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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Wow, they're having midnight screenings of this flick!
  2. The Sarah Connor character was so badly written... all the changes (both physical and mental) that she went through between T1 and T2 just seem to have vaporized...
  3. The new movie from the director of Ong Bak looks awesome... http://www.aintitcool.com/node/35213
  4. Not until John McClane shows up with his old pal Zeus and blow everyone away... 'Yippie ka kay, muthaphaker!'
  5. Wasn't this movie called Resident Evil without zombies?
  6. Bruce the genius actor Bruce sings Duran Duran
  7. Yeah this new ADD edit trailer looks lame, the old one's much better.
  8. I love how their whole marketing campaign just got screwed over with the release date being pushed back to Jan 18, 2008. This Christmas, there will be no AVP on Earth.
  9. Looks like the bastard child of McG + Katamari Damacy + sugarrush induced Japanese commercials. The scary part is it might 'inspire' a new generation of filmmakers.
  10. Way to go Hiro, bury Adam 6 ft underground but leaving him alive gives him the perfect way to come back Kill Bill style.
  11. 'Two heroes will fall' - wonder if they're only down for a few minutes like HRG or permanently... start wagering on who these two would be.
  12. Agreed, lack of monitoring the prisoners and be totally oblivious to the fact that Peter was being manipulated by Adam was way boneheaded for an organization like The Company. Unless the whole thing was an elaborate scheme orchestrated by Adam, with The Company in it with him all along... Notice how Adam was able to walk thru walls just by touching Peter... I thought Peter absorbs other's powers, now he can give them at will too?! Going by the paintings, it looks like Mohinder will eventually shoot HRG in the eye when he refuses to give up Claire to help Nikki out...
  13. Almost sure Maya will be key to developing a new cure to the new strain that's immune to Suresh's old cure. Talk about a longass setup.
  14. You know what this stupid strike means... MORE REALITY SHOWS!!!! Oh noz...
  15. I think people were miffed because Tim Kring, the show's creator, went on record and stated numerous times in interviews that he hasn't read comic books yet the show is chokefull of elements and plot lines borrowed from comic books. That could have been the case though, his ignorance of comic lore certainly would prevent him from recognizing that his writers are plagiarizing heavily.
  16. With the writers on strike, it looks like volume 2 will end with an altered version of the final episode instead of going ahead with volume 3 as originally planned.
  17. One of the main writers from season 1 left the show to do Pushing Daisies... IIRC he wrote the episode 'Company Man'. I think his departure is showing on the (lack of) quality in season 2's writing.
  18. If you live in the L.A. area, go check out the 18 ft tall prop version of Bumblebee on display: http://www.cinematical.com/2007/10/16/gall...in-los-angeles/
  19. Dunno if this has been posted yet: http://www.hellblazer.net/2007/07/23/recursion-shot-first/
  20. This is beginning to feel like a Blair Witch... all the pre-release buzz and hype with nothing of substance to back up the actual film when it was finally released.
  21. Funny how the Weinstein Company now specializes in making money off existing franchises (Hannibal Rising, The Equalizer and now this) and kung fu movies on DVD... quite a 180 from when they were running Miramax and doing arthouse fare.
  22. Metallica's The Call of Ktulu was titled after the H.P. Lovecraft story of the same name, except they misspelled Cthulhu.
  23. Some juicy bits from IMDB today:
  24. You know all the product placements have just bought the movie a couple of extra ILM-caliber VFX shots instead of making them look like some cheaply done VFX like the ones seen in, say, Ultraviolet, right?
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