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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. I like it but the gerwalk just looks fugly to me. As far as the big hips go...I can handle that if it prevents the floppy hip syndrome that the 1/60's had. Fighter looks good. Better question is how many varients of this will there be or do we have to buy multiples and customize to get the low viz or D versions.
  2. I'm originally from Rush City (b/w forest lake and hinkley) but I live in Tempe AZ now. Moving back to MN in a year or 2.
  3. Eva is great.
  4. Ok I just watched reflection Holy Crap! Got a couple of Q's though: 1. What disease or whatever killed Kenshin and Kaoru? 2. What the hell was Sano doing in part 2? I thought for sure he'd end up with Magumi. 3. What was up with Kenshin falling off that ship and supposedly drowning...is this how he lost his muscle and mind 4. Where was kenshin when Sano Found him and how did Sano find him? This is by far the saddest any anime picture has made me feel. I almost shed a tear. Almost I must say that this is a tremendous series that cannot be missed if your a true anime fan.
  5. Man I hope the Mikimoto goes through. Come on people. I need my new box.
  6. I'll probably watch a few more before I make a final decision. As far as the shift in universes it kind of reminds me of Duel Parralel adventures (Dual Parallel Universe on Anime Unleashed). So far the lack of large scale battles is annoying me. I do love the mecha they created out of his plane. Gotta get that toy. THanks
  7. I've been watching the original orguss. I'm up to about episode 4 (he just got his new rebuilt mech and kicked some butt). Anyway does this show get any better. So far I'm having trouble watching it cause its so boring. Should I watch the rest or is this just a waste of time. Advise please.
  8. You know what we should have done is make the case look like the shape of the Macross. Open up the top (cruiser style) or better yet the chest (in attach mode)and there are your movies. Make the Arms and cannons movable. I'd would probably need to be like 1/800 to make it work though. Unless you went with those slim gem cases. Hmmmmmmm. Just kidding. I love the designs that are being made.
  9. Ok, i just watched the supposed last episode on TechTV. Please tell me that that isn't the actual ending. Please tell me there is more. Great series but probably the worst ending I've ever seen. We never even get to find out what happened to Al and Lavie or what exile really is. Also what the hell is wrong with that Guild kid. Kids a fruitcake! Please tell me that that was only season 1. How many DVD's are in the series? You could sell that on 2 DVD's. Watch them milk us for 4 or 5 like Gundam 0083 or 8th MS. I need answers dang it!
  10. 20G's holy crap! Man you need help. I know these things are addictive but just think what you could have or do if you slowed down a bit. 20G's is like 2 years of college for your kids. Holy crap. Not to be mean and I mean no disrespect but if I ever spend that much somebody please step in and have an intervention. BTW where do you store everything.
  11. Is there any way we can send out an e-mail to all members? Might be the best way to get those members who don't visit too often to purchase.
  12. I've gotten 3 loose Joke machines in the last year for under $25. Price is definitely bottomed out on the 1J'sand 1S's. The 1A's seem to fetch a good amount though. I suspect Rohby's awsome recasts caused this. Heck I bought 5 of them!. I'm so glad he did it. Now I have a Joke machine squadron in the works. Need more people recasting old stuff like these.
  13. If they have problems with this you might want to avoid watching some of the other Miyazaki's films with kids. "Only Yesterday" talk quite a bit about periods and that boys could become infested with the period. "Ocean Waves", aka "I can hear the Ocean" also mentions periods a bit. I've been watching a lot of Miyazaki's stuff in the studio ghibli collection and there seems to be a lot of odd things in them for childrens movies. In my opinion I'd go with the following. For kids Nausicaa Princess Mononoke (maybe) Leputa: Castle in the sky Spirited away Kiki's delevery service Whisper of the heart Porco Rosso Totoro For teenagers to adults Grave of fireflies (lots of death) On your mark video Ocean Waves Only Yesterday
  14. I was wondering if these are any good to see. I like stuff like 8th ms, char's counterattack, The original gundam, 0083, and 0080. I dispise G-gundam and Gundam wing. Please help. Would I like F91 MS Gundam 0083 OVA, (is this the same as 0083?) MS gundam 0083 Stardust memory the movie (again is this the same as 0083?) Gundam Evolve Help I don't want to buy anything that sucks.
  15. I thought is was tough to decide too. I went with the mikimoto. I'm gonna use the Mech art and more for the individual covers I'm going to eventually make so I can get rid of those god awful black ones.
  16. Just curious on the numbers for this box. Please take the poll.
  17. jwinges

    Joon's Valkyries

    Sorry for bringing up the MPC. I had no idea it would spark this debate. I stand by my opinion though and agree with some of yours. For a toy the Joon's valks are sturdier and better. QC is lower but they are based on a better product better. The MPC on the otherhand (I have vol1 and sent back vols 2&3 because I thought they were crap) is also based on the taka 1/55 and 1/100 but lacks dicast content and it quite flimsy in the joints, add in the cheezy light and you've got an MPC. I originally liked the packaging (I've only taken the MPC out once) I had it on a shelf for about a year when I looked at it and the glue was comming apart on the MPC box. I do agree that the MPC has far greater detail, but also that the legs are too skinny. Yeah, I dislike the MPC not so much for the toy itself (it was a valid first attempt at a toy) but more so for the controversy and with-holding of information about the dicast content on vol 1 that toynami pulled. They didn't tell us that they reduced the dicast by more than half until mine was already shipping. Personally, I would spend your money on a bandai re-issue if you want a 1/55. Next I would spend it on a joon's if you can get the models you like for a price you like. I'm still looking for a green one myself. And if you can get the max and millia one's then you've saved a bundle over the hard to find bandai reissue. I have 16 bandai's and I love each and every one. No major complaints. The only one I've had trouble with is the 1A DYRL version (in fighter mode there's a big gap b/w back and front plate on both versions I have. I hate the 1/60 series. Beautiful but poorly designed joints and leg system. I love the 1/48 but it does feel a little flimsy while transforming. Once its in the mode you want the thing is great. Hope this helps and again I'm sorry for sparking this big toy bash.
  18. jwinges

    Joon's Valkyries

    A few months ago Joons valks were showing up like crazy on ebay. You could get them for about $30-40 including box. I 2 for $30 with box and a loose max type for $15. They probably have the highest quality of all the 1/55 bootlegs. They are even better than those MPC's toynami makes. I know the Green one in the space gundam box fetches a little more than the rest.
  19. Crap! I guess I should have started looking for pics from the start rather than work my way backward. I see garoquel has already started doing this. Sorry guys. Maybe I'll see if I can get copies from him or else I'll do my own. Still think somebody should do it and post powerpoint files here on Macrossworld for everyone to download.
  20. Ok, the reason I asked if we just use our current Animeigo cases with this box is simple...I really hate the original covers of the DVD cases themselves. The black color scheme lacks any imagination what so ever. So here's what I'm thinking. We make 9 new slip covers out of the great art that wasn't picked for the boxes. Better yet how about 2 sets of 9 art. If you order Dia guard Aces box design you still get blaine 23's art as inserts for your current cases. I'm currently working my way backward through this thread and I think will have more than enough arwork. I'll scan the original Animeigo covers to get the info off the back. Each of us could print them ourselves on photo quality paper and they'd look great. What do you all think.
  21. Forgive my ignorance but will these cases include new fold out disk holders or do we just slip our current animeigo sets in as is?
  22. jwinges

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Got my 3 hand sets and stuff today. Man you make great stuff Rohby. Just a quick shave and they are a perfect fit. They look so much better than the original hands. Its a little trickier than I thought getting the gunpod in. but after its in there is a nice tight fit. No need to worry about it dropping its gun. Keep up the awsome work Rohby. Thanks.
  23. I love these designs! ANy idea how much this might set us back?
  24. I'm just hoping that if Eisner steps down disney will release the studio ghibli films they have in theaters. Would be nice to see a good dub of Nausicaa of the valley of the wind. I think they have the right to a lot more of Ghibli's films also. Would also like to see a good dub of Porco Rosso.
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