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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Ok its confirmed. Got to toysRus.com they slashed prices on at least 3 MG kits. Including the $149 GP-o2 from 0083...get this $90 off.
  2. I remember that. I think Mcdonalds was giving them away too with meals. I know I didn't get mine from KFC. That sucky watch got taken away from me by a teacher about a week or 2 after I got it for playing with it in class. Had to wait 9 months to get it back and by then I had lost interest.
  3. Ok I sat through the hole dang thing. Good story but the subtitles gave it a Cheezy factor of 10. After disk 1 the names changed almost every episode. They were calling Memogy Jimmy at one point. And Altina turned into Argentina. Figure that out. Anyway what's up with the ending. Do the worlds jsut split and everybody get to be with the one they loved in their respective worlds? Who won the gunfight. The guns go off but nobody drops. WTF
  4. I remember back in about 1980 I made a 3 ft long X-wing out of legos. Sold it to a friend so I could get a new bike. The lego technology was definitely there for a perfect transformation valk.
  5. Didn't you ever watch the conan movies. Crom is Conan's god. I think he's a god of war. Conan prays to him sometimes. funny...since when do barbarians pray?
  6. pm sent for the hole cockpit section...with everything, inluding nose and radar, canopy, pilot, and gunpod.
  7. Thanks for the site link. Cool stuff. Does anybody have any pics of their monster or know when the preorder will be?
  8. Does SMT have a website with some pics of thier stuff.
  9. Hey I found it. Here are some pics. I also found a pic of it before I cut the original canopy off.
  10. Hey Guys, Bad news. My custom escape capsule is MIA. I moved recently and cannot find it. Even worse (to me) my Joke GBP is MIA also. I'm sure they will turn up but don't know when. Anyway I'll give you a run down on what I did. 1. Acquire a super cheap knock off on ebay. 2. Take it apart and cut the sides off the nose (by sides I mean the parts that the chest piece slides on. 3. Remove the craptacular landing gear and fill in the hole with styrene and putty. 4. Cut out the plastic canopy and replace with a joons or old taka one. Could use a reissue also. If you don't have a spare canopy just leave the original and paint it light blue. 5. Fill in the sides of the nose (where you cut the sides with styrene and putty. THis is by far the hardest part. 6. Fill in the back of the nose with styrene and a small amount of putty. Now screw the landing gear wheel (it looks enough like a vernier nozzle) to the back...make sure you predrill first. 7. (this was done earlier but I forgot when) Cut 2 pieces styrene...One will sit under the nozzel you just added and run up to the top of the capsule. The second will attach to the first piece and is shaped to fit into the hand like the gunpod does. Only it will fit into the underside of the gunpod. I experimented with several atachment types and even though this wasn't the truest to the lineart it was by far the best blend of functionality and truism. 8. Now you could make the attachment point differently but I figured this was the safest way to do it without damaging the arm itself. If you were to do this with a 1/60 or 1/48 it would be very easy to attach it via the little grove they provide for the gunpod to attach to the forearm. Now that the 1/48 has come out I might try making one for that. I don't plan on doing a 1/60 but would be happy if someone else did one. Don't worry I'll find this soon. Just going to take longer than I thought. I have whole room full of macross stuff in boxes I have to go through to find it. Hope this give you the idea. Jim
  11. Here's where I'm at.
  12. Elint is just in the starting stages. I'm kitbashing a hasegawa elint model for the radar parts and fast packs. Will be modifying the fastpacks to make them chunkier. and will be modifying some of Jesse's recast joke leg armors for the armor. My Joke GBP is on the temporary back burner until I can figure out how to make the leg armor. I've figured out a way but you'd have to swap the legs....not acceptable. I want removable leg armor with opening hatches and missles. The chest piece is finished as are the fastpacks for it. I've finished the shoulder armor but I'm going to rework them because I'm not satisfied with them yet. The chest was a bitch to come up with. As far as who to do the recasting...I was originally thinking of Rohby but he has so much on his plate. I'll probably wait till there finished to decide but will definitely consider you. P.S. Please put me down for one of your strike armor sets and ostrich sets.
  13. I'll outsource the Joke elint kit and Joke GBP kit once they are finished. I might try recasting my 1/55 escape pod myself though.
  14. Please put me down for one of the ostrich's when you finish the armor. I'm working on an Joke Elint. Was going to also start a scratch ostrich but since you've already got it I go with yours.
  15. Funny thing about the Yammie 11B. I bought mine used and have transformed it about 100 times and nothing broke. Granted the only reason I did this is that I preemtively bought one of jesse's recast hips for it. But I have as of yet to break the hip. Go figure!
  16. Wow! ewilen that link is cool. I mad mine quite similiar but just used the anime as a reference. I'm close but in the anime there isn't a big hole for the head to fit recessed into. So I'm off a little there. Also a little off at the rear portion. Wish I'd had this link when I started. All I really have left on is is some sanding, painting and glueing on the 2 person cockpit and canopy.
  17. Hey Guys. Give me a couple of days and I'll take some new pics. I looked on my computer for the originals but they've vanashed. If the old boards are back online I think I posted them with my joke GBP. I'll add some pics soon, I promise...I just gotta find the darn thing.
  18. I'm willing to put in a pre-order to front you some paypal cash for the job. I'd like to see what they are going to look like and what's included though first. Would be awsome if you can include stickers for the elint and ostrich. As well as the strike stickers. I've got about 6 joke machines (5 of them are Rohbys) in dire need of stickers. Also could you do a additional double of the one fast pack since in rohby's kit we get 3 fast packs (2 super and 1 strike.)?
  19. Hey Kanata67, You should come out here to Tempe. We have more cars stolen per amount of vehicles than anywhere in the nation. They came out and said that 1 in every 100 escalades is stolen here. THey jump in and head to mexico.
  20. I was! Search my old posts on both this and the old board and you'll see pics of it. I've been swamped with work and haven't finished any projects lately. That one is practically done though. To be honest I don't even know what box its in since I haven't unpacked my macross stuff since my move. I'm kinda suprised that anyone remembered it. Jim
  21. If it was done as well as Rohby's Joke machines and were around $50-60 I'd buy the set. Be nice if they were tinted a little brown too for those that don't like painting. How would you do the polycaps though?
  22. Why not recast the whole thing? The darn kit is too expensive for most of us. recast it all plus some extra bits to have all 3 on display. please
  23. Favorites include: Almost anything from Cowboy bebop and macross plus Trigun song that the little kid starts singing at the end of the runaway sand train episode. I like the chick version better. Noir opening. The end of inu yasha The ballad of Ranma and akane
  24. I gotta say the my 2001 Harley sportster kinda sucked. very fun to ride but the engine never ran properly and the battery charging system totally sucked from the day I bought it. I was bringing it in for service about twice a month and the dealer couldn't figure it out. We decided one night we'd sell it....the next morning we woke to find it stolen. They guy who stole that crappy running bike now sits in prison and I got all my money back for the bike. Worked out great for me.
  25. My Most disappointing toys: 1. MPC vol 1 2. Anything star wars. If got nine boxes of useless sealed crap. 3. 1/75 YF-21 4. 1/76 Taka GBP (I traded it) 5. K&M figures 6. Anything toynami 7. Gundam FIX 13 deep striker. Cool for display but that's about it...very expensive.
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