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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. this is easily the lamest looking of the new stuff...yuck! what ever happened too the the three winged tie-fighter from galoob . . ...i would have taken that in a heart beat! hopefully the variable droid fighters have more screen time than these p'sOS!!! That's the TIE Defender from the TIE Fighter PC game. Pretty hard to find, how much does one go for in the market these days, anyway?
  2. Damn bastards. This is what happens when you got Balls flying all over the place.
  3. You know what's coming next... removable Meltran armor! That's right!
  4. If I get a penny every time I hear him make that comment...
  5. That's what she said.
  6. Mostly jungle, but you do get some indoor actions here and there. I hated the jungle initially too, but you just adapt to it. Camo and the d-pad are your best friends in the jungle.
  7. I found tree climbing to be fairly useless except for the battle with The Fear. Most things can be solved in different ways, you don't have to be good at the one thing they want you to be in order to pass a certain challenge/roadblock.
  8. I remember seeing the Golden Hall and Helm's Deep being part of Big Bad Toy Store's clearance from last week. Dunno if they still have any left though.
  9. Those who have access to Hobby Japan might wanna pick up a copy of the Jan 2005 issue. There was a Hase custom painted in Razgriz black in it.
  10. Yeah, AC4's OST was only 2 discs, when I saw the pre-order was up for AC5 I couldn't believe there were gonna be 4 CDs, but they were each about an hour long, so there's no way they could have made it a 3 CD package. Even in the linear notes they said this is probably the biggest package for a game OST ever. The price's sweet too. I picked up the MGS3 OST (2 discs) at the same time, and that one was only 800 yen cheaper than AC5's 4 discs. I've been listening to AC5 OST almost nonstop, MGS3 OST didn't get much playtime since I hated the 007 wannabe OP and the overall BGM just isn't as enjoyable as the music from the first 2 games. "The Unsung War" is awesome in Latin. Kind of sucks when you realize they're just repeating the same 3 verses over and over though.
  11. I don't know how long I can tolerate 11 hour days at 6 days a week before going postal. EA's management probably doesn't even realize that overworked employees do not perform their best. A lot of these extended hours are probably wasted as the frazzled employees seek distractions instead of remaining focus on the task.
  12. Order here I got mine right before Xmas. Been listening to it a lot at work (even now as we speak). 4 discs, each about an hour long. Discs 1 - 3 contains the BGM from the campaign mode, with Disc 4 featuring the arcade mode music and music from the movies. 2 unreleased tracks on disc 3 featuring symphonic renditions of 2 of the main themes from the game. Disc 4 also has Puddle of Mudd's "Blurry" to round out the soundtrack. Each disc is silkscreened with the CG character in flight suit from War Dogs (Bartlett, Nagase, Davenport, and Grimm). Really hard to make a best of CD out of all 4 discs for the car, there are just so many excellent tracks.
  13. Wow, you missed the party several months late. Check out the greatest thread from last year that got locked: MW Cosplay thread Why do I get a feeling Exo is gonna plug his thread from another board soon...
  14. They aren't salary? If not, they have a sweet deal since they have the potential to get overtime pay. I work at a software company and everyone is salary (except maybe the administrative assistants). I rountinely work 50 hours+ per week (70 when deadlines are near), but yet my check never changes. It is just the way things are done in my industry. I haven't had an hourly wage since college. I guess this is what I get for being able to call myself a professional . They are salaried slaves with no personal lives. Notorious EA_wife story
  15. Yeah, Season 2 called and wants its gas station holdup scenario back. Debbie's gone. The evil mom knew her son couldn't do it so she made she that the kid will die by poison. The gun's probably not even loaded. Is it just me or do we have someone worse than Sherry Palmer now?
  16. Post her yearbook photo!
  17. I remember that... LMAO!
  18. One of the new girls at CTU appears to be set up to look like a mole. Probably a red herring, we'll see. Jack putting on a executor mask... tonight's gonna rock!
  19. Can't you TiVo it or program your VCR? That secretary of defense looks like a dead ringer for John McCain.
  20. Multiple words need to be put in between quotation marks. People just can't follow simple instructions these days. This was posted in the first message AND pointed out on the actual link itself.
  21. And he sold it too!
  22. It's crap like this that makes me wonder how much of my tax dollars are actually being used efficiently.
  23. That pale yellow on the Hyaku Shiki just looked plain wrong. It worked OK on its SD Ganso/alien head design, but definitely not as a HCM Pro.
  24. Likewise for Bandai's other Gundam golden boy: "Hajime Katoki" ( 2 110 results) versus "Shoji Kawamori" ( 9 420 results) The winner is: "Shoji Kawamori" Viva the Floating Head
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