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Jolly Rogers

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Everything posted by Jolly Rogers

  1. Sorry to go slightly off-topic but I'd think people reading this thread are more likely to know about this figure I am trying to identify. While going through my collection, I unsealed a box of Eva figures made by Kaiyodo - these predate the Revoltech figures, they're pretty big, originally come on blister packs but was later repackaged in "cube" style plastic boxes, Diamond Comics used to distribute these in the US and even got their own glow-in-the-dark Eva-01 made as a Comic Con exclusive - and found one that was an all-black version of Eva-00 among a bunch of "crystal" variants. While the "metallic" and "crystal" (molded in see-thru plastic colored with the Eva's primary color) variants were well known and widely distributed from this line, I am having a hard time remembering any details about this solid-black Eva-00 other than vaguely remembering this was some kind of store or con exclusive only available in Japan, might have bought it from Hajime at Frank & Sons back in the late 1990s or early 2000s but it's been so long i can't recall. Googling yielded no results whatsoever other than my Frank & Sons thread here (LOL). Does anyone by chance know anything about this black Eva-00 figure from Kaiyodo?
  2. Geesh, I remember the days, when a new cartridge for it would cos about as much as a current generation console... hundreds of dollars LOL. Nothing beats 0 second loading time though.
  3. Must... resist... urge... to buy... overpriced dolls...
  4. Makes no sense that every single person in the FBI raid was dealt with swiftly EXCEPT for Ellison, not to mention he had the files Kester was looking for. The least Kester could have done is ask where the files are before it goes Jack Bauer on him. Pretty sure they're setting him up as an unwitting co-creator of Skynet, after taking forever to switch him over from being an unbeliever.
  5. WTF kind of drug is Fox on? http://www.anationforchange.com/
  6. Wow, I can't believe I never saw this classic before: http://youtube.com/watch?v=xA8wmqPI63M&amp...amp;t=t&f=b Original version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRGUmAuSFxA...feature=related 'fansub' version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKy05t2SYaI...feature=related another 'fansub' Shameless merchandising already
  7. "Sometimes they go bad." Guess it's just a matter of time.
  8. Apparently we got the censored version... I've always wondered why was there a US flag covering the screen in that trailer. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/35630
  9. Thread necromancy... Season 1 of The Equalizer just came out this week. Picked up mine at Best Buy on sale for $39.99. Amazon has it for $37 and change.
  10. It's funny how they used to not endorse the movie because how it was 'not faithful to the source material' and now they're singing a completely different tune once they see the dollar signs.
  11. Why does Leno keep referring to KITT as Michael Knight...? http://www.aintitcool.com/node/35587
  12. I hate the soap opera thing with Sarah's ex they keep trying to bring back... she's preparing John for the inevitable future and still grieving over Reese, I doubt she's in any mood to pick up guys.
  13. The original actor who was supposed to vice KITT was already the voice/narrator of GM commercials on TV. I guess they didn't want the same voice to be behind a Ford Mustang.
  14. Supposedly Val Kilmer is now the voice of KITT because the original voice actor's contract with GM prevents him from taking this role.
  15. They changed the system with the 2.0 patch. Before 2.0 you turn them in to the battlemaster for honor. Now they are tokens used to purchase PvP gears and mounts. If you are Alliance, go to Champion's Hall in SW. If you're Horde, go to Hall of Legends in Org. Not sure if they still sell certain PvP trinkets/gears outside the PvP instance's outdoor entrance (WSG in Ashenvale, AB in Arathi, and AV in Alterac), I pretty much quit PvP after the 2.0 change brought in an influx of gear farmers who are there to AFK out for loser honor points instead of really PvP for the fun of it.
  16. It's the UK version of Oscars. A lot of A-list actors already turned down their invitations.
  17. New teaser 1-sheet and behind the scenes clip http://www.aintitcool.com/node/35531
  18. Savng him for series 2, I bet.
  19. I missed this week's episode and tried to catch it on Fox's website, but it defaults to the pilot and the interface hides the arrows for choosing other episodes as soon as it loaded. Anyone else having that problem?
  20. Just saw this skit, it's hysterical...
  21. Priceless... http://bp0.blogger.com/_UVZRTX-DpN4/Rxu8Q9...-h/segaviz2.jpg
  22. Time for some statistics... http://www.slashfilm.com/wp/wp-content/ima...death-chart.jpg
  23. Sakura Wars mecha kits by Wave http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/list/746/0/1
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBiLAy7mDbw...feature=related
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