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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Ok...just to clarify, The PS2 macross game will play in PS2 if your using either the flip top case in conjunction with swap magic 2.0. The slide card also works using the same disk. I got my slide card from tsinc99 and the box for the swap magic actually says Magic slide. However, Like I said...I ditched the slide card because it might wreck your system. So I bought the flip top case without any disks. I just use the one's that come with the slide card. The disks that come with the slide card are the same one's that you can get with the flip top. So far I can play Macross for PS2 and I made a copy (with cdclone) of ONI to test the backup playing ability. Both played fine. I also have some old PS1 backups that play fine. Haven't tried any original ps1 imports Hope this helps
  2. I had the slide card...then upgraded to the flip top once I heard the slide card wrecks your system. I love the flip top. Its great. Makes changing disks a snap. And allow your to play backups of ps1 and ps2 games as well as imports. If you don't have a lot of cash go with the flip top no matter what.
  3. I heard something somewhere about a bad run of the version 2 discs that don't work all the time.. I'm betting you got one of them. Mine work great. So good infact that I decided to scrap the slide card and get the fliptop with out disks for $20. Anyone need a slide card minus the disks?
  4. keep the battle near but below the ship. THat way you'll have more time to blow the ship up when your mission changes.
  5. ok, forgot about the whole HG issue. I wouldn't want a 1/48 jetfire...I'm just trying to get a very complete set of 1/55's. Once that's done I'll get more 1/48's.
  6. With all the TF's being reissued do you think they would reissue jetfire/skyfire?
  7. Height of the regults is just a tiny bit shorter than the head of a joke machine. Also wondering is anybody else having massive QC issues with these. I mean what do you expect for a $4 toy. Out of the box of 10 I got from Valk exchange I opened 6... of those 6 I had 2 big QC issues. The Max transformable is missing its bicep and is thus relegated to staying in fighter mode. The non-transformable has a broken leg. I must say though they are pretty cool. Just having the 2 regults makes it worth it. They are totally awsome...however on one of them I had to drill the hole a little bigger to insert the right cannon. <_< I wonder if I can get replacement parts anywhere.
  8. I figured it was either silica or candy. Hoping for candy. Well you save me from testing it on my dog.
  9. I agree...wtf! I'm pretty sure there will be a season 3.
  10. the only laptop I would think of buying is a Dell or Toshiba. Dell preferably. Hp's are a nightmare and compaqs are even worse.
  11. Just got my K&m Macross figs from Valk exchange. In each of the boxes (except the battle pods) there is a black bag that contains something. I haven't opened any but I think it might be candy. Has anyone opened the black bag.
  12. Pass both Promethius and ARMD modes and the VF-4 you will receive.
  13. How to beat milla without incurring any damage... Fly in fighter straight at her. Pass here while rolling to avoid her missles. Once you have passed her keep flying away from her until she is at the very bottom of your radar screen. Now bank hard while applying the air brake. Milla will fire her missles...don't worry...keep banking and lock on as soon a possible. As you do lock on and fire one volly of heavy missles or 1.5 volly's of micro missles and then roll again just after you fire. pass her and repeat the process. I've beat milla about 6x on each of the stages without damage by using this method.
  14. Man the scoring in this game is a little goofy. Don't know what's most important: Kills?, Time?, Health?, or Hit percentage? So I thought this might help some of you as a guide. I am in no way a master of this game and if somebody can post better scores it would be great. Anyway here are my Grades and hit %'s: LEV GRD % 1P = A = 38% 2p = A = 45 3p = A = 37 4p = S = 17 5p = S = 58 6p = A = 59 7p = S = 64 = S = 51 9p = S = 47 10p=S = 39 11p=B = 56 12p=B = 56 1A = B =42% 2A = A =31 3A = D =46 4A = B = 55 5A = A = 69 6a = c = 35 7a = S = 42 8a = D = 45 As you can see I suck at the ARMD levels. Anyway hope this helps people know how close they are to getting a better grade.
  15. So which stage is the "Iseki" stage..
  16. Danm...beat me to it.
  17. Is it just me or is the DYRL version much harder than the TV version. Passed both but it took me a lot longer to pass the DYRL version. Also The VF-4 lightning handles so much better than the VF-1's. Oh I wish the vf-1's handled like this.
  18. I beat the TV mode in 3.5 hours. I don't speak a lick of Japanese. If you've watched the macross saga and DYRL you should already know basically what you have to do. There are a couple of twists here and there but just watch the mission briefs and they will help. The game is awsome. Best macross game by far. Maybe even the best mecha game I've ever played on PS2.
  19. big o shows the link in either the macross game thread (about pg 24 I think...where the big arguement happened) or he showed it in the big slide card thread.
  20. Anybody know how to use the Chaff in fighter and gerwalk? Stupid battlecry controls are stuck in my memory and screwing me up. I keep accidentally changing the camera.
  21. That's funny graham. I used to have SRW-alpha for the dreamcast and it frustrated me so much I sold it for cheap. Couldn't figure the darn game out. Cruddy graphics except the movies and near impossible to understand gameplay...but I've never been one for role playing games.
  22. Shite...forgot about the tutorial. Has anybody figured out a way to get the gerwalk mode to strafe or to get fighter mode to bank faster besides using the airbrake. The fighter feels like your driving a dump truck. Fun game though.
  23. I bought the slide card then after finding out it will eventually wreck my motor I bought the flip top. Its on the way. $20 for the flip top without the disks.
  24. Got my copy today but haven't had a chance to play it yet. My wife is hogging the PS2 playing DDR max2. would any of you care to share all the controls so I don't have to play with them to figure them out?
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