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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. If they don't use Yoko Kanno for nearly all the music I will boycott this theme. She is by far the best music composer for this film. Anybody else would pale by comparison. Also I really hope they can get the dubbed or original japanses actors to do the Tachicomas'. This story needs to stay in Japan and not be set in America or Europe. America and Europe are the evil empires in the GITS world.
  2. I can't wait till the new game pack comes out. I've played way too much warhawk over the last 2 months. I have to watch it with only 3 weeks left in the semester now. Too many papers to write and about a foot tall pile of papers to grade. A friend of mine is so addicted to the game its rediculous...he's played 115 hours since getting the game in late feb.
  3. Actually length might not be the best word. I thought they were short and way too easy. Plus if you played federation vs zeon fully Titans vs Aeug seemed like a rehash of the same poor graphics...new mobile suits but the overall gameplay was forgettable. I like most of the seed games even though they too were short but at least were fast paced and the suits didn't handle like a brick in space. I too am really liking the battle series for PSP since its fast paced fun. Half the reason I get the new systems is for the Gundam games...I also liked DWG but its totally mindless fun not a lot of strategy needed.
  4. I've played pretty much every gundam game they have made and I would still consider crossfire in the top 5-10. I like the PSP battle series. I especially liked Rengou vs zaft 2 and most of the seed games were decent. Its in the arcades there. I really enjoyed one year war and lost war chronicles. True Odyssy wasn't bad either for a RPG. Aueg vs titans was average at best. Long but average. Federation vs. Zeon was average at best. Long but average. Journey to Jabaro was below avg. Dynasty warriors gundam ps3 is ok at best. Crossfire is better than that...at least you have to have some talent to beat crossfire on very hard and open up everything. The dreamcast game was bad only because of the control scheme. If one can get past that it actually had a good plot. I haven't played Scad Hammer or 0079 for the wii but am thinking about 0079 now that freeloader is out. I also haven't played the trivia games like Girens greed. Without a doubt crossfire is one of the better games since you actually have to use some strategy to beat it. Decent plot and a long game to open everything. The graphics are better than most gundam games as well. If you have any liking for ground force combat like in 8th MS team or even some of the stuff in 0083 or 0079 you'll like crossfire. Especially since its one of the few ps3 games that won't bust your wallet.
  5. Have you actually played it. It isn't really that bad. Especially the later missions, say about 4 hours into the game. I find it better than the federation vs. zeon games everyone raves about. Musch better than zeonic front.
  6. If you've got the money stick with the MG kits. They are 1/100 scale which is about the size of a Yamato 1/60 Valk. Very few of the MG kits made after 1999 will disappoint...most are simply remarkable. Most have a a sub frame that is built before the outer shell is added. Many opening doors and hatches, movable eyes etc. If your looking for small scale the HCM pro line is designed to have the detail of the MG kits but in 1/200 scale. They are small and very cool for diaramas. The HG kits just plain suck. There is also a 1/100 scale series that started with gundam seed that are similar to the HG series. No where near the MG kit quality. they look ok but don't have the subframe. they are a nice compliment to the MG kits since they have some that are made in MG yet. The PG kits are incredible but there aren't a lot of them. Mega dollars. There are also the MSIA and Fix figuration series which always seem to suffer from gasphon disease. Avoid them. My top list for gundam shows. Haven't watched 00 yet. Zeta gundam 8th MS 0083 MS Igloo and Apocalypse 0079 Gundam Seed and seed destiny Chars counter attack Turn A gundam Gundam x ZZ gundam (double zeta) 0079 0080 (Too slow!) Victory gundam (can't watch it) Gundam wing (the horror) SD gundam (kids crap) The UC timeline is probably the best but to get the most out of the later ones you really have to watch them in order by UC timeline year starting with 0079 which is worth enduring to better understand the rest of UC.
  7. has anyone played :Gundam Crossfire? I was shocked to see that the game isn't actually that bad. It takes a while to get used to the controls but the missions are a lot like the side story game for dreamcast. If you play it on very hard its actually challenging. Its too bad so many mags gave it poor reviews without giving it a fair shot. Definitely worth the $8 I paid on ebay to get it.
  8. So I downloaded the Aquarion PS2 game... Holy crap is that game bad. Total waste of bandwidth and time. Its a real shame too because it could have been such a good game. All of the elements are there in the story and action...the developers were just too lazy to do a good job.
  9. Now that's funny! btw LMFAO = laugh my f@#$ing A## off.
  10. Looks like Aquarion got pushed back a month....damn I hate waiting.
  11. Not exactly Gundam 00 but those who enjoy Haro might enjoy the new pricing on this old item. HLJ must have found them in storage or something because these came out a few years ago. RC haro http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN922255
  12. Not exactly a figure but those who enjoy Haro might enjoy the new pricing on this old item. RC haro http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN922255
  13. Sweet...more reissues. BANDAI's gotta release the other's this time. Bring on the ELINT<OSTRICH<VF1AMAX<VF1D<GBP<and the hik strike.
  14. I hate you Although I did just get an email from BBTS that Bandai is re-releasing the 1/55's. Wouldn't it be funny if your april fools joke turns out to not be one.
  15. I'm kinda sick of my SW collection. I gotta get around to putting everything up on ebay or sell them to BBTS's vintage dept. I've got so sick of the naboo cruiser that I gave it to my nephew the other day. Now to just get rid of the 12 boxes of sealed figures. I think as toys go sw has run its course for me. Hell I've been collecting them for 25 years. I'd rather get the better toys from japan.
  16. Actually the destroy gundam from GSD was released. That's about the same size as psycho gundam...maybe a tad smaller but not that much. Too bad the big one's cost so much. Destroy was like $68, so I imatine that Psycho would be like $100 since it transforms. The sad thing is how the price has risen so much for the regular size ones. Akasuki from seed is like $50 on its own and its a regular size mech. They need to keep the costs of the regular size mechs down below $25. Even the EZ8 is $30. Same with the GM sniper. Bandai is starting to milk us dry.
  17. I wouldn't call it terrible but it sure wasn't in the rhelm of Appleseed or FF spirits within. Its still pretty cool though. The mecha CG looked better than the humans.
  18. DID you actually watch the show...its nothing like macross seven.
  19. Overpriced is right...hell they didn't even bother to dub it. Bandai visual might has well have just dupped the fansubbers and released their versions on DVD.
  20. Count me in ...recast or otherwise.
  21. Definitely worth getting. The dub is actually good also. One of the best mecha shows to come out in recent years. That review from AIC was total trash.
  22. More modeling supplies. Kinda looks like the trailor that gundam was on in the first ep of 0079. http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYMB-20 I think I'll be picking this one up.
  23. Here's a good one. I got jerked around by Phillips customer service (in malaysia or something) when asking some questions about my new Phillips upconverting DVD player. So I called the office of Phillips president to inform them of the crappy customer support. To make up for the hassle they give me a free Blu-ray player (its refurbished...but its free). Anyway it turns out that they are selling these in their phillips outlet for $179. So if you want a cheap blu-ray try there. It even comes with the HDMI cable. BTW the Blu-ray works great...just as good as my PS3...at least until the new ps3 update with Blu-ray live comes out in a week or so.
  24. Now that I think about it, it might have a different head. Not sure about anything else.
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