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Everything posted by energon

  1. What is the SDCC exclusive?
  2. Fact is I love Toyname and I was just giving Toynami haters a little "BURN"
  3. Toynami is making them for Aoshima so if you dont want pices of crap dont buy it.
  4. Honestly, people complaining about these being not perfect, I don’t understand. I love them. They cant be perfect because they are so small but I guarantee, they are better than any other of the small scale Valks. For $6 a pop, they are works of art.
  5. I dont even know what the MM Guard is but its cool. Also, isnt this the 1st small scale Super O?
  6. What are the one with white strike parts and the one with brown tip? I got the 1st set and I LOVE them and Im sure Ill get these also.
  7. So a $150+ "high end collectible" is ok because it was your fault but a $20 toy with problems, we must stay clear? I dont understand but Im sure you have plenty of "reasons" we should.
  8. Are you serious, look how small they are and at $6 each, what do you expect? You didnt have to do all that work, you wanted to. For what they are, they are very nive display pices.
  9. energon

    Whats in this box

  10. energon

    Whats in this box

    where can i get one
  11. energon

    Whats in this box

    I have no idea, is it a toy or DVDs, I dont know but I want one. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...1759&st=120
  12. Can someone PLEASE show a pic of a Tak manual. I have a manual with no copywrite or any company name on it. Its green and white, about the size of a baseball card when its folded up.
  13. I just got the old version mint in box over th.e ff but I will get the new one later alsone. I love the old school stuew on
  14. where did it come from
  15. I am getting both, I was just wondering. Are they limited or not?
  16. Why is the 1/60 more than the 1/48?
  17. energon

    Every single 1/48

    The funny thing is that I had one when it 1st came out but sold it. I have no problem with the $300, I just need to locate one. How are those RT books, do you have pics?
  18. energon

    Every single 1/48

    Where can I finde a LV?
  19. energon

    Every single 1/48

    What does the Low Vis go for now?
  20. energon

    Every single 1/48

    I think I am going to try and get them all. Besides the low viz, are there any that are hard to locate? I will get a low viz if I come across one.
  21. energon

    Every single 1/48

    In numbers, how many different 1/48s are there?
  22. energon

    Every single 1/48

    Is there anybody here that has all? Are there any pics avaliable that shows them all in one shot, with or without boxes? How many are there?
  23. Mediocre taste,I think not. I have some very high end collectibles but I am an adult who knows how to take care of things and have never had a toy of ANYKIND break. On any message board there are a group of people who bash a certain thing because its either to fit in or they are just going on peoples opinion. I have at least one valk from every company and they ALL have flaws but I don’t go bashing any of them because when it comes down to it, they are toys made of plastic by TOY COMPANIES not prop replicas. I think he should study up on the items and honestly disregard any opinions like “it sucks”, ”crappy”, “the other company” and go with profession, non bias reviews full with pics, pros and cons. Yes we all know Yamato is the better overall company but they also have many flaws just like Toynami and Bandai. I dont like when people force their opinion on people looking for advise instead of supplying them with facts. Its like the Mcfarlane VS NEAC, both give great toys so why bitch about one if you dont like the other?
  24. I try not to take advise from people who use the word crap and sucks. I say do research and look at that site ANYMOON.com, he has really good reviews. Its sad to see people jump on the dissing Toynami bandwagon just to fit in, I have had them all since they came out and none of them are broke.
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