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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. I thought they silenced the last few syllables with a gunshot so all you really hear is 'yippie kay yay mo-' *bang* ?
  2. Overall it did live up to the hype, although I was more entertained until the final battle. For the stakes invovled I was expecting to see armies of Autobots and Decepticons a la invasion of Zion from the last Matrix film or the epic scale war seen in ROTK, decimating the entire city in the process. The street brawl was a bit anticlimatic.
  3. Meh, some people really blew it out of proportion. Tommy even pied the guy back so they called it even... and took pictures with the guy. Wasn't like the guy pied him in front of an audience while Tommy was giving a presentation and ran for it.
  4. Don't think this has been posted yet, funny as hell: http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/jinglealltheway2/
  5. Could they have given him a more dorky name...
  6. Yeah, after all the build up in the prevous episdoe, you kind of expect even some kind of grand finale that's not so low key. Instead... it's like sex with that hot looking chick who turned out to be totally awful in bed.
  7. Terrible. I thought Jack figured out Heller was behind the whole big conspiracy and went to confront him, instead we get a weakass 'closure'.
  8. I like the way the man thinks. Thumbs up!
  9. Doesn't look like Richard Crenna will be back as Col. Samuel Trautman for this one... bummer. Added: Nevermind, he passed away in 2003. RIP...
  10. DVD box was already announced a couple months ago. I was kind of surprised it took them so long to have related new merchandise on their slate.
  11. Looks like Jason is doing all the heavy lifting with the dialog.
  12. I think all Fortune 500 companies are already outsourcing.
  13. He could always think in Japanese or some other foreign language, which points to another plot hole from the Five Years Gone episode... if HRG thinks in Japanese, Pressman wouldn't have been able to get Claire's location before killing HRG.
  14. At this juncture, only an hour-ful of Naked Mandy can save this season... maaaaaaybe.
  15. In case this hasn't been passed along yet: http://www.starwars.com/meta/rd/expand/vid...375&ap=true
  16. Alien 3... I bought Endgame on DVD when it came out but honestly can't remember anything from the workprint version. When you have a movie that (1) kills Connor and (2) have a Duncan after 10 tons of potato chips and a decade of couch potatoing, no amount of rough footage can save it.
  17. Star Wars and Transformers toys have way outlived 3-4 years... Face it, Bandai US totally f'ked it up in the most craptacular way possible.
  18. Josh is Jack's new brother?!
  19. Speaking of holes... how come Parkman never knew who he has been working for for the past 5 years?
  20. I wish they made a sequel or two to Illbleed... most original / hilarious entry in the survival horror genre that was getting really stale.
  21. The new NERV logo looks like ass.
  22. Canned. http://community.tvguide.com/blog-entry/TV...ncels/800013604
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