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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Here's a spoiler about another cameo in Ep 3.
  2. Why not? Anime isn't just for kids.
  3. Sony already got slapped with a class action and are repairing defective PS2s for free. M$ is only doing this recall in order to avoid similar lawsuits (maybe they've been sued already).
  4. Why couldn't they just cut off the thumb from that dude's corpse instead of having to release that traitor from CTU to access the computer? Oh well, she's a goner. Good riddance.
  5. Does that mean we are not getting all the PS1 additions?
  6. Greatest moment in anime history!
  7. Anyone know if the US version will have dual language support? If not, then I'm picking up the import edition instead.
  8. Oopsy, fixed. I'm getting old...
  9. What kind of kisser are you? Server is kinda slow...
  10. Tomino who??? Someone's confusing MGS with MSG.
  11. Got my JP slim PS2 a few weeks ago. That thing is damn small! If the slots for the controllers and memory cards weren't so wide, they probably would have made it even smaller!
  12. Don't wanna spoil the story but that wasn't the Metal Gear. It doesn't show up physically, only in blue-print form/mentioned in passing. The Shagohod was a competing design that got made instead.
  13. In case you didn't know, Lucas worships Joel Schumacher's work on the Batman films.
  14. I agree. For the amount charged I expect it to look at least like metal, at least on the surface.
  15. They're beginning to warm the shelves of local Toys R Us stores. Only the R2 is a good seller. I think there are a lot of Grievous in an assortment case so there are still lots of him on the pegs. The other 2 are DOA. Anakin's Starfighter is also out. I saw some dude hoarding 5 of those, what a dumbass. The days of making money off SW toys has long passed. He needs to get some Yu-Gi-Oh! cards if he wants a reliable means of supporting his drug habit.
  16. If I were Palpatine, I would use my mindtrick powers on some hot supermodel, not some slave on a desert planet located at the ass of the galaxy.
  17. Yoda will die! After he pads Padme!
  18. Seriously, what's left to spoil by this point? We all know the major events that will happen. Any "spoilers" are just minor plot details that won't factor in as far as the big picture's concerned. Unless we're talking about the twins being fathered by someone other than Anakin...
  19. If I recall correctly, both X-Wing and TIE Fighter were designed by a duo, who split afterwards and only one of them stayed with LucasArts and did the Alliance game, thus the completely different feel from the 2 previous games. In other words, the magic is gone. What I wouldn't give to blast away at Rebel Scums in a TIE Defender again...
  20. I have to say this is by far the best pic. Second'd.
  21. Movies are not getting lamer. The audience is getting more sophisticated. Most movies these days are made for the teenage demography. No surprise we old farts find them lame. Speaking of good movies from the last 3 years, I think the LOTR trilogy easily offsets all the crap we had to endure.
  22. They should be roughly 1/144 from the official stats. Go to MAHQ and do your own calculation to see if they've strayed too far from scale. Mobile suits have been getting bigger and bigger since 0079, until after CCA, when SNRI's introduction of new technologies started a trend of scaled down suits with more powerful generators.
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