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Everything posted by Falcon

  1. For some reason, I've heard about how marketing can sometimes contradict director wishes from other movies as well. Apparently Terminator Genisys was the same. I struggle to understand why they'd give that plot twist away in the trailer instead of on the big screen.
  2. Well, Amiami sold out as usual Couldn't get one.
  3. I second/third/<insert number here> it! I'm very sure people here are interested in a book with photos of the Valks you've shown. They look so good!
  4. So Red Frame is on pre-order Thursday but the Destiny is somewhere on 30 October to 1 November? Strange way of doing it... Would have thought both would be on at the same time or it'd be spaced out differently... The Destiny MB is really ambiguous...
  5. Does this mean it's not a web exclusive or standard issue? Will be hard to get then?
  6. My bad. Clearly I wasn't reading it properly
  7. Love the Alter designs but I think you're a bit unfair- they don't transform and have far less moving parts as a result. VF's have moving parts and designers have to keep the designs accurate as possible while still having transform into another design that will be scrutinised. I own all 3 Alter Yukikaze designs and they're fantastic- but comparing them with VF's is like comparing apples to oranges. It's unrealistic to expect the same price in that regard.
  8. Definitely going to skip this movie. Trailers don't look entertaining at all. Are you sure that's right? Wiki says that the last 2 X-men made quite a bit of money. Think the last one alone more than doubled its budget when you include overseas? Doubt they'll let go of X-Men if that's the case. Maybe the US market just isn't as important as it used to be. They seem to be getting more than enough money internationally these days... If the US market was so influential surely Transformers wouldn't have had so many sequels!
  9. Thanks, Tochiro! What words am I supposed to use in Japanese? Shoji Kawamori doesn't seem to do it
  10. The review is awesome, Sketchley! What are the chances people outside of Japan can get a copy of the book? Would love to get the book but can't justify a plane ticket for it
  11. Even CDJapan's gone slow. Not sure I got one
  12. Looks beautiful but gappy at the back
  13. Any pics of the VF-19 Advance in fighter mode to see if there's a gap between the shield and engines?
  14. Ahh ok. Thanks, JV!
  15. Does the book have a lot of images like the usual Masterfile series or is it more text based?
  16. When is MWCon this year? Wish MWCon dates are in late September so I can use it as a good excuse to go
  17. But you can get it at CDJapan instead They clearly don't want your money.
  18. Anyone got the HLJ e-mail confirming their order? I still haven't got one yet. Getting nervous :/
  19. Got 1 from HLJ.
  20. No luck- had it say I could pre-order and then it was gone.
  21. What are the chances of getting the Metal Build Astray I wonder...
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