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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Hey alvaro, polycaps are like the joints for the gundam kits. You could probably just use some left over one's for a HG or MG kit as they always give you extras.
  2. I always wondered what the heck those were! If they are the Ghost is it the same design as in macross plus? How are they different? Looks cool.
  3. Try this site for better info on a variety of players. http://www.dvdrhelp.com/dvdplayers Just do a search using your DVD players model #...then look what it can do, what it can play as far as copies, and look for hacks. Most DVD players have a region hack. SOme are easier than others.
  4. Did anybody else notice that Macross 2 was on Action on saturday. I know as far as macross goes it sucks but maybe well get to see DYRL or something else like Macross seven soon.
  5. So have any of you caught "memories" on PPV. 3 short movies 2 great and one poor one. I loved the first movie "Magnetic Rose". Interesting plot and wonderful art. I thought "Stink Bomb" was the best of the three. Funny plot, great art and music. I laughed almost the whole way through it. Last and by far the worst was "Cannon Fodder"...Cruddy art, poor music, and most of all a crappy plot that was more like swiss cheeze. Left too many questions. All 3 were subtitled...I don't think there was a dub available. I'm not sure this is worth buying the DVD but its definitely worth renting on PPV or blockbuster. I actually want to see the first 2 again.
  6. I think you gotta go with the flying hand on one side and the collage of characters and fighters on the other (I they could only add the ghost or sharon to that collage it would be perfect) Not sure about the spine (how about the 3 sharon's) and the top doesn't look right to me in grey.
  7. Flip top works with most disks. More important is the swap disk that somes with it. The only games I haven't been able to play on my flip top are some of the EA sports games, Evangelion import,. Works All the gundam games Macross works Initial D JAP Ghost in the shell SAC ZOne of enders Lord of the rings 2 Towers lethal skys DBZ Boudakai 2
  8. Hey so where are we on these parted valks. When can we get the parts.
  9. I like the last design. Wouldn't the top look better as crisp shiny black with a red eye for the AI box?
  10. i see
  11. Sorry but we already have a 40 some page discussion about this game and the values of using mod chips, flip tops, and slide cards. Most of us finished all the levels with "s" grades around x-mas
  12. I'm not talking about making metal recasts...just metal molds so the molds will last longer. I use to work in a plastec injection molding manufacturer (think every 3m or motorola part made). So I know how the injection molding works. Just trying to find a way to make better molds that last longer for our resin recasts. Or better yet we could make recasts out of plastec.
  13. Hey all you recasters. Have any of you been watching that creature vs creature show on discovery channel. Each week they make a mold of the skulls of whatever animals will be fighting. The cool thing is is that they are making them out of Aluminum. What I was wondering is if this process could be reversed so we can make aluminum molds easily so that molds will last longer? WHat they'be been doing is making the skulls out of styrofoam and putting them in a mold box with sand. THen they pour hot liquid aluminum into the sand via some well placed funnels So do you think this could work if we used our regular molds instead of styrofoam. I would think that the molten aluminum would melt the mold material. OR do you think we would loose all the detail? Mods...sorry for posting this since you have reservations on recasting but I thought this might be a good solution for those projects deemed acceptable for this site. Thanks
  14. Hey everybody! I got the first two GBP out of robs new molds (via a trade) and they are absolutely fabulous. I'm speachless. I think I found 1 tiny airbubble on the sets I got. And that included 2 GBP's minus the chest piece on one since I have an original and an extra set of leg armors. On the sets I got there is litterly no clean-up. I could wash these and paint them immediately. Mine weren't died and came in robs usual tan color. What's amazing is that rob does this all by hand and without a vacume box. Man your all going to love these. They are not to be missed.
  15. jwinges

    Macross PS2 Game

    To get the S grade do the following. Its not much fun but it will get you an S for sure. Forget about everything, just fly as fast as you can and land on the macross below. Once your on it you'll be standing there then you can shoot a couple of pods. Getting there fast with no damage is the key.
  16. Personally if I had to modify my 1/48 it would be a deal breaker. I'd probably either pass on it see if I could get the kit without the leg armor and scratchbuild my own. 1/48 is just too expensive to be making major mods on.
  17. My suggested solutions would be as follows in order..\ 1. Design it similar to the taka GBP armor...a little wide but still very functional. 2. Design it with a slot that might obstruct the missles...adjust missles by aiming them out a few degrees for a secondary solution 3. Recast everyone new outer legs with a color match and add a retracting fin using a small piston to add tension to keep it in place in order to achieve perfect match to line art. 4. Recast everyone new outer legs with a color match and add a removable fin...this would be extremely easy...use those little rubber thingies that the gundam kits use to hold things on as an insert into the recast leg armors. 5. Recast everyone new outer legs with a color match and add a hinged fin...this would be extremely easy...but would also be problematic in that it could cause floppy fin sysndome. So I go with 1 or 2. I like this thread...its giving me some ideas for the leg armor for my Joke GBP. Thanks
  18. Just pm Jessie for details. Also thanks grayson and Jessie for the collaboration and making these available for an affordable price.
  19. Now I get it. When its explained like that it makes sense to me. Cool. Maybe I'll have to watch Orguss 2 if I can rent it somewhere. Thanks
  20. I live in AZ. The only farther I could be from east coast is Cali or Hawii. Don't worry you'll like it.
  21. Revised: 4-17-04 Hey Guys, I'm trying to get a master list together for macross of various paint brands and #'s for the various colors we use on out models and customs. The reason I'm doing this is that I'm betting there are others here that buy a bottle of paint thinking it will be approximately the right color only to get home and its off. God I hate that. So maybe we can help each other with the paints. Especially those of you who can read the japanese in the kits for the manufacturers suggested color. If you post please state brand, #, and whether its acrylic or enamyl. Thanks Below is a start of what colors I'm looking for. Valk White = Semi-Gloss White for Valk white testers acrylics Valk Grey VF1D orange VF1D tan=Model Master (acrylic) Radome Tan (paint# 4722) Focker yellow=insignia yellow or Blue Angels yellow (its less orangy) Hiroku red 1A and 1S = Insignia red testers acrylics Hiroku 1J grey = Gunze 311 Max DYRL blue=Testors brand French Blue Acrylic Max TV blue=Testors brand French Blue Acrylic max 1A 1/48 blue= cobalt blue max 1/60 blue=french blue Milla Qua Ru Green Milla Qua Ru red = Milla 1J = Guards Red testers acrylics Max & Milla white highlights = Semi-Gloss White for Valk white testers acrylics Elint grey Elint black Ostrich orange Ostrich tan=Model Master (acrylic) Radome Tan (paint# 4722) lighten it a little GBP grey GBP red Legoiss red Nora's SV-51 Low viz grey Low viz blue=medium blue VF-2ss colors Glaug red Glaug grey Glaug light blue Legoiss blue Legoiss green Cyclone light blue Monster green Monster tan yf 19 colors YF-19 off white= 50:50 Tamiya gloss white & flat white with a few drops of XF-59 Desert Yellow (all Tamiya acrylics) YF-19 off white/tan=Modern Desert Sand", FS33637 spray only or Panzer Interior Buff YF-19 off white = Reaper Miniatures Pro paint: White leather yf-21/22 colors Enigma - Grey, offwhite Blue Roses Blue and digital blues Minmay Guard Paris color schemes Minmay Guard Moon color schemes Angel Birds - Red, White and Blue Kakikazi Green - my custom used Hasegawa's paint guide colors DRYL FP Blue color TV FP Blue Color Macross Zero VF-0S Roy Fokker Macross Zero SV-51 colors Mylene pink=Testor's "Hot Magenta Mylene yellow parts=Insignia yellow Mylene cockpit=Russian interior green Mylene dark grey accents= Gunship grey Anyway you guys get the idea. Please help fill in this list.
  22. HEy everybody, I got my recast Garub from jesse today and have to say it is awsome. Gonna be a fun build. I'm thinking about trying to add better joints to it to make it more posable. This kit is well worth what Jesse is charging.
  23. They carry plenty of these at several of the stores in the Phoenix area. I might just have to drop in and pick me up that zaku. There's one toys R us here that had about 15 different MG kits about 6 months ago.
  24. I say go after the a-hole. He's ripped way too many folks off.
  25. jwinges

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    holy crap! Bar none thats the best paint scheme i've ever seen.
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