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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Except the dubtitles apparently failed to deliver on that front as well. When the R1 audience is questioning Camille's motives for the way he was behaving in the first few episodes (having beef with authority, stealing the Mk-II) without being able to connect the obvious dots together (he gets off easy due to the jobs/ranking his parents have, his parents spent more time working on the Mk-II than raising him, etc.) you can't help but wonder if the dubtitles managed to convey these most basic plot points at all.
  2. Let's hope the devils at Bandai don't get wind of your project and sic their lawyers on you to shut the whole thing down. They recently did that in HK with all the cool MG conversion kits that were being released/planned.
  3. I second the motion.
  4. Congrats on DA's 666th post... \m/
  5. That sounds pretty bad. Makes you wonder what kept delaying this box considering dubtitles shouldn't take that long to produce compared to real subtitles.
  6. The Minas Morgul polystone is limited to 8,500 pieces, that's probably why they were pricing it so high. Link for MM http://www.lotrdvdbox.com/
  7. Could you elaborate on that please?
  8. I wonder how much of the potty humor and sex jokes will remain intact.
  9. The LCD screen customization might prove more tricky.
  10. Japan gets all the cool stuff
  11. Many have reported problems with the bottom screen of their DS being cloudy (blurry) looking after compariing it with other DS units. Nintendo gave them a refurb replacement instead of a brand new unit. DS bottom screen fuzzy after comparison Not exactly "worry free release" in my book. By the way... check out this perfect scam. Read the end of the 3rd paragraph in the auction description PSP *order info* auctioned for $501
  12. I don't think that's a secret... it's public knowledge for a while. Since they said from the very beginning, before FOTR came out, that they wouldn't be shooting the section about Scouring of the Shire, obviously Saruman's fate will have to be addressed differently.
  13. It's all relative. Ask the people who shell out crapload of money for something that was worn or used only once by a celebrity... It's tournament legal, doggoneit.
  14. Fear not. Kojima heard the bitchin' and whinin' and kept the mindjobs on a tight leash this time, although you'll probably hate the jungle, since stealth in the jungle is a whole different ballgame from the kind of sneaking you're used to in 1 and 2.
  15. What are the dimensions of the Minas Morgul polystone? About the same as Minas Tirith or bigger?
  16. She is cute... but I think she's married. Also, she didn't give me permission to post the unpixelated photo, so... bummer. On unrelated note... is Natalie Portman using a body double?
  17. Bandai reissue 1S. Everyone knows who Skull Leader is. If he remembers the show from childhood then chances are he remembers the classic toy as well. No need to frustrate him with Yamato's relatively complex transformation scheme as a first Valk in years.
  18. LOL, you guys crack me up.
  19. Here's the latest photo from the set.
  20. Add your own caption...
  21. That asshat who shot Dimebag raped my childhood.
  22. And I'm getting tired of hearing people bitch and whine about hearing people bitch and whine over every little thing.
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