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Everything posted by Falcon

  1. Yeah... pressed add to cart and told it was already sold out.
  2. So tonight's the night? Stress levels are going to be high I suspect.
  3. Thanks for the links guys! Will look into them
  4. Are there any articles that are newer? If you can find some that'd be good. If not, why are you complaining if that's all we have?
  5. http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-NOTAM-300309-1.html Found this on the net... looks credible. Does give a few insights about the Pak-50 that I didn't know before.
  6. Just curious, but what do people here think of the Pak-50 compared to the F-22? Personally, I do like the look of the Pak-50 better (apart from the engines) but it does compromise the stealth characteristics a bit. Which of the two is the better fighter?
  7. Think the Su-25 Frogfoot is a better comparison.
  8. Sold out
  9. Thought you can't buy from Amazon JP if you're outside of Japan? Are you planning to get a proxy to ship it over?
  10. Can't get CDJapan for some reason. Sold out but says I can add to cart. Anyone else getting that too??
  11. Where did you get the translations from? Sounds interesting...
  12. I thought Macross 7 was a minor hit in Japan. Thought Macross Frontier was a pretty big hit in Japan. Am I wrong? What's with the Yamcadia? I'm sticking to Arcmato! Macross is getting pricey but that's to be expected. People say Hot Toys isn't a niche market but I feel that the prices are a bit on the high side for it not to be. Perhaps I'm wrong, but niche needs to be put into context. A big fanbase in the 100's of millions with under a million or so fans going for a collectible is still pretty niche in my mind. But is it as niche as as one where you have millions of fans with 100's of thousands that are after a collectible? Perhaps in percentage but not in numbers- kind of like saying what football team is the biggest.
  13. If you ever decide to sell I'm sure you'll find many here on the boards that are willing to take them off your hands- they look amazing!
  14. Looks amazing... so tempted to try a custom of my own- except I'm always worried I'll stuff it up. Can't afford to make mistakes when you only have one.
  15. I find David's perceptive abilities insightful. He's certainly more aware about colours than I am. It's not just colours- little subtle pieces in designs are also spotted which could be helpful in the future when deciding whether to purchase something or not or being aware of what areas might be more fragile or accurate. If you don't like his posts fair enough- but I think many here do appreciate some of the things he says.
  16. I like the irony- you claim that you only judge people as individuals yet you claim that people that put out a view about haves and have-nots are immediately are people with prejudices against the rich. You know little if anything about many of us on the board to make that accusation. Somewhat hypocritical. You talk about lack of facts but when others bring up a few you present none but dismiss theirs. Ultimately people can like or dislike the movie; but showing with valid points that the movie took an idea and took it another step further isn't too unrealistic is worthy of further discussion with others on the board. If you don't feel like you can contribute further than dismiss others with glib responses because someone doesn't follow your train of thought then perhaps Kaneda's advice is best. In a world where the US and large parts of Western Europe are the minority of the world population, who is to say that a world where the rich are more likely to ignore the poor isn't possible? Unlikely perhaps but still possible nonetheless. Do hope Weta Workshop comes up with more movies. Love their visual styles.
  17. You can't read my posts well. Perhaps it's the myopic view that yours is right and others must therefore be wrong. Clearly some posters are more like trolls when it comes to these things. If you want to be pig headed about it all then by all means. You've been shown to have flawed ideas- but you're entitled to have them.
  18. Don't quite understand what the last part of the first sentence is on about but the video was relevant to what I was talking about how Elysium's taken an idea and expanded on it. It was certainly relevant to what I stated about the movie- you merely saying it isn't doesn't just magically make it so. The US as a whole gave generously- over $316 billion a year. Fantastic and all but when you consider the top 1% of the wealthy own about 40% of the wealth of the US, it doesn't look that great as a percentage. That's not even factoring many people contributing to those donations may not be considered financially rich. LINK: http://www.philanthropy.iupui.edu/news/article/giving-usa-2013 Interesting to note that the US is not the number one country for donations and charities per person- Australia is. LINK: https://www.cafonline.org/media-office/press-releases/2012/1912-world-giving-index-2012.aspx Like I said before, heavy handed as the view of movie showing the haves and the have-nots, it certainly isn't too far of a stretch to take the idea of the rich in ignoring the poor.I already said the US was one of the better countries out there and there are worse ones that actively segregate the rich from the poor. Movies good and bad take an idea and go with it in a broad spectrum. Can't see how Elysium's view of a world where the rich for the most part ignore the plight of others below them would be such a huge reason why it's a bad movie. Movies like Terminator 3 took an idea and ran with it so poorly but some here liked it enough. You've made your opinion clear and the reasons why you didn't like it- I just disagree with the notion that this one expanded idea was what made it so bad. But to each their own. That said, I do think District 9 was a better movie.
  19. Certainly enjoyed Elysium- the visuals were fantastic and the plot certainly better than some of the others around the same time. "Classism" or not, many who are wealthy do live in a bubbled communities that avoid the poor- very evident in the film and certainly evident in countries around the world. Can't see how an extension on that idea could be considered so horrendously flawed to people here but yet some claim that Terminator 3 was fine when it goes against the very ideas of what the previous 2 movies stood for. But to each their own... Not being from America, I can't say that I know all the ins and outs of whether or not the wealthy do enough for those around them, but from this Youtube clip, the idea of the rich doing little/nothing for those below them would seem possible. Seeing as there is a huge divide between rich and poor in America- we haven't even started on other countries that have rich and are even more unwilling to share. The idea of the movie where the rich do little to nothing for the vast poor is certainly not THAT unrealistic compared to other movies. Yes, the movie is a bit heavy handed with its views, but when you consider how one of the most antiquated/oldest democracies in the world operates, it's not hard to believe other countries with different views to fairness and freedoms can be more extreme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM
  20. Falcon

    Blast from the Past!

    Wish Kurt was still around making Macross customs like Frenzyrumble does for Transformers... those are certainly pieces of art!
  21. So that's in the Macross 30th Anniversary book? If it is, that's nice! Any Macross Frontier or plus in there as well?
  22. Apart from VF-1's, are there any other VF's on those books?
  23. Man! If only it moved there while I was still in Japan on holidays. Would have loved to take vids and pics of that!
  24. Hmmm.... wonder how people find out the new Chronicles so easily- HLJ still on 26 the last I saw...
  25. Is there any Macross stuff at SDCC? It'd be awesome if there was but with legal issues with HG I doubt there's any, right? Curious because I want to go to SDCC in the near future...
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