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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Apple3 Apple_3.rar
  2. Apple 2 Apple_2.rar
  3. Ah crap! bangs head on desk since he forgot the file.
  4. Attached to this post and my next 3 are 4 rar files full of sharon pics I scoured from the web. Some are better than others. The nice thing about sharon is that she's kinda see through and low resolution anyway so we can use lower grade pics I think. Or we could recolor them. Anyway there are about 15-20 pics in each folder. I know the orange one will work see what you think of the others. Couldn't find a lot of pics of the red and black haired sharon's just the orange and purple evil sharon. Apple1.rar Apple1.rar
  5. Yeah but did you notice the strange heads on some of the valks. Also some of the fastpack boosters looked funny. Anybody got a pic of the VBA-6s
  6. Hey Anubis, Love what you've done so far. So far this is my favorite. The only changes I would make would be the pic of the 2 fighters on the far right (don't like) and maybe seeing if I can fit the sun into the middle photo with Isamu's flying hand. Instead of the current pic on the far right...what about using some sort of collage of the various sharons from her concerts. Maybe make them a little see through and place them over a pic of sharons box or what's her face in the mind machine for sharon.
  7. Anybody notice the abundance of oddball valks in Macross 7 dynamite. Several different heads and fastpack units. Most of the fastpack look like VT1's but not as fat. Anybody know if these valks are classified anywhere?
  8. I have the game but my PS2's swap magic 2.0 won't play it.. Wonder if 3.0 will. Lately more and more of the Japanese titles won't play on 2.0. That Jet alone is kinda fugly. I like the hammer but hate the Jet alone.
  9. http://www.mamegyorai.co.jp/series_item_de....asp?item=22361 Anybody know the background on these eva units? Kinda strange but the rei and asuka look really nice.
  10. So when are these comming out. and better yet where can I get them. Maybe I'll buy a Qua Ru now. I really only like the middle one. The hair hides the bad design a little.
  11. I had a ton of problems with the first series. Missing parts, broken joints and such that I decided to not buy any more of these crappy items. K&M sucks!
  12. I had one of these. Taka made them. This one may be a bootleg since the box is different than all the others I've seen. The taka ones are kinda rare. You see them up for sale on ebay occasionally. I traded mine to Trueblueeyes. Basically think of it as a taka posable with removable armor. No opnening missile hatches and armor that is difficult to put on. I had the max tv type. I believe that Kanata has one of this type. Very few movable joints on the valk itself. I've seen them go for as much as $400 on ebay and as little as $30 (I think that's what kanata paid). Wierd box.
  13. jwinges

    Better hurry

    Anybody notice that the little launchers on the legs are missing. You know the one's that flip up on the Taka or Matchbox. It might be the right size but it definitely a bootleg. I wouldn't pay more than $30 for that ugly thing. They could have at least given it DYRL arms instead of those poorly cast TV one's. Look at the end of its left arm and compare it to the original. THe spikes/points are much shorter.
  14. You might want to try animenation. Or else your local comic book store. I have one on order at a local store $34.00. Supposedly they ordered several but who knows if they will get them all. Dimond says they were shorted on their orders so there might be store that don't get any at all. Plus if you go with the diamond release expect a 3-4 week wait. Vol 8 was just released.
  15. Just got off the phone with Diamond. They confirmed that their release is no different than that of the Japanese release. The manga is in Japanese in both releases. ALso Diamond said they were severely shorted on their orders. They don't know when they will ship yet. As far as the figure goes I'm very impressed. Now if they can just make an asuka and Misato. It would be perfect.
  16. Since I just watched the entire Nadesico series this has got me thinking. Maybe we should all follow the teachings of Gekiganger! just kidding What was interesting is the series take on what is the rightous path. The rightous path simply depends on the side your on. And the path that will best protect YOUR people. For instance, In WW2 the Japanese thought they were following their own rightous path while we followed our own. Even though these path collided whose to really say who was in fact rightous? As far as history goes generally the country or people who wins are the one's following the rightous path. Don't get me wrong I'm usually not very political. And I do believe we have to straighten out the problems in the middle east. I'm not against our part in any war this country has been in but then again this is what I believe is the rightous path.
  17. I agree with everything your saying agent one. The shows today are giving kids an overly optomistic view of the world. Personally, even though GI Joe was a crap cartoon that reaked of an unrealistic military it did teach a couple of very valid things to kids. First to be brave, stand up for yourself, and fight for your country against terrorism. I pretty sure that hippy college paper bastard calling Tillman an idiot that deserved what he got comming didn't watch too much GI Joe. I do think there is one current kids cartoon though that surpasses GI Joe in most respects. You got to through realism out the window and catch the underlying meaning though. Dragonball and dragon ball Z are exceptional. Now before I get flamed to death hear me out. As a sport psychologist I teach kids to play sports with honer and integrity, sportspersonship, working hard and achieving one's goals and we try to premote high moral functioning (think golden rule in sports). The Dragon ball Z franchise (with the exception of GT) does a better job of showing kids how do to this in a better manner than any cartoon I have ever seen. Just think of all the times you hear Goku, or gohan say they must work hard to gain another technique. Or how many times that they showed great sportspersonship in letting piccalo or friza or vegeta live even though they were bad. My personal favorite for kids is dragonball. Look at the tourniment episodes...they go in as friends, fight hard and leave as friends. I have found other instances in this franchise that teach kids relaxation, imagery, goal setting, and positive task oriented goals. All in the context of learing to be strong and honorable. Yeah the cartoon is too drawn out and over the top but when I work with kids and learn that they enjoy dragon ball Z I can teach them to get over their performance problems using that cartoon as a reference.
  18. ncsxshop.com
  19. Why does the monster need a 3 man crew? I know that modern tanks have multi member crews but find it odd that the monster does. I can understand the pilot plus a man to run the main gun due to its trajectory but what the hell it the third man for? It's not like he's loading shells.
  20. interesting discussion. I'm not hung up on beam sabres or heat axes...I was just curious about the lack of macross melee weapons. Especially since there are several occasions of Aces running out of ammo. Just think how often a panicky cannon fodder pilot would run out of ammo. I just think something simple like a bayonette or prog knife would be a simple and cheap alternative to simply dying. Yeah bullets are better and the safest option but you'd think they would have a backup besides the simple head lasers. I do like that the later valks have some "other" form of armorment like pin point fist punch (19 &21,22), and the shield spike of the vf11. Shields are another thing. Maybe not an obvious shield like the 11B but more like just the arm armors that were on the supper and strike valks. Those alone can withstand laser and missle hits from a battlepod or glaug. Yeah you sacrifice some speed but valks are already so much faster than pods and glaugs that a little more protection would be sensible. Think of the difference in cost. pay for a A little extra armor or an entire valk. Now for my next thought provoking question.
  21. I ordered 2 Rei's friday from Animenation and they shipped today. Good price too. Now if I could just cancel the one on order from diamond I'd be happy.
  22. jwinges

    Part 2

    I guess it could be the Marduk emulator. I can remember her name but she wares a cloak in some of macross 2. I could be minmay in disguise. Max's 1A in Zentradi trench coat Sharon's box with its cloak Not like I'll end up getting it anyway. I never get the chase figures. No luck!
  23. My Wife and I love Studio Ghibli stuff. The box collection I have is the mac one. Disk1 Nausicaa of the valley of the Wind= 5 stars Only Yesterday = 3 stars, for mature audiences. Disk 2 mononoke hime =4 stars Whisper of the heart = 4stars Disk 3 My Neighbor totoro = 5stars Ponpoko = haven't watched it all yet but think racoons with big ballz Disk4 Porco Rosso = 5 stars Leputa: Castle in the sky = 5 stars Disk 5 Spirited away = 5 stars Kiki's Delivery service = 4 stars Disk6 Ocean Waves = 4 stars On your Mark video = 5 stars...quite violent. I'm still waiting to see the cat returns and some of the other lesser known titles. Can't wait for the new movie to come out.
  24. Good answer. I forgot about the pin point barrior fists on the 19,21,& 22. Mainly it was the fight against bretai that made me think about this. I agree that the combat in macross is leaps and bounds closer to reality than that of gundam.
  25. Considering that the whole reason for designing the transformable valkyrie was to counter the size of the Zentraidi why wouldn't they have melee weapons. I mean we finally get to see a shield in the VF-11, yf-19, yf-21 but why no beam sabres or heat axes. I mean the GU-11 is only good as an oversized club. Of course macross zero makes this whole arguement meaningless but I'd just like to know if there was a specefic reason behind it. Was the holy floating head just trying to distance it from Gundam.
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