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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Namco bought licenses for the aircrafts that appeared in Ace Combat 5, yet the game is still priced at $49.99 like other games...
  2. Still no Acguy. Those Bandai guys must be REALLY afraid of improving that design.
  3. Is it just me or does the shield look way off proportion in terms of size?
  4. Considering the sale of pirated movies and software is the norm in mainland China, I think the irony of what you just said is enough to choke a whale.
  5. Except for the PG Mk-II and HGUC GP03D, I can't think of any Evolves that came packaged with a kit release, PG or otherwise. Did the PG Strike come with a new Evolve DVD?
  6. Mario so horny. Nintendo love you long time.
  7. Pwned! Left: currently Right: originally designed
  8. Not on the first disc as far as I can tell. Looks like a straight reissue of the individual discs that came out a while ago.
  9. Sounds good. I picked up the first box during Best Buy's 50% off anime DVDs sale and have been waiting to pick up part 2 for cheap. Looks like this is gonna be the deal to go for, but I wonder how much I'd actually save after S/H...
  10. I am assuming you mean light gun games. Here are the ones I've played so far: - Vampire Night: this strange collaboration between Namco and Sega is your typical on rails light gun game in the tradition of the House of the Dead series. Except you are shooting vampires instead of zombies. There are hostages to not shoot and hidden power ups, etc. I suspect Namco is responsible for most of the work, Sega only got their name on it because some of the sound effects came right out of their THOTD games. This game somehow came up short for me compared to the THOTD games, it just didn't seem visceral or fast-paced enough. Still, a worthy addition to your library if you love on rail type of light gun games. The art and production value on this title is higher than average. - Ninja Assault: another on rails light gun game. If you can get over the goofy concept of ninjas using guns made out of wood during feudal Japan period then you'll have a lot of fun blasting away. The production value is a bit rough but does not detract from the visceral gameplay. - Resident Evil: Dead Aim: this game has trouble deciding if it wants to be a light gun game or a typical survival horror adventure. It ends up being neither, and is a low budget title aimed at cashing in the RE brand name. Why Capcom decided to release this instead of the fun Code Veronica shooter is beyond me. The game allows you to play as the other character after completing the game once, but it is the same game without any changes in reference to the character swap. In fact, even during the cut scenes, you watch the same scenes without the lead character being replaced by the one you've unlocked. That's how low-budget it goes. Last but not least, the big bad boss is a gender-confused sissy that makes Code Veronica's Alfred as manly as Agent ONE.
  11. You do realize that's not gonna happen for a great percentage of them, who has not seen the female genitalia since birth, right?
  12. Now we all know why Mario went through all that trouble risking his fat ass... Pfunk's avatar just found its soul mate.
  13. I guess you won't find "design flaw" in his dictionary...
  14. Maybe she's a double agent trying to pull a "I screwed over the terrorists for you guys so now I demand a MAJOR promotion" type of byatch...
  15. That would be the Hizack, which maintained most of the Zaku's distinctive features. The Marasai looks like that happened to Char in the 0079 War for Earth game with a live action fatass gaijin.
  16. Never understood what's the fascination with it. The head is ridiculously big, and the body just looks too chunky to be cool.
  17. OMG It all makes perfect sense now... considering who she's engaged to!!!
  18. Maybe, considering the recliner of rage connection... You should see the one where Triumph went to Hawaii and pooped on all the wannabes auditioning for American Idol. Now that's comedy gold!
  19. How can you...! The Japanese version won't have added bonus suits from Wing, G, and Seed that can overpower all UC suits!
  20. Well it'd be his fault if THX wasn't accepted by Hollywood. I remember going to a THX certified theater, the screen had a tear on it, and the sound was distorted as well. This was Mann's Puente Hills theater back during the mid 1990s.
  21. 1+ year old story from GameSpot Just because they say it's coming doesn't mean it certainly will. Wasn't that Cube Gundam game Ace Pilots: Path to Glory supposed to come out in the US too? Still a vaporware/import-only.
  22. The ver. Ka was (kinda) based on the Katoki design that was made into resin kits, but was never animated or appeared in any other official Gundam merchandise such as games, comics, etc. Therefore it technically doesn't exist in any timeline.
  23. It's on the DVD that came with the CD too. Classic. "You'll masturbate... til Ally McBeal gains weight!"
  24. May the Force be with you... ...for me to poop on!
  25. The shoulders look weird, but since it's based on the design from the video game... I'd still take this over another MG from Seed or Seed Destiny.
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