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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Awesome news. I just got Battlefront over the weekend and didn't get much sleep as a result.
  2. Most of them have problems with the hand being able to hold their weapons. The arms tend to droop over time too, because this was the first time Bandai made Gundam models with that kind of detail and articulation at a smaller scale. As much as I love their designs, they are not exactly great kits for the purpose of striking display poses. You are better off gluing everything down - joints and weapons. With that said, the F90 and SF91 designs with BFGs should be avoided. The basic F91 designs are mostly OK.
  3. I noticed that too. Talk about being typecast. He needs to get some kung fu chops under his belt to avoid the consulate type of roles.
  4. There were far too many implausibilities in this episode: Logan continues to be an idealogical dick. Even the most spoiled child did not live a life as sheltered as his. A mere "head of security" at the Chinese Consulate is allowed access to CTU during a time of national crisis - gimme a break! Whatever happened to "I'll have to go through the channels to get the OK in a couple of hours"?! Marwan would be so stupid to let a mere freelancing nuke geek know which 3 locations he's using on that particular day, when he's been super paranoid all day long and even making his men kill their own family to ensure everything go as planned. Chloe hitting on Jack Edgar violating protocol by talking to the head of security from the Chinese consulate. Jack violating protocol by mentioning the terrorist by name within earshot of a third party (head of security from the Chinese consulate). By the way, the people at the Chinese consulate spoke horrible Chinese. Nobody talks like that except those learning it as their 2nd language or reading off a poorly translated script. CTU's interpreter spoke better Chinese than any of them.
  5. You're right, Ridley's better. NO SCHWARZENEGGER = NOT A GOOD MOVIE. DYRL = not good movie?!
  6. I never manage to spell it right! *lol* Lawry's Lawry's Lawry's! Just wanted to make sure he doesn't go to a restaurant that actually has the misspelled name and go "WTF? This is awful!" Book Off is kind of hit-and-miss these days. As of a year or two ago they started to jack the price up for items they know are popular, sometimes the used ones sell for the same price as the MSRP (actually more after you factor in the exchange rate) while you can get brand new ones from Yahoo Japan auctions for far less.
  7. I just realized the colors totally remind me of the MS-05 Zaku I.
  8. PG Gundam wasn't exactly hard to build - you just follow the assembly diagram and snap the parts together. You don't even need to paint the finished model since all the parts were pre-molded in the right colors. Now the 1/72 is another story altogether. Being a kit designed in the early 1980s, it did not even have matching pegs and holes on the parts so you have to glue them together carefully to avoid misaligning the parts. Paint is absolutely necessary as well. I've broken one of the hinges for the arms, they can be fairly delicate.
  9. Rebel scum must be smelly and dirty.
  10. I personally don't have a problem with it, but the last time we had photos of a custom posted with Nazi markings on it the board exploded with flame posts like crazy.
  11. I didn't notice anything like that. From more than 1 source: Review 1 Review 2 Review 3
  12. I heard MGS2: Substance for Xbox had horrible graphics/slowdown compared to the PS2 version.
  13. Assuming you mean the prime ribs place, it's Lawry's in Beverly Hills, not Laury's. You can get even better steak at Ruth's Chris, but it'll cost over $50 per person. If Robert Duvall eats there, you can't go wrong. But these are chain restraurants you can find in most major cities. For unique L.A. restaurants, I recommend Minori Sushi, also in the Beverly Hills area and listed in the L.A. City Guide. It doesn't look fancy on the outside, but the food and chefs are incredible. You can always do the typical tourist thing and go to Universal Studios and Disneyland. Sunset strip is also worth checking out. Macross stuff - I don't think Anime Jungle has that much Macross stuff, but you'll find some posters and possibly some kits. For the Yamato and Bandai toys, you'll probably get a better deal at the Frank & Sons Collectibles Show every Wednesday evening and Saturday at City of Industry (about 20 miles east of L.A.). You can also find some Hase and Bandai Macross kits at Best 1 Hobby. Or you can just go and raid Xstoys' house.
  14. Pretty much. This game was rushed and could have used some polish in just about every department - engine, 3D models, level design, and music. Wished I had bought Battlefront last night instead.
  15. I thought it sucked so hard it was gonna swallow. Definitely not worth the $34.99 (Fry's) I paid for it. The game reminds me of that Episode I game I played on PC, except the graphics were not as good aesthetically, and the controls were awful too. They tried to throw some RPG elements in it by giving your Jedi experience points which you can trade in to buy skills and move upgrades, but EA implemented that much better with their LOTR games. With Dooku you just have to be very defensive and block 90% of the time, and force lift him after blocking his string of attacks and do a jump attack on him. Definitely not a well-designed boss. He reminds me of the final boss from Clock Tower 3, which was all mechanical and takes forever to kill. If you MUST see some Ep 3 footage you can't find anywhere else then it'll do, but considering the whole movie is already floating around online, I don't see the point of shelling out the cash for bits and pieces while having to suffer through some rather tedious levels/bosses to unlock them. The worst part was the music. While the Episode 1 action game used music from/inspired by Williams' score for Episode I, this Ep 3 game relies on music from the othe 5 movies for its bulk of soundtrack. That takes me out of the environment a lot since I am too familiar with the scenes these cues recall. 65 out of 100. I think the ability to play all the other "duellists" in multiplayer mode is probably its only saving grace. Added: Forgot to mention, General Grievious was nowhere nearly as cool and scary as he was in Clone Wars. He walked and moved more like Yoda in ESB and doesn't sound like a badass at all. Voice casting for him could have been much, much better...
  16. These aren't the droids we are looking for. Move along!
  17. Why's that? For each freelancing, terrorist-aiding Chinese, they got one working for the CTU as an interpreter. I was surprised at Palmer's pussiness when dealing with the Chinese diplomats. "Gee I dunno man, 2 hours? I did tell you they're gonna nuke us any time within 2 hours right? Okie dokie, just go take your coffee break and get back to me when you feel like it. What the hell man, we still got the west coast after the east coast is annihilated."
  18. Had a Taka when I was a kid. Bought another one off eBay a few years ago. There is no substitute for the Taka... gotta love the spring-loaded decks/forearms and cannons!
  19. Did they say "only 3 episodes left" at the end? I thought there were supposed to be 4 more episodes to go...
  20. Here's a real spoiler for you, Sequel to Episode III
  21. Supposedly KB was blowing it out a couple months ago, although I've never seen a live one.
  22. For those who missed out on or are holding out for a sale on the LOTR trilogy extended edition gift box sets, Fry's is blowing them out at $24.99 each. PS2 version of LOTR: The Third Age at Fry's has dropped to $19.99 as well, while other chains are still charging $29.99 for it. The PS2 Cy Girls game starring Mari Ijima's voice is now on sale for $14.99 at the City of Industry store. Yes I was on quite a shopping spree.
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