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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Appears to be "fan discs" with production/behind the scenes coverage of the movies/shows listed. The 2nd DVD is only 100 minutes long. No way can the OVA and TV series be squeezed into 100 minutes on 1 disc.
  2. That poster is such a disgrace to Anderson's name - yes, that's how bad Boll is!
  3. That's a very nice kit for something made in 1989. Esp. compared to the 1/144 Char's Counterattack kits. Shame on the HGUC kit for not providing standard features from the oldass 1989 version such as clear visor piece and separate beam saber from the hand.
  4. People who download movies are cheap. Cheap folks won't fork out much to the LokiTorret legal protection fund. Little $ = lawyers walk. No lawyers = pwned by RIAA.
  5. It's official... according to HK Postal Service, at least!
  6. I thought disliking the French is purely American. Or did we inherit it from the Brits?
  7. It must be the original 1/144 kits from 0080 released around 1989, since they didn't have any 0080 HGUC kits until a year or two ago. There were only 2 GM Command kits released in 1989 - the space (white and red) and colony use (tan and black) versions. Cold Climate version was never released until last year's HGUC version. I still prefer the original 1/144 kits from 0080 over their HGUC "upgrade" versions. Except for better joint design that's a direct result of the last 15 years, the HGUCs usually skimp on the basics such as colored transparent visor pieces, and the proportions are usually a bit off with the HGUCs too.
  8. The MiniPato DVD was available independently from the WXIII movie in Japan, you didn't have to buy WXIII to get MiniPato, at least in Japan. Pioneer is the one that makes people buy the whole schpiel... and I paid full MSRP, not $10, for the stupid box!!!
  9. My understanding was that they showed Mini-Pato in theaters before the WXIII movie. Kind of like how the recent Pixar features always kickstarted with a short.
  10. "We don't take kindly to your kind around here!"
  11. Well, Tony's turned out to be quite the loser. Even Michelle left him.
  12. Actually, the third movie's plot came directly from the manga, except it focuses on different characters instead of the SV2.
  13. Wasn't the Cold Climate one just released less than a year ago in 2004?
  14. I think I know what Duke will say about this one...
  15. Looking at the bidding history, it looks like someone put in a very high proxy bid and the other person was being a cheapskate and only adding the minimum increment required with each bid, trying to figure out what the high bidder's maximum was and become the new high bidder without putting in a huge proxy bid amount. People on eBay can be cheap like that.
  16. I don't remember if it was in Mini-Pato or a magazine article, but the validity of the (size of) firearms used by the Ingrams were questioned and refuted using the laws of physics.
  17. I hope they make a new MG Zaku II with that kind of posability...
  18. "Not For Sale" printed smack in the middle along the bottom edge. I guess they were promo giveaways, probably only given out in HK.
  19. I can't recall the last time some pieces of plastic have invoked such emotion.
  20. I doubt they could have developed military technology even if they wanted... the allied countries pretty much neutered Japan in that aspect after WWII ended.
  21. One thing I forgot to mention is the cool storage case these Micro Gundams come in. They are sculpted like a hangar/maintainance frame and looks good whether you flip the see-thru cover open or not. I don't think the HCM Pros have this. These were the last small-sized pre-made Gundam toys to be made in Japan. Due to increasing labor cost in Japan, Bandai shifted it to large sized toys (1/60 Wing) but eventually caved and have their toys made in China like everyone else.
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