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About Tico0001

  • Birthday 10/05/1980

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    Chileno in MD

Tico0001's Achievements

Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. So that explains a lot about those 1/60 kits... I'll stay away from them then. I think I'll actually go with your suggestion and get that particular Freedom Kit. Thank you so much for the advice. ~Tico
  2. I'm looking into buying a Freedom Gundam model kit. But after looking at the available models I ended up really confused! I have been buying Bandai Kits for a while now and i've never encountered this... I found this 1/100 MG one... I understand it has a metallic finish... Then there's this other 1/100 one... which I understand is the one from SEED Destiny... Then there's this 1/60 one which says Real Detail... and last but not least this 1/60 light up one Now my real question is... how do these compare to each other? Why is the 1/60 Real Detail the same price as the 1/100 being so much bigger? is the quality really bad compared to the MG? And then similarly how come the 1/60 ligth up one is almost the same price as the extra finish 1/100?? I guess I'm more interested in the quality of the plastic... Which one is better quality? Since there are all Bandai I'm guessing the plastic is the same? then which one is the most detailed? Any thoughts? Which one should I get? Thank you so much in advance. ~Tico
  3. Oh no... is Spike the boy from Even Stevens???? I hate that dude! I'm getting REALLY VERY worried with the cast of this movie... are they just getting all the Nickelodeon/Disney actors/comedians together to make a funny movie?? This is sounding a lot like Spy Kids or one of those action/comedy films. ~Tico
  4. mmm... counting only sci-fi related items (and not my other toys like R/C stuff) it would have to be: - 1/48 Roy $155 - Gakken Mospeada Bike. $120 I got the Perfect Grade RX-178 MK-II as a present so I guess that one doesn't count. ~Tico
  5. Cool, I want it (I couldn't care less about the girls thoug)!! But the one I can't wait to get my hands on is Mirage!! ~Tico LOL Yoshinol... I used to have a lot of the pictures that were circulating back then...
  6. Why in the hell did you buy them than? And what the hell are you doing in here bashing them? You're entitled to you opinion, but i don't see you justifying why they suck. You sure do act like you know a lot about a toy you only own two pieces from. 390731[/snapback] mmm... In my book Sebastian can say whatever the heck he wants to say... he's like a super old member... In any case... I have to agree that TF toys are ugly except for the Alternators and MPCs. But I actually have a question. Are mirage and optimus prime (red pickup) going to be released as binaltechs or only as Alternators? I haven't been able to find them as BTs for pre order. Thanks, Tico
  7. Since when I started college in 2000, i guess... This was my favorite procrastination site ever. It got me into spending all my little money on macross toys and then TFs... I've never posted much though... I'm more of a reader than anything. Now I work and I still check the forums every morning before leaving the apartment and then a few times during the day... ahh... good times... Thanks MW! ~Tico
  8. Thank goodness for eMule!! Because you guys are no help!!! JK ... I got it off of eMule... Even though it seems there's no interest over this, I thought I would offer the file to whoever wants it. So there, if you want it PM me. ~Tico
  9. Hi... I long time ago I downloaded a paper model of a mitsubishi fto. It was the most detailed car model I've seen. I started building it but half way through it got squashed and I never retried... Now I'm ready to tackle it again but I can't find the file!!! The link is this but it doesn't lead to anywhere now... I've looked all over the net (google really), and I can't find it!! Did anyone of you downloaded it?? I would really appreciate it if I could get my hands on that pdf file again!! THANKS! Tico
  10. Does anyone know where I can get BT-15 Prowl Police Integra? The only stores I buy from (BBTS and digital-toys.com) don´t have them anymore. Thanks, Tico
  11. mmm... well, They don´t read MY posts... Mine still hasn´t come and the last email from them says that my order is in the shipping department and will be on its way "soon" That the hurricane blah blah... The only reason I haven´t cancelled payment on it, is that I so want my Mospeada and S. Cross DVDs ~Tico
  12. I have ONE word... HORRIBLE ~Tico
  13. Has anyone else received their orders?? My CC was charged on the 6th and I still haven´t gotten anything. Did the ppl who recieved it already get an email before hand confirming their shipment? Thanks, Tico
  14. Ditto!! I did the same thing. I really wanted them but couldn´t justify the price now finally i can afford them with no remorse!! Thank you SO much. ~Tico
  15. LOL LOL That part WAS hilarious! I liked the movie overall but i agree with you that the ending felt rushed. Oh and in the book the aliens did use the humans as fuel for their machines. I also like the fact that the aliens where not from Mars like in the book... that idea wouldn't fly in this century. What i did not like was the how the aliens got to earth through lightning (makes no sense) instead of meteorites ~Tico
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