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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Given 24's streak of killing women off, she's done an incredible job considering how she even outlasted Sherry Palmer.
  2. Doesn't Sony replace PSP units with dead pixels?
  3. Cos Naked Mandy she ain't.
  4. That's because it's super-old-news. This set was from the first wave of Gundam figures released in the US several years ago.
  5. That's strange, I've never had problems with their servers. What time of the day do you try to connect?
  6. Great deals on Sakura Wars, although the OVAs are only enjoyable if you've played the games before.
  7. The first AC was enjoyable, for a 1st gen PS1 game. The music was cool too. I just love the guitars on the rock tracks. Hated the electronica music that appeared on 2. Just scored a used copy of 3 the other day. Haven't had a chance to check it out yet.
  8. Yeah! The PSP was created by God. Gold PSP!
  9. Don't think this was posted: SC III game trailer Quite a leap from "customize your fighter" in Tekken 5 to "create your own original fighter" in SC3.
  10. You hear that, Xstoys?
  11. You left out the entire subplot of Chloe trying to be Edgar's boss and then acts like a kid when she can't get her way (this ain't Burger King!)
  12. The stealth's gonna hit Air Force One, what other twist is there?
  13. Watch the series. Reach your own conclusions. Then discuss with other people who's seen it.
  14. I was kind of surprised to see the Jedis knight Anakin and Obiwan start calling him "brother" instead of Padawan, considering their exchange in Ep 4 where Vader admits that Obiwan was the master and he was the learner when they last saw each other... Maybe Lucas will go back and replace that conversation with something else.
  15. Mods please lock this thread, it has been threadcrapped by console fanboys long enough without any on-topic posts.
  16. Doesn't matter, I am getting the PS2 version.
  17. New episodes appear on CN's website the day after its broadcast. You're welcome Not yet! I tried viewing that page last night, but for some reason, I can not hardly view anything on Cartoon Network's website. I'm going to have to play with my security settings some more. I tried setting my privacy settings to their lowest, but that doesn't even work. Does anyone have any suggestions on why I can't view most of CN's content? No problems here, and my browser's security setting is not set to lowest.
  18. In the future, everything is Taco Bell. Sex without swapping bodily fluids = a sucky future
  19. They can always sell in-game ads to help generate revenue. A lot of sports games already do that, and it's helped to push the price of these games down to $19.99. It's not that much of a stretch to think that Coke and Pepsi will still be around even in UC 0079.
  20. <insert Duke Togo homoerotic comments here>
  21. LMAO! That was awesome!
  22. New episodes appear on CN's website the day after its broadcast. You're welcome Added: And people say Lucas writes awful romance scenes... ack, it's not working! but thanx anyway. Maybe later it'll work. Click on settings, set up your player preference, then click on the little disc that says "21".
  23. Way too much? Is it because she was considered one of the "good guys"? Consdering the large amount of people that're killed on 24 I doubt Dina Eraz's would have been any different. No, it's because she's a mother. Nobody wants to see women and kids in body bags. At least not in this country.
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