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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. I wouldn't call a girl being sodomized "juicy details"... Anyway these 2 punkass kids were up to no good at the middle of the night at a traffic intersection. First they tried to jack my car but my door was locked and I drove through the intersection to get away from them. Turned out they went on to the car at the next lane and this girl didn't lock her car doors so they took out their gun and forced her to drive them to an ATM before taking their turns at her. I drove to the local police station and there was NOBODY inside. So I went home and dialed 911 after standing around the station like an idiot for 5 minutes. Anyway the cops arrested the kids and their lawyers wanted to discredit my testimony and asked how many Hispanic friends I have. At the time I only had a close one that I considered a friend so I responded one. They then proceeded to try to make me come across as one of those ignorant "they all look the same" type and asked me where I grew up. When I told them South America their jaws fell to the floor while the DA could barely prevent herself from falling out of her chair laughing. They had no more questions for me after that.
  2. I had to cut work for a day and testify in court when a crime I semi-witnessed were committed by 2 punkass kids... they were tried as adults so it was a full-on jury trial. Their lawyer tried to discredit me, only to be surprised by my answer, which put them in the worst light possible.
  3. Since it's hairless, I think Mr. Bigglesworth will do fine.
  4. That was an awesome story, I love girls who kick ass. Did you have to testify at their criminal trial and did you find out how much time they have to do?
  5. Another vote for Poppy. Huskies are awesome (though whiny when left to their own devices).
  6. Check out the 2nd most popular choice in this poll
  7. I just came back from the local Target a few hours ago, they've been putting Gundam toys on clearance for a while and now have moved them all to the clearance section. In the regular toys/action figure section there are no longer any pegs reserved for Gundam merchandise.
  8. If it's a Neo Geo CD game chances are they used the Arrage Track version instead of the OST version which are used in the ROM cart version. If you can find the game's Arrange Sound Track CD then the track you are looking for should be on it.
  9. Pretty stiff competition this weekend at the box office, I think my dollars will vote for The Manchurian Candidate. So is this movie worth repeat viewing even after the proverbial cat is out of the bag? I found most of his movies were only good enough for the first time. The Six Sense was good for a 2nd viewing but the rest... meh.
  10. Must... have... naughty... decal...
  11. This story is sooo wrong yet so funny. I can see how living in NYC would cause someone to write a story like Se7en.
  12. I don't get all these recommendations to "pummel" him. Sure the punk deserved it, but by doing so you're only giving him an excuse to sue you for assault and take money from you legally.
  13. You are correct, the FAZZs from Gundam Sentinel are different from the one Judo pilots in Gundam ZZ.
  14. Let's see if I can straighten it out. First there was only the Full Armor Gundam ZZ from the TV series. Like that picture I posted. It was not a Katoki design. Late 1980s. Model Graphix published a Gundam War mook based on the novel Gundam Sentinel / Lament of ALICE. It includes a re-designed version of the FAZZ done by Katoki, which is the white one with the BFG. At the time Bandai only released a 1/144 kit of that design as no FAZZ kit was released for the TV version up to that point. The picture on top of this page, which Stamen refers to as "ver. Ka FAZZ", is Katoki's rendition of the TV version FAZZ which he did not design originally. Much like most of the GFF line, he's messing with designs that aren't his own instead of updating his own designs that have appeared in his Gundam FIX books. Besides the Sentinel suits, I think there aren't any Katoki original designs in the GFF line.
  15. You got it backwards buddy. That FAZZ shown above was the TV version, which is supposed to look like the image below. Katoki's re-design of it is the "beefy" white one with a black BFG.
  16. Turned out the guy decided to leave professionally, but his assclown manager decided to provoke him after being told his "punk kid" of an employee wants to quit, so he ended up smashing the place up before he took off. There were other suggestions including using a spongeball to clog up the toilet, placing unsealed bags of shrimp around and leave them to rot, but this one is the nastiest of them all:
  17. I read this on another board, someone was sick of his day job and decided to quit, and asked for suggestions on how to "go out in style". This guy replied with enough ideas to make 10 Office Space movies:
  18. Nothing wrong with Haros in Japanese version. Everything's wrong with Haros in the English dub. As if a sex change wasn't enough, they made it more annoying than a damn Furby.
  19. Welcome to 3 weeks ago They are better off cranking out delayed and postponed releases instead of wasting time going after not-so-deep pockets. All this will do for them is getting a PR backlash much like when Metallica decided to go after Napster.
  20. Go to Game FAQs for game tips and walkthrus. Some have mentioned that SH4 is a story done in 3rd person - e.g. the story is about Walter Sullivan, but told through a third protagonist's point of view (Henry), unlike the previous games, which were told in first-person views of the protagonist.
  21. Dude, it's the ACLU, not just "some privacy activists." That may sound exagerrated but your credit card companies already have access to a lot of the info mentioned in that Flash movie.
  22. You'll know if you're halfway through the game when you start revisiting areas you've already gone through. In fact this is one of the major complaints from people who didn't like the game. Re-visiting the same areas makes the 2nd half feel more like a chore. The game does not take place in Silent Hill itself, although many of the places you visited have been referenced to in earlier SH games (the Hope House orphanage was mentioned in 3, Walter Sullivan was mentioned in SH2, etc.). This game started development as a non-SH game. Somewhere during development Konami decided to make it a SH game, thus the big differences compared to the first 3 games. Hopefully 5 (already in the works) will go back to the roots the series is known for - fog, flashlight, radio, monsters instead ghosts, and more psychological terror than action fest.
  23. That ROTK Extended box pissed me off. Now I gotta buy it just to get the Howard Shore DVD! This is the best cosplay. Welcome to heartbreak Deathstar.
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