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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Somebody make a poll about this already.
  2. Care to shed some light on which "original manga" you were referring to? The novels were written by the original director, who had to change his story drastically due to toy sponsor issues (no depictions of sex, etc.) and the show being axed before it got the full run. He wrote the novels to present his story in an uncensored form. The plotline regarding Lalah from the TV and movie was actually a Frankensteined version between the originally planned subplots involving the first NewType pilot, Kusko Al, and Lalah, who appeared after Kusko bought the farm. Since Bandai released toys and model kits of Char's Gundam and the G3 Gundam, which first appeared in the novel and then later incorporated into games, you can say the novels are canon since Bandai shouldn't be releasing merchandise based on non-canonical designs.
  3. I prefer the Razgriz emblem over Wardogs'
  4. Go with CLAT colors and do Kanuka proud.
  5. What was removed/changed on the Ren & Stimpy DVDs? I thought they restored the censored footage. http://dvd.ign.com/articles/555/555229p1.html?fromint=1 Disappointing too. I was looking forward to seeing those episodes again. Looks like I won't be able to ditch the VHS copies I've taped off Nick years ago after all. I love the commentaries and extras on the DVD though. It's not John K's fault that Nick was such an awful archiver.
  6. What was removed/changed on the Ren & Stimpy DVDs? I thought they restored the censored footage.
  7. Most expensive copy of Halo 2 on eBay
  8. It's a Bandai Museum exlusive CG presentation to get the one-year-old Bandai Museum more traffic. Quality of the CG animation is rather dated. Even the characters don't lip synch too well. Check out the trailers for yourself to see what I mean.
  9. I believe it gets unlocked in Mission 16A, one of those branching missions where you have to flip the coin (determined by your response to a Yes/No question in an earlier mission).
  10. Google it. I am sure you'll find more than you can shake a beam saber at. It happened between CCA (UC 0093) and V Gundam (UC 0153). More precisely, between F90 (UC 0120) and Crossbone Gundam (UC 0133). Supposed to be far enough in the future where people's forgotten about the OYW, but it was only UC 0123 - 44 years after UC 0079.
  11. Yeap. Some people managed to find it at Sears but one guy had no luck and found girls screaming at a huge rat shopping at Sears early Saturday morning isntead. I didn't feel like getting up to get there at 7AM so I went to Walmart later instead.
  12. Go back to the last page (p43), I posted the link for the deal early last week. There was a Sears doorbuster ad for last Saturday (7AM - noon), most papers had the ad in it between last Wed - Fri. Just take the ad to a competitor's store and have them price match the ad. Some people even managed to get it for 49 cents due to the "10% difference refunded" clause of some store's price match policy: price difference: $49.99 - $4.99 = $45 10% of $45 = $4.5, $4.99 - $4.50 = $0.49 I came out ahead already so I didn't want to be too greedy, and bought their SW DVD box, which was on sale as a manager's special, so they didn't end up losing too much. You should see a lot of cheap copies being sold on eBay now with the final bid being lower than usual due to the massive supply of cheap copies people picked up over the past weekend.
  13. Nah, I don't feel obligated to buy an inferior product regardless of whether it's a legit release or not. Heck, even Bandai themselves were showing a fansubbed copy of F91 at Anime Expo during the late 1990s. Since I don't buy anime for the dub, the English 5.1 audio has no value to me. I've got my LD (sans frame size and layer change anomalies) and that's more than good enough for now, until a new release with JP audio in 5.1 and/or better features appears in the market. Thanks for warning everyone about this long overdue but ultimately unsatisfying release, though.
  14. Where's Exo and Boba? They'll be plugging their cosplay thread on another board real soon.
  15. Thanksgiving came early this year, thank you Sears for the doorbuster ad. Thank you Walmart for price matching. Thank you CAG for spreading the word. Best 5 bucks ever spent. Glad I held out for only a few weeks.
  16. You can't make something worse from a movie that was poorly done from the get go....there's not much more fuel to add to this fire really. If ya hate it, get rid of it buddy that's all ya gotta do. You can I guess trade it off at Gamestop for 10 bucks, out 15-19 dollars and live with the pain. I mean can't we just be happy that we're FINALLY getting with the show biz and startin to get all the Gundam shows coming to THIS side of the pacific? I'd rather buy something official than a boot with subtitles being, "I can't believe I licked my father" with a sad Camille after killing his father. If anything, you got your money's worth with 2 discs for the price of an ordinary DVD pricing..... What I meant was when you mentioned earlier This does not occur on the JP LD or the VHS releases, and the earlier HK boots, which used either one as source/master and do not have the frame size changes as a result. How they managed to screw it up for the official release that's been hyped for several years is beyond me. It's not like they had a deadline crunch and had to push the product out of the doors - we've been teased about a NA release of F91 since they released MGS, 0080 and 0083 here. You said it yourself earlier that the 2nd disc was not worth the price: Along with other junky features like a timeline that "pisses me off" and demo for "one of the junkiest games" (well said!). I was only agreeing with you, no need to do a 180 and defend a poor product you didn't enjoy yourself. Learn Japanese buddy, and you'll never have to put up with poorly translated anime again.
  17. Heck no here. Katoki can't do a Zeonography Acguy to save his Volvo styling.
  18. Thank you very much for spoiling the identity of the final boss.
  19. I have to say, for the much delayed release of F91 in English, what we got in the end was beyond horrendous and completely not worth the wait. I am glad I never got rid of my LD. Looks like what they came up with was worse than the HK boots. No wonder they've been running scared trying to stop people from selling the HK boots. Forget Bandai America. They aren't getting any dough from me if this is how they treat UC Gundam. Go peddle Seed to the Pokemon crowd for all I care. The fad will not last.
  20. Hahaha, the Snake vs Monkey thing was the first thing I checked out last night. Hilarious stuff. Good thing you don't need to do anything to unlock it. Some of the goofy stuff I noticed included Para-Medic's reference to an American remake of a Japanese movie. Why would she know about it when this was taking place in 1960s, when the Japanese original first appeared? If you leave the mission failed screen on for a while, the text changes. Maybe that's what it's referring to...
  21. You can adjust the camera angle/position slightly using the right analog stick if I understood you correctly. I answered that I prefer MGS2, will have to replay with a different answer to see what's changed. I think it's just easter eggs/minor details that got thrown in depending on which game you choose. Have people who chose MGS1 been exposed to a lot of goofy/inside jokes?
  22. Whoa, for real? Damn glad I shelved that game and moved to other games instead of trying to finish it like most of my games.
  23. Did you try Googling her name? I've ordered from CD Japan before. A+ service. No complaints. If you don't like their S/H, ask them to ship by regular air mail or SAL instead of EMS. If you have some basic understanding of Japanese, try Amazon.co.jp.
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