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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Best - Scirocco in Zeta Gundam. Is it an impaling or a crushing? Either way he didn't go without leaving a mark. Worst - Misato in Evangelion. So sad to see such a babe go. Funniest - Kenny from South Park, without a doubt. Stupidest - Garma Zabi from Mobile Suit Gundam. Ever heard of ejection seat or escape pod?
  2. Episode VI was supposed to be titled Revenge of the Jedi... maybe they should have called Episode III "Return of the Sith".
  3. Oh mine. Fugly doesn't even begin to describe that abomination.
  4. You left out some choice DVDs: Fight Club 2 disc set with extras galore, they really packed everything on the 2 discs Naked Lunch Criterion edition - a bit skimpy on the filmmaking side but has tons of extras on Burroughs, whose life and writings inspired the film The Rock Criterion edition - the demonstrations with the firearms instructors are really funny and enjoyable, as well as the commentary tracks. The set also includes behind-the-scenes extras and a history of Alcatrazz Se7en New Line Platinum Series (I also recommend the Criterion edition) - tons of commentary tracks with director Fincher, cast and crew, including a music-only track with composer Howard Shore's commentary on how he approached the project Movies I am waiting for a Special Edition release on DVD: Dune - yes, the not-so-well-received one by David Lynch. I am not a book purist and liked what he did with what was available Falling Down - Warner's current version of pan-and-scan only release without any commentary tracks is just plain unacceptable The Game Criterion Edition - I got the LD box, but they should reallybring it out on DVD
  5. Whoa! Thanks for posting the pics! Although the head sculpt is nowhere close to Uma, it looks good enough for purchase considerations. Eat your heart out Barbie!
  6. Between "great" and "lame ass"? The only choice was "I haven't seen it", which is not exactly middleground like "good", "average", or "OK". The movie was good but wasn't good enough to spawn a franchise on its own after an average sequel, or imitators that only fail so bad to show how good the original was. To be a genre-defining icon I think it has to have at least a parody film (e.g. Spaceballs). Added: This is really a Vietnam movie if you think about it... a team of American soldiers trapped in a jungle, being hunted by an enemy they cannot see. All the firepowers at their disposal couldn't save their hide because they weren't thinking guerilla tactics. I remember as a kid seeing some Vietnam war movies where the soldiers got mangled worse than Dutch's team.
  7. The Underworld DC has some new scenes throughout the movie. Not that they made the movie any better mind you. So I take it they didn't throw in a Kate Beckinsale nude scene to service the fans?
  8. Blame yourself for not providing something in between the extreme choices.
  9. Wasn't Hobby Japan changing their format to a larger size with a bonus DVD? Has that happened yet?
  10. The proportions on the FIX F91 look awful. The slick curves of the original design got replaced with bulky armors and angular lines... why does Katoki insist on changing other people's design like that? He needs to put out more of his own designs like the V2 for the FIX line.
  11. Wasn't Seabook an MS mechanic? Seabook was an engineering major, but I don't remember any references to him having piloting skills in either the movie or the novelization. Bandai will start pumping out high quality Macross kits the day Big West sells Sunrise the rights to Macross. All these non-Gundam MGs got released because the corresponding Sunrise show was being released on DVD at the time, since Sunrise and Bandai are virtually the same company now. As you can see the HGAB and MG Patlabor lines never got finished, we never got a MG Billbine either because they saw no point of putting out new kits after the DVD sales start to drop.
  12. Yep, I agree. Ya know once, heck even twice I can accept, but when the same thing happens in so many Gundam animes, it just stretches creadibilty to breaking point and causes me to lose all interest in Gundam. Somebody needs to hit Tomino on the head with a big hammer and tell him to have an original idea more than once a decade. Let's see how many Gundam animes have there been where a young untrained kid bumps into the Gundam and becomes the pilot: MSG, Z, ZZ, F91, V & SEED. 6 series!!! Ok, F91 was a movie not a series (although a series was planned), but they same damn thing still happens. Graham Untrained? IIRC Zeta's Camille was a winner of junior MS competition before he bumped in the Mk-II. ZZ's Judo has been piloting MS to salvage junk long before he bumped into the Aghama crew. V's Usso has been trained by similator since he was a kid. Tomino wasn't even involved with Seed.
  13. * Having flashback to when the Seed mechs were first revealed * * Looks around at how people are buying all the toys and kits of Seed mech * Quit bitchin', stop buying if they are so fugly.... vote with your dollars, not your keyboard, if you wanna see some real changes. The only reason we're seeing all these recycled crap is because they sell, and that's the only language Bandai understands. Don't blame Okawara for the market/Sunrise/Bandai tying his hands, they tried to bring something different to the mix with Syd Mead's Turn-A and the stuff didn't sell, so they went back to the tried-and-true with a vengeance. Since it sold well, it only encourages them to do the same things over and over. Stop buying anything from Seed if you hate it and Okawara so much. Simple as that. No one is putting a gun to your head forcing you to buy or watch anything.
  14. That's just a test shot using whatever colored resin they had at the time, and does not necessarily reflect on what the final release's colors will be. Besides, if that was meant to be the non-Titans Federation colors version, it looks rather off - it should have been blue on deep blue instead of dark blue.
  15. I would if I could spare that kind of money.
  16. Silent Hill 2 came out on the PS2 first. Later the Xbox version was released, titled "Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams" to differentiate it with the original PS2 release as it contains the UFO ending and the Maria scenario "Born from a Wish", a short side quest where you get to play as Maria before she meets James at the lakefront. The Xbox exclusive contents later found their way back to the PS2 in the following forms: US: Silent Hill 2 "Greatest Hits" red label version EU: Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut JP: Silent Hill 2 - Saigo no Uta If you go looking for a used copy of SH2 GH, be careful because many stores are know to "mix and match" the game disc and case. Make sure the game disc has the red "Greatest Hits" label like on top of the game case, otherwise you'd be getting the old version. They might try to tell you both versions are the same, but they wouldn't be there making minimum wage if they really know what they are talking about. Added: According to the back of the box, the Greatest Hits version also features improved graphics, although personally I couldn't tell any difference, having played both versions through a few times.
  17. Fully restored KITT with operational dashboard
  18. It was on Conan 2 days ago and again last evening on the Conan re-run on Comedy Central. You guys missed some really hilarious moments... "I could hit on myself: 'Hey me, wanna meet at my dressing room?'"
  19. You have my sympathies. Please be strong and cherish your wife's memory by raising your girl the best you can. Let us know if you need any help from us.
  20. The US release is supposed to come with a free OST CD. The game will probably be identical, although people who played it were hoping for a "director's cut"-like re-release of SH2 which contained extras. The current game is lacking the traditional joke / UFO ending, which was also missing in the original release of SH2 until a new version was released.
  21. Those who missed it can catch the rerun of Late Night with Conan O'Brien later today on Comedy Central, it's about 12 minutes into the show. "John Kerry fought against some guys in black pajamas, I fought against the Predator!"
  22. Yeap, unlike 3, which came out in Europe first, they released 4 in Japan first and it is the only region where the game is available now. The game's voice tracks are recorded in English and English text is available in the JP release, so your guess is as good as mine regarding the holdup on the US and EU releases. A lot of people unwilling to wait have already got flip-top mods installed and importing the game.
  23. Dunno, I am waiting for the US version to come out for that free soundtrack CD. It should explain how to do that in the manual though. If I had to guess, hold down the attack to build up the meter before you release the button.
  24. That would confuse the hell out of the popcorn-munching audience.
  25. There was a twist in Signs?! The only twist was what I felt in my stomach after finding out I wasted my 8 bucks and 2 hours of my life.
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