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Everything posted by Falcon

  1. Sorry, don't have one Need to get one but with so many up coming orders (VF-0D, VF-1J, VF-19 Advance and future preorders) I'm not sure my wallet can find one that it agrees with yet.
  2. Scream Man's customs are so well done. You'd think that it's an official boxed toy
  3. So this one has both movies and the series in English subtitles as well? What do you mean digipack? Is it a USB with the series?
  4. I hope that the VF-0D is successful enough for them to dip their toes in for another try at the SV-51. Love to get a better Ivanov
  5. Surprised NY didn't get theirs up. Got mine. I'm happy
  6. Ahh, fair enough. My apologies. Thought you were looking at the website. Going to be tough for Arcadia with Bandai competing for mostly the same group of customers for that time frame.
  7. Are you sure? I think you got confused with the VF-1J on Tag Hobby. I was there a few minutes ago and the VF-19 Advance doesn't seem to have any news but the VF-1J has exactly what you stated from the timing and the price. ARCADIA 2015年5月發售: 1/60 完全變形 《MACROSS》VF-1J Armor Valkyrie 一條輝Type 23,800Yen http://www.taghobby.com/?p=50559 Like · · Share · 2
  8. Just out of curiosity, why is this? Is it because of thrust vectoring engines or that the idea of variable geometry wings are too cumbersome and heavy to make it worthwhile?
  9. That looks great- when are they selling that? Online or at a con?
  10. Fantastic news! Shows that even with a higher kickstarter total than RT:A it can be done. But it does emphasize how badly the RT:A Kickstarter was handled.
  11. Loved the movie. Wish there was a masterpiece toy of the Milano and the similar ship design that Rocket was in as well.
  12. Ahh, ok then. If that's the case, how can you find it? Just hope you see it on the homepage?
  13. I know there was a link that someone found, just don't know how you can know they have it. When you use their search function, VF-25S doesn't show anything...
  14. Does anyone know how to find things like these on CDJ? Typed in VF-25S and it doesn't show... but the pre-order was there...
  15. Must have missed a few of these "kills". What are the names of the defunct ideas HG have killed in the pic?
  16. Lol. I'd be interested to hear what you say after you see it. I enjoyed it and like the others, no kids in the cinema either. Solid movie
  17. Enjoyed the movie but I felt that they could have done without the last 5-10 minutes and it would still be a good/better movie/ending.
  18. Is this a repaint or is it the lighting? Looks white... like the look of it!
  19. I don't trust Rotten Tomatoes much... I certainly felt Spiderman 3 was not better than Amazing Spider-man 2. Can't believe Terminator 3 getting 70% either but to each their own...
  20. Ageed. I can't stand the new CFT F-16's. The F-16 when it first came out was a sleek beauty. Not it looks like it's grown welts and lumps where it shouldn't. :S
  21. Was browsing CDJapan and found it's available again: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-105000 For those interested...
  22. Very excited by the good news! Do wish the fight scenes had less music and a more mature story line but realistically I can't see it happening as the music sales will probably be a big factor in getting this series up and running. Will be interested in more new VF designs but my wallet is already getting the shivers.
  23. Has the museum moved or is it still at the Tezuka Osamu Manga Museum?
  24. Think I got one. Thanks xtrentox!
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