movie. Dreamworks will just mainstream it, and I seriously doubt Spielberg will be directing it. That "golden carrot" they dangle is more like an empty check instead of blank check.
  7. Thanks for the link. There was at least one illustration that shows her eyes being brown though. She must be wearing those colored contact lenses.
  8. What track would that be? I wish I can remember, this was mentioned on the old boards which are still offline as we speak. Maybe someone here remembers which track it was. I think it was either a guitar instrumental or Minmei a capella version of a theme (probably the ED?).
  9. The thing is that the hair buns and traditional Chinese dress combo is an overused stereotype, especially in Japan. That type of outfit automatically tells people "character A is a Chinese girl". That's why Minmei wears it in the show when she works at the restaurant - it tells the patrons they're in a Chinese restaurant and the show's audience her ethnicity. I personally don't have a problem with the use of that stereotype or consider it offensive, although some may think it's about as degrading as the imagery of Fu Manchu, even though the character design automatically tells an American audience "here's an evil Chinese man". What you did was associating a generic stereotype to a character who happens to use the same visual conventions for the sake of quick audience communication and I pointed it out. That's why I used the sombrero <> Speedy Gonzalez analogy, I wasn't referring to what the character stands for but how the character looked (wearing a sombrero). Besides, Minmei would have to have put on some serious pounds to look like that. I can see why Hikaru ditched her for Misa.
  10. I went through some screen shots from the TV series and numerous Mikimoto illustrations. After tossing out the ones where her eyes were drawn too small to tell any color, I found that her eyes were colored differently among the drawings. Even Mikimoto himself appears to use different colors for Misa's eyes, never using a consistent color. Please refer to the pictures I put up in this thread for some of the samples that are confusing me. Anybody know for sure what color should Misa's eyes be, or is it a free-for-all?
  11. Her hair does indeed include both colors that I used, depending on the shading. Just too lazy to add shading for my quick-n-dirty PhotoShop coloring. I liked the darker hair although the lighter one appears to be more anime-accurate. It appears there are more artworks that show her eyes as grey or blue-ish grey than anything else. I'll probably go with that... but if Mikimoto can't make up his mind about her eye color, I don't think I'll ever find the answer. BTW what was shown in your photo? An ARII figure?
  12. Red Comet is way ahead of his/her(?) time... Still relevant
  13. You were lucky... Ignorance is bliss, especiallyin this case. Here's an oldie but goodie by Red Comet.
  14. This screen shot from the TV series makes it look grey: Another screen shot, but hard to tell what the eye colors are - could be blue, green, or grey: This Mikimoto illustration makes her eyes brown: Another Mikimoto illustration, it looks like grey or blue: Mikimoto - brown: Not brown: Mikimoto - blue: This last one looks green, or maybe grey:
  15. Yeap, regardless of what Bandai's press release says about them being the premiere distributor (they must have hammered on that phrase in every paragraph, ugh) of anime in North America and all, you can bet your ass it won't be shown on more than a handful of screens at any given week and none of these will be the "large screens" you are used to seeing sci-fi and action extravaganzas on. Escaflowne movie - widest release: 5 screens I remember this one didn't even get a screen within the L.A. area. It was only playing at a AMC theater in Orange, O.C. which is close to Bandai's US HQ at Cypress. At least Pioneer managed to put the Patlabor movie (WXIII) on a screen in Beverly Hills. Edit: spelling
  16. If they are doing it like they did with CCA and the Escaflowne movie, it will be an extremely limited theatrical run, meaning 1 or 2 theaters in each major metropolitan area like NYC and the LA area for a week or two before it gets pulled. Even arthouse/indie flicks get a bigger distribution by comparison.
  17. Here's an alternative and unfinished version. Recommendations regarding coloring welcomed.
  18. OK I'm working on Ted Turner-ing the SD Misa from the SDF-1 Gerwalk 4-koma comic. After reviewing some of the existing Misa artwork, both from screenshots of the TV series and illustrations by Mikimoto, I was unable to come to a conclusion as to what color should Misa's eyes be. It seems like it could be grey, brown, blue or green depending on the animator/artist's whim. Similarly, the colored trimming on her uniform seems to range from green to teal to blue. Anyone know what the "official" colors for Misa's eyes and her uniform trimming should be? This is what I came up with... for now (unfinished).
  19. LOL, that's cool. Too bad it doesn't look like a possible mod using the existing Takatoku SDF-1.
  20. I am a little disappointed by the 20th Anniv. DVD. It has enough on it to make you hungry for more and not enough to be a complete collection of clips. Several game FMV clips are missing from this DVD. As for the toy commercials not accessible on your DVD, is yours an authentic or boot disc? Added: Macross the Complete is a must-have for fans of the original TV series and DYRL. Too bad it's missing at least one track that I can think of...
  21. A "nice Bandai reissue" would have cost him several hundred dollars after customs fees. Even if you send him one for free, he'd still get raped by customs.
  22. I am sure if I saw an animated mouse wearing sombrero and started asking people if he was Speedy Gonzalez I'm bound to piss off no more than a few Mexicans.
  23. You must have missed last Saturday's episode, when the ZAFT report stated, in no uncertain terms, that the initial Gundams were all variants based off the Duel Gundam.
  24. I think Xstoys has a set as well. Wasn't the DYRL game originally released on the Saturn and then ported to the PS1?
  25. That's just a girl in a traditional Chinese dress. Minmay's restaurant "work" outfit is just typical Chinese dress meant to evoke an air of authenticity for the restaurant's patrons.
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