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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Well, could always ask what the McRib is made of .....but I'll spare you from that this time. If they found out, 1 of 2 things could happen.... 1) They'd gross out....... 2) They'd gross out THAN ask for lessons on that. Or could you ask what is the delicious tasing BBQ sauce made of, since it's supposed to be redder than browner... If his student knew, he'd be the coolest teacher evah.
  2. Hahaha, that's pretty funny.
  3. Did Giger or Fox whore this out?
  4. They slapped together the Miller's Report movie so they could run the Endless Waltz movie in Japanese theaters. It's nothing more than recycled footage from the first half of the series stringed together by the new "interrogation" scenes. The 0083 movie, Last Blitz/Fading Light of Zeon, was a marketing tool for the final episode, which has not been released prior to the movie's theatrical run. It was another marketing gimmick to get otakus to shell out the cash. Most of the first half of 0083 has been left on the cutting floor, as the movie focuses on space battles only. It was only released on home video (VHS & LD) in Japan.
  5. Could I have picked a better time to read this thread than while eating a McRibs sandwich?
  6. You missed the 08th MS Team OVA series. Skip the MS Gundam TV series, it's English-dub only and is missing an episode, allegedly at the director's request. Hold out for a dual language, complete edition to come out.
  7. Someone saw an advance screening and here's his impressions, spoiler and all.
  8. Huh huh huh huh, settle down, Beavis.
  9. Tomino got the offer to do an original Gundam movie (Char's Counterattack) so he started working on it right after Zeta wrapped. ZZ was being directed by someone else until he finished his work on the CCA movie. The director of the first half of ZZ also wrote the series novelization. I believe he also worked on another Sunrise anime, Vifam, which had a similar storyline (orphans in space).
  10. I wasted a whole lotta ammo too, but with some practice you'll probably get used to it. It took me a while to master MGS2's pressure sensitive aspect of aiming and firing too. As for sneaking, I found that I had to rely on first-person view and crouching a lot when not using sonar and motion detectors. You definitely can't sneak around the same way in 1 and 2, using walls and crevices to hide yourself. I got semi-nailed early in the game but never again after I decided every guard must be tranquilized before I go about my own business. The AI was nowhere nearly as smart as in 2 during the clearing phase. I'd hide under a log and shoot them at the feet, they'd be firing at me with automatic weapons and never hit me. I still think MGS2 looks and plays more slick than 3. Backpack management and manual switch of camo are the 2 worst and useless new features in MGS3. If they wanted to make the game more realistic, how about making taking a leak part of the experience? I got bored with FM4 about halfway into it - the story develops at a slow pace, with the combat at an even slower pace that seems to take forever. MKD tided me over until I got AC5.
  11. I wonder if disappointing sales of other Toynami products will take the blame when the Alpha sales went through the roof but everything else went down the crapper and no Beta was ever released.
  12. Knowing Konami, they'll probably port back these features when MGS3 comes out as a Greatest Hits title. They did the same thing with the Restless Dream/Director's Cut version of Silent Hill 2.
  13. Yeap....everyone knows that. I seem to remember people here were speculating and debating that the game did not take place in the 60s because it was MGS "3" not "0" before the game came out.
  14. Make it a Red Comet custom. ALL PINK. Seriously though, the current color scheme makes it look like a phase down Gundam from Seed.
  15. I am not sure that the MGS3 engine is all that great. It appears that the PS2 hardware has either been pushed to its limits, or was not utilized effectively. Even during the cut scenes I'd notice slight graphical anomalies never seen in MGS2 or other games, and it got really distracting.
  16. Wow, this I like. Do whatever you want, you can't please everyone, so please yourself. Huh huh huh huh, "please yourself".
  17. Looks like Wing in Deathscythe colors.
  18. Now I know why used goods sell for dirty cheap on eBay. As for your parents' home, I am afraid it's already too late! The place's tainted, you need to burn all your used Valks!
  19. That Police song called "Too Much Information" came to mind.
  20. Why only make the arms dark? Make all the white parts the same shades of grey would make it look cooler IMHO.
  21. ... and get blown to bits as justly deserved.
  22. Anyone have any stored pics? [/img] There you go.
  23. Nothing screams "I'm the world's biggest nerd" louder than holding one of these in public.
  24. Yeah, by the time I found out about it it was too late... Oh well, I got Ace Combat 5 for 5 bucks, can't complain.
  25. Dangit, Costco had Fox and WB DVD boxes on sale for $27.99 last weekend, but my local store had tons of copies of Buffy and Angel but no 24.
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