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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Trailer looks goofy. Could be more about his personal life and all the melodrama...
  2. I'm so uspet to see that they are releaseing MG ZZ "Aqua" gundams, but that the Kapool didn't make the cut 316040[/snapback] ??? I don't recall seeing any "Aqua" Gundams in ZZ... The size of the Kapool from ZZ and from Turn-A is quite different, though.
  3. That Kaneshiro dude who played Onimusha should fit the bill well.
  4. One of my favorite manga of all time. Would make a great TV series with A-list film actors. I think Kevin Spacey would be great for the role of that German cop who's trying to arrest Tenma.
  5. LMAO, oldie but goodie!
  6. Considering the launch price of the PS1 and Saturn at the time, the price of the NeoGeo cart system wasn't all that bad. The only problem was the price of the carts, but when you add up the coins you'd otherwise spend in the arcade, they're quite a bargain. You also get instant gratification without all the annoying load time or fear of scratched discs that'd no longer work.
  7. Ah, a true elite. I remember seeing my friend hooking up his NeoGeo Cart system to the home stereo to show me the original Samurai Shodown. When the floor started shaking to the drums I knew the system is a must-have.
  8. Ray Liotta hasn't done any decent pictures since Copland, which was more than 5 years ago.
  9. Oh yeah, I remember their official party line too. Funny how that Gundam's practically dead in NA now that they are releasing a Gundam RPG/strategy game despite their earlier stance.
  10. It's not even real SD. It's somewhere between SD and non-SD. And the Turn-A style design for human characters is not exactly enticing, either.
  11. Wow, this actually makes some sense...
  12. This is your Force on the Dark Side
  13. Mace Windu turns out to be related to Gollum
  14. The secret to Midichlorians is finally revealed...
  15. Yoda-speak to the next level
  16. You'd think they can't mess this one up...
  17. WoW. I bought it on sale to check out the game for the first 30 days free, but I am so hooked I've prepaid 6 months. Haven't touched a console game since.
  18. So is it dub-only again this time? Or did they not remove the Japanese voice track?
  19. How come the cars were neatly parked on the freeway after the EMP struck - shouldn't there be massive pileups and wreckage to a point where even if you had a running car, it wouldn't be able to get thru the mess?
  20. Falling Down was fairly decent, without all the fancy sets. Most of the scenes were shot on location, actually.
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