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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. New episodes appear on CN's website the day after its broadcast. You're welcome Added: And people say Lucas writes awful romance scenes...
  2. The moment you see her practically sucking her son's face you know she's gonna be sleeping with the fishes. yeah, I noticed that too. It was kinda disturbing to see she was doing that. But anyway, I hope that they didn't just kill her off like that already. I'm 100% sure she's a goner. The only reason they didn't show her getting shot explicitly is because it'd be way too much for broadcast TV. If there's any rule about 24, it's they always make the characters sympathetic before getting whacked.
  3. The moment you see her practically sucking her son's face you know she's gonna be sleeping with the fishes.
  4. I have Sideshow's Tiffany (Bride of Chucky). It was way better than I expected. Looks like she walked right out of the movie's prop shop.
  5. Problem is this looks like a throwback to the old silly combiner super robot shows from the 1970s and 1980s instead of something that has the potential to usher in a new era of mecha anime that takes a step closer to reality.
  6. Gets even better on the back side of the pod.
  7. Star Wars and junk food promotion, a match made in a galaxy far, far away... Skittles new SW Ep 3 iPod skin
  8. More like it's a US game based on a movie franchise... unless you haven't seen MGS3 or Tekken 5.
  9. yeah that was tight! That was Michael Beihn? The CTU team? Naw. But I wish he was.....Michael Biehn is the STEREOTYPICAL Delta Force (Special Forces) Leader. Hehehehehehe. SEAL. Navy SEAL. Delta is Army if I am not mistaken.
  10. Wow, I have a hard time deciding if this or the original's packaging looks better.
  11. Tomino needs to see this before he kicks the bucket.
  12. Looks interesting, I've been holding out on an extended cut and the fact that the original cut seems to be going out of print is no longer an issue.
  13. Of course, think about all the kitbash possibilities: - super poseable Gundam ver. Ka - super poseable Gundam G3 - super poseable GM - not-so-super poseable Perfect Gundam - super poseable Gundam Unit 4 - super poseable Gundam Unit 5 the list goes on and on.
  14. ??? I don't see any comedy in any of the Patlabor movies, these were designed from the get-go for an adult audience (get your mind outta the gutter) as you can tell from the political subject matter and level of sophistication in its character treatments, unlike the TV series and the "new OVA" it spawned, which relies more on comedy for its target audience (kids & teens). I'd recommend the Read or Die movie. No prior knowledge of the manga or TV series is required, a good standalone 2 hour movie with plenty of action and fun.
  15. Did you catch last week's 60 minutes? Some dead cops family wants to sue the makers of GTA games because a psycho kid went on a rampage at the police station. Next thing you know, they're gonna sue Ah-nold and Cameron because that's the real inspiration for a police station rampage.
  16. OMG that's so wrong yet so right on every level.
  17. MGS2 Substance is dual-layer.
  18. Nevermind.
  19. How many Star Wars threads does this board need?
  20. Monkey should write something like this
  21. You mean AllSnake! No wonder they fired him from the show... his integrity just got shot!
  22. First screenshot of MGS4
  23. Wow, as if dubbing wasn't bad enough already, now even subs suck as well. Extra funny if you can read Chinese:
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