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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. I have LWC. Trust me, they've tweaked the engine and improved the graphics to a point where it doesn't even play or look like Journey to Jaburo. Anyone who's played both can back me up on this. Disgaea is way overrated. PS1/Saturn level of graphical presentation. People are only foaming at their mouth because anime style SRPGs are few and far in between in the US market for any console.
  2. Many games do have English text options. The Silent Hill series had English in their JP releases since 2. There are still tons of games that never got translated. Otherwise I wouldn't be importing games like Sakura Wars, the good Gundam games such as Lost War Chronicles and Giren's Greed (Bandai America can shove their crappy Battle Assault games up their ass as far as I am concerned), etc.
  3. I am not a fan of their new designs, especially the ones on the iBooks. The old Extended Keyboard that came with the first generation PowerMacs was the best keyboard ever, though. I love it to death and no one has ever produced a better keyboard. I am glad mine is still going strong after 10 years. These days, these cheapo PC keyboards only last so long before the keys lose their responsiveness or die altogether. There are 3rd party mouses that came with multiple buttons that are customizable for key-combination clicks. Never liked those.
  4. She's been releasing an album every year or so for the last twenty years, not including the "special albums". I don't know who is willing to bother noting every single song she has ever recorded because you'll get at least 200 titles. I wouldn't be surprised if GodMedia has the answer and can tell you every track off the top of his head.
  5. Might help if you told us which one to vote for. I am only guessing yours is #4?
  6. Someone translate that into Engrish please.
  7. Besides the time difference in release dates, they are also afraid that the price down in one region would kill sales in another region where a title hasn't been priced down yet. I am pretty sure any US gamer who were never exposed to imports will stop buying US games once they see how nicely packaged Japanese games are. Screw Capcom USA and their B&W manuals.
  8. For a Mac hater you know your Mac OS. It's Apple+F, I stand corrected.
  9. Bah, damn you JR. Always making me look like an idiot :-P I stand by my conviction, though. Buy PC's. Nothing beats a friendly jab. Being a sales agent of Apple products probably have something to do with it too... To anyone interested in buying Apple gear, PM me if you'd like to get 5% discount off MSRP on Apple systems and software packages. We offer everything listed on Apple.com except for the iPods since they are easily available in stores.
  10. Citing a common cross-platform feature as your excuse to bash another platform is not exactly making you look smart when CTRL-F works on the Mac like it does on the PC.
  11. Wow, keep the warnings coming. Here are some of my sour deals: Tower Records: they probably still have the best selection among the brick and mortar stores. Unfortunately not all the geeks and freaks they hire have a good attitude in the CS department. I bought a CD that has a manufacturering defect that is visible on the disc (the metal disc in the plastic shows signs of oxidation) so I took it back for an exchange, and the manager refused to replace it, saying it's "normal". I never bought anything from Tower since then (several years ago). At least Best Buy replaces the discs you buy for the same title, no questions asked. K-Mart: they always have the longest checkout lines and usually when you try to look for an employee in a certain department they are always nowhere to be found. I remember one time I tried to buy a LOTR figure and the price rang up higher than the shelf tag so I asked them to verify the price. This turned out to be a 20 minute ordeal, apparently not every K-mart employee is capable of the simple task of walking to the toy section and look up the price tag... no wonder we always hear about K-Mark seeking bankruptcy protection in the news. Fry's: bought a PS2 game that was defective. Took it back for a replacement copy and the person who helped me had no idea how the procedure works. After he unsealed the replacement copy and left his fingerprint on the under side of the disc he just stood there like an idiot hoping his manager would walk by. I asked him what were we waiting for and he handed me the game and said it's done. Mind you, this is not a kid we're talking about, but a middle aged man who should know what he's doing even if this was his first day on the job at Fry's. Even though Fry's has great price on electronics, one should keep in mind that Fry's is refurb central and most of these deals are opened/refurbished items. I'd only buy software/content-based products from them, not electronics. Target: overall they are OK, except the store employees don't seem to have a good grasp of their own store policy. I got a raincheck for a game and it was printed right on the raincheck that Substitution was an alternative to waiting for the item to be restocked, without any clauses or conditions to invoke its application. However, one store made me wait a few days to see if they get the out of stock title in before I use the raincheck for a substitute item. Another store had no idea how the raincheck worked. A 3rd store lets me use substitution upon issuing the raincheck. Go figure. I do love it when they are so clueless that new items without prices in the computer are often sold at a bargain price when you have the patience to wait for them to attempt in vain to pull up the prices from their system. Got a bunch of HGUC Gundam kits way back for like 5 bucks a piece. Best Buy: I am amazed at how far ahead they were compared to the competition. I tend to avoid buying electronics from them these days so I don't have the extended warranty problem. Their selection do suck though, I could never find what I wanted unless it is uber mainstream fare. Every time I ask for something I can't find on their shelves I get the standard response of "you can order it from Bestbuy.com for free shipping". If I wanted to buy online why would I be in your sorry store to start with?! In my experience, most of the time the girls on the floor tend to try and be helpful but the guys for some reason are rather clueless. For example, a few days ago I checked out the Eva Platinum DVD and asked for the version that comes with the box. They had none on the shelf and this guy looked up Eva DVDs on their computer. I saw the Platinum Collector's Edition listed and told the guy that's the one and he insisted that's the version without the box even though there was a Eva Platinum DVD listed without the words "collector's edition". I guess a low IQ is a requirement for employment at Best Buy. Their video games selection is also extremely poor. Now that they've discontinued the Gamer's Gift Card (which comes with the $5-off coupon), I will never buy another game from them unless it's on sale, which never happens with them. Thank Target for their raincheck substitution... So nobody ever shops at Sam Goody? Or are they just awesome with customer service?
  12. There are 2 versions of F91, the theatrical version and a "final edition" release that was only available on home video (I have it on LD). There were never any OVA or TV episodes animated - the cels they used for the production were all extra wide for theatrical aspect ratio instead of the standard 10.5 x 9 inches for TV screen ratio.
  13. There's a Target near where I live, it's the newest one in the area but often I see a police car parked near the entrance and you know the cops are in that little "hidden" room near the customer service area where they detain shoplifters.
  14. Except for Blizzard games, I can't think of any other decent games to play on the Mac.
  15. Kirk Hammet. I had bad experience getting defective DVDs replaced at Best Buy and Fry's. They'd unseal the new copy for exchange and take the disc out. Usually these morons act as if they've never handled a disc in their lives and leave their greasy fingerprints on the under side of the new disc you're getting. I suppose that kind of behavior is supposed to discourage people from coming in for exchanges.
  16. Tell a friend to avoid bad stores to buy anime/sci-fi from...
  17. Signed up way back in May and still zero feedback. It still smells fishy. You ought to report this assclown to eBay and have them unregister this joker so your bid amount gets to go down to a reasonable level. Actually, just retract your bid and let him be stuck with having to overpay for the item.
  18. I always thought of the Providence as some kind of mutant turtle...
  19. Shoji Kawamori.
  20. Too easy to rig, too few choices. I kind of like the quiz someone posted at the old boards better. Anyone remember the link to that one?
  21. Yeah, I didn't like how time consuming all the wanzer customization/upgrade process is. Reminds me why I didn't stick with the Armored Core series. Sometimes you get awesome gear that looks crappy while the sharp looking hardware offers lame performance. One can neve be happy with them. I didn't like doing the simulation battles over and over (not a firm believer in overleveling) and things went smoothly until Wagner handed my ass over after I blew more than an hour on that stupid castle map... Tenchu Kurenai!!! I hope it gets released in the US soon...
  22. I believe that abomination is good for one thing... PARTS FOR CUSTOMS!
  23. That's funny. What are you doing reading a Gundam thread for? Looks like you don't let go of a chance to bash Gundam for all it's worth. You don't like it. We get it. You don't have to rain on our parade. It's his and Shawn's site. He can ban you for all he cares.
  24. They musta just opened a Krispy Cremes... Exactly my thoughts. There was a one-way glass so the cops inside can see if there were folks outside but no one ever came out while I was waiting at the front desk. I told the cops about this when they came to my house after dialing 911 and this "minor detail" was conveniently left out of the police report.
  25. I just got Front Mission 4 this weekend. A little old school with the grid-based map and turn-based combat, but very nice graphics (for SRPGs) and the voice acting actually does not suck. It's like playing Gundam 08th MS Team without the annoying sidekicks and the hokey, forced romance.
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