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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. I'll take a Woo flick over this any day.
  2. $30 for a used PS2? I hope you tested the system thoroughly and made sure it was afflicted with the dreaded DRE (Disc Read Error). Some have reported that Sony no longer offers free repairs on units suffering from DRE.
  3. Yep Looks more like the cheap spray coating than chrome to my eyes. I doubt Bandai even bothered to redo the mold so the pegs connecting from the frame to the parts is underneath the part instead of on the side of the part, leaving obnoxious, uncoated areas upon assembly... That should have been standard after they made the Hyaku Shiki kit that way.
  4. If that's the only reason you got the console, why didn't you just get the JP version and spare yourself all the headache and confusion with modding a system?
  5. I wonder how many of the tickets were bought by scalpers who only wanted to get in and buy the exclusive merchandises and auction them.
  6. I already forgot, but is Xbox 360 backwards compatible like its competitors? If so, that might make it a more attrative choice for you. I didn't know Sega ported HotD 3 to the Xbox and released it in the States until it's been out for a while, when I saw a floor demo of it at the local Fry's. I guess it was too gory to be carried by most mainstream stores. I was heavily into the original HotD when the lightgun bundle of HotD2 for the Japnese Sega DC came out. After I bought it I had to get the console. This was before the system's US launch.
  7. Heh, I don't know they were releasing a movie about Agent ONE. I know I shouldn't feed his ego, otherwise his head will pop one of these days Graham Wrong movie, Graham.
  8. If by next gen House of the Dead you mean HotD with a shotgun peripheral then I am so there! : D If you meant HotD 3, the one that uses shotguns in the arcade, it's been out for Xbox for a while. Don't remember if the Xbox port has a shotgun style light gun for it though... HotD2 sold the Dreamcast for me. However, 3 didn't sell the Xbox for me.
  9. I think Bale was contracted to do 3 Bat flicks.
  10. Go with Mari. You can't go wrong with it.
  11. LOL! MGREXX, you sure you saw it? are you sure? like really sure? I was expecting something more along the lines of "OMFG! This movie spoiled the game for me! $*!"
  12. I was dead tired last night but the movie kept my attention throughout, didn't drift off and fall asleep like I expected to. The movie was not perfect but it was so much better than Ep 1 and 2. I prefer it over RotJ, plot holes, bad lines and all. The beginning was worth the price of admission alone. My sister complained some scenes felt dragging, but I thought the movie felt hurried. Anakin needed to spend more time in confusion before he crosses over to the Dark Side. All it took was an "accident" for him to make up his mind, seemed a bit too convenient/soon.
  13. That'd be the 2nd option - non-midnight for the 19th.
  14. I wonder if the midnight show's all sold out already...
  15. I bought it new at Fry's a week or two ago for 15 bucks. Mari can use the dough.
  16. Nice butt shot of the MG Acguy.
  17. Wow... that is a lot. You sure showed me... Shaders make games look more realistic by simulating multiple light sources on a 3D model. And neither console is likely to approach its maximum operations/second anytime soon. By the time TVs with 1080p support are in the majority of houses, and by the time that software developers use 1080p as a standard, both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 will have been replaced. How's that for thinking of the future? QUOTE]Now you bring up a very misguided statement over and over whic hmust ne addressed right now. You keeo saying that current games don't take up a full dual layer DVD. Guess what........WRONG!!!!!!!!!!! Ask most producers and developers of the hottest games tha have come out recently about space. They complain that they just could not fit everything in a game because THEY RAN OUT OF SPACE. Case in point is MG3. Hideo Kojima said that he had to cut out a few scenes and features from the game because of a DISC SPACE SHORTAGE. Guess what, smacktard? Metal Gear Solid 3 is on a single layer DVD. Feel free to throw your copy into a computer and analyze it with DVD Decrypter, if you don't believe me. If running out of space was really an issue for Kojima, why didn't they simply use a dual-layer DVD? Likewise, if they'd run out of space for extras, how is it that they're are, in fact, releasing a Substance version with extras? 99% of the games developed today are on single-layer DVDs. Despite your erroneous claims to the contrary, it is a fact that most games do not even come close to taking up the full 9GB provided by a dual-layer DVD. Triple pwned! I am so sick of these lame developers whining about having to cut content due to lack of disc space. They could have easily gone dual layer or multi-disc if they really wanted to not have to cut anything. Cy-Girls shipped on 2 discs, so it's been done before and not the realm of impossibility or impracticality. As things stand, there are probably less than 20 dual-layer PS2 titles out of the thousands released PS2 titles. Even a 1st grader can tell you that does not constitute "majority" in any way.
  18. Are the N64/SNES/NES downloads limited to first party titles or can you get access to third party gems and imports that have been long out of print?
  19. I remember when the original PlayStation came out, its decision to go with a disc-based format instead of Nintendo's tried-and-true ROM cart was a huge deal and the impact on the industry was almost forgotten by now, except for Nintendo, whose stubbornness/unwillingness to go disc-based until the GC cost them quite a bit. Besides cheap manufacturing costs, disc-based games are also more flexible in terms of responding to the market's demand. It's fast and easy to order a batch of copies on disc vs. ROM carts. Unsellable copies also cost the publisher less if they were discs as opposed to carts. Back in the days when drives were costly and slow, gamers have to suffer long loading time. I salute all who bought a NeoGeo CD and put up with its horrible single-speed drive.
  20. Some people just can't stop tinkering with their creation. Lucas happens to be one of those guys. He doesn't really care if all the changes will piss people off. He figured since you can't please everyone, might as well please yourself. Hmm, that didn't sound too right.
  21. Even more awesome than GT5... http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/05/17/news_6125243.html Gamespot announced a trio of MGS games being released by Konami: MGS4(PS3) -Online Battle Mode! The roxxor!!! Set after MGS2, Meryl, Otacon, and Revolver Ocelot are all back! MGS4 teaser Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence -included versions of the two original MSX games(Metal Gear: Metal Gear: Solid Snake) http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/adventure/mgs3...ew_6125264.html Online multiplayer and a 3rd person behind-the-back view, I'm sold! Metal Gear Acid 2
  22. Why all the bashing on a prototype design that can be quite different from the final release?
  23. Initial reviews for Guild Wars were very positive. It wasn't ridiculous on system requirements and people liked the variety in customization options. I hope they release a Mac version soon.
  24. I see the ladies have not started voting yet.
  25. Ah, the Chinese crisis seems so far away now... like a week already. Of course, I doubt anyone cares what happened to Behrooz by now. It does look like Tony's gonna be dead meat since they actually gave him quality time to make up with Michelle. Buchanan's gonna be a happy man next week.
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