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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Wow, next Monday's episode looks cool. 2 deaths and for the living ones, most of them manage to get into bigger troubles.
  2. Well, the Batmobile is a real vehicle that has 400HP and can really jump like that without camera tricks. One of them is on display at Vegas for those who live in the area. Warner even flew guards out for it.
  3. Keep refreshing the page to see new facts
  4. How about some Koubu F2 conversion using the Koubu F kits from Wave? Top: F series, Bottom: F2 series
  5. Clive Owen gets my vote too. Jude Law is too much of a girlie men for Bond.
  6. I stopped buying since last year, no big loss here.
  7. I thought she was a deadmeat when she got sent out, but after seeing how she can handle the AK, I think she'll be around for a very long time.
  8. Hmm... using juice leads to manhood shrinkage. If you don't juice, you're a pussy... Can't win either way!
  9. X and Turn-A were pretty good.
  10. Logan serves no purpose other than being just a plot device to bring Palmer back... it's so obvious I can't even stay pissed at his pussiness anymore.
  11. He was awesome in Cliffhanger too.
  12. 4th reply on the 1st page of this thread...
  13. Why is Yoda's lightsaber so short?
  14. I had problem with the DC version of Giren's Greed freezing occassionally. The PS2 version, while slightly streamlined compared to the PS1/DC edition, has lots of MSV aces and IMHO is easier to get into then the earlier ones.
  15. Yeah, most of the ones that got ported here happen to be the crappier ones. True gems like Lost War Chronicles and Giren's Greed PS2 edition never made it over here. I hated Journey to Jaburo too, but they did an awesome job updating the game's engine for Lost War Chronicles. The difference in gameplay/mecha performance and graphics is like between a Pinto and a Porsche. The cool thing about LWC is that there's an original story where you get to play on either side of the OYW and most of the suits from 0079, 08th MS Team, 0080, and even the GP01 show up in the game, and the mecha model is more detailed than that of Capcom's vs. series. Your performance will result in your team reacting differently towards you between missings, so it's like RPG/dating sim lite. WC is made by the same team that developed Encounters in Space, so expect the graphics and gameplay to be similar, even though LWC is strictly ground-only (with some amphibious action - love the Zugocks!) The new OYW game is made by Namco. They have a very solid track record, I don't think it'll suck and will get mine soon. Gundam the Best are Bandai's version of Greatest Hits of Gundam games - older titles reissued with new packaging at a cheaper price point. I've bought from NCS before. Overall good customer support and games they ship are good, but I did have problems when buying non-game products from them. They are probably the best US-based import website though.
  16. Mama's boy with a dead mama.
  17. Not as interactive but still fun
  18. Ralph? Wasn't it Mike Novic? I wouldn't be surprised if all the disaster that happened this season was engineered by some Evil White Dude so his puppet of a VC can be put in office. All the crazy terrorists were nothing more than pawns in his manipulations for control.
  19. Yeah, she needs to be tried for treason. They could have just destroyed the damn thing or hid it, but NOOOOOO, let's carry this big red bullseye on our back and mark ourselves for death!
  20. I've built it. For its time the kit was very well designed for a MG kit. They managed to hide most of the seam lines except for the head. I only wished it was molded in Cannon colors instead of the JR custom colors.
  21. Is it just me or does the prothetics makeup for Sidious in Ep 3 look completely fake? They probably realized it was a low budget makeup and masked it with dim light in the OT, but now the makeup just looks horribly unrealistic in Ep 3.
  22. He was so much scarier in Leon/The Professional.
  23. John Doe from Se7en.
  24. I bought Clone Wars on DVD and watched everything, including all the extras and commentary features, and enjoyed everything. Can't say the same thing about the 2 prequels and the OT...
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