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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. jwinges

    1/60 Gbp

    GBp armor doesn't transform! LOL. I feel sorry for the guy though. Can you imagine the stress marks made while trying to get that armor into Fighter mode. Sorry to laugh but it too funny to resist.
  2. the issue with the girl from Angel on the cover. I have a subscription so it came a few weeks ago. beautiful girl...worth the price of buying the issue. Probably the best looking girl in playboy this year. let me double check when I get home. I'm 99% sure it was that issue though.
  3. sorry if I offended anyone. not my inteny. if I was single I would have definitely asked her out. my wife was standing next to me at the time though. she looked like the girl from the last issue of playboy.
  4. I'm in Best Buy in Mesa AZ looking in the anime section and I notice this Beautiful Oriental girl with her american boyfriend. He Picks up a robotech remaster box set and says something about minmay. Suddenly, she starts singing Minmays Shu Shu Shu Shu song (isn't it called my boyfriend is a pilot?). Anyway he looks at her all puzzeled, probably since he's only seen robotech and only knows those minmay songs. Because of his look she keeps singing in this beautiful voice close to that of minmays. As she sings a crowd of about 10-15 people start to gather around her she realizes this but keeps singing the whole song. When she finishes the group claps a little and tells her how great her song was. She totally brightned up the mood for everyone. It was great. her boyfriend just looked stunned. \ Just thought it was cool.
  5. Actually bed bugs don't necessarily hide in sheets. I had a friend who had an infestation of these. His bite marks looked like hives so the Dr thought he was having a nervous breakdown from work. They put him on some expensive steroid for it. Turned out that his matress was infested with bed bugs. There was also a news story about bed bugs a month or so ago say that occurances of them were on the rise nation wide. If your in AZ it could be black widows too. If there's a nest in your bed and they hatch look out. Lots of swelling and pain adead. Good luck.
  6. I have my best luck with usps. ups SUCKS and fed ex is worse.
  7. Holy Crap! That is so cool! Me Want. Anybody know if he's selling directions and parts lists? I bet the parts themselves cost a bundle. At least $50. ANybody know what scale this is?
  8. God I hope they make a giant Emilia that comes with a tiny little Basara. That would be so cool.
  9. I might be interested. Anybody know how difficult these are to put together? Easier or harder than the Hasegawa versions?
  10. Doesn't look like it would be too hard to ride. Not any tougher than snowboarding. Looks like fun but I wonder how easy it is for your feet to come out when you want to stop and put a foot down. Also I wonder if they will make a goofy-footed one for all us lefties.
  11. Didn't kevin at VE used to carry these. Maybe ask him if he can get 1 more.
  12. Crest is great Excel is funny as hell Appleseed sucks...I couldn't even finish watching it...too stupid. Last 3 I havent seen.
  13. jwinges

    Part 2

    Is anybody selling these individually? I got the cockpit and didn't get the dark haired minmay. I really want the dark haired minmay.
  14. Mine came like this from HLJ Back of box Misa (Dark) Misa (Clear) Focker (dark) Focker (Clear) Basara (dark) Basara (clear) Sara (darker hair, gloss) Sara (dark hair flat) Minmay Cockpit Front of box Minmay was kinda wierd...I wouldn't call it clear but its not a very distinctive blue. Very light in color giving it a featherd look I only notice a few paint mess ups on mine. For the most part I'm happy.
  15. Funny, I like the cunnuck accent. I actually like it. But then again I grew up not to far south from Thunderbay and most of my college buddies were canadian hockey players. Nothing like hearing Eh and aboat all the time...always good for a laugh. This thread is turning out to be pretty funny. The worst for me was when I was in Philly for a conference last summer...I'm sitting down to eat with some colleagues and this waiter's thick Philly accent sounds like he's hitting on my friends fiancee and trying to pick a fight with us cause we're not ordering what he suggested. I'm sure it was nothing to him but it really pissed us off. He didn't exactly get a good tip.
  16. Crap your right JELEINEN! I forgot about that. Maybe she's an exception to the rule cause I really like what they did with her dubbed voice. Good call
  17. Damn Iowa'ns...always causing trouble for us Minnesotans. Seriously, I watch more dubs than subs since my Wife and I already read too much at work. I wish my eyes could take watching subs more but it gives me a headache sometimes and I also feel that I'm missing the finer points of the animes art. I actually Liked Koala Su in Love Hina...I didn't like the one with short hair that spent all her money on booze. As far as accents around the country the worst for me are Philly (I feel like people are trying to pick a fight with me) Missouri/Arkansas makes my ears bleed North Dokota cause people from Phoenix equate Minnesota with Fargo which used a ND accent, Here's my rundown. Best use of accent 1. Hellsing (great british) 2. Love Hina's Koala Su (can't really place it geographically but I liked it) 3. Bubblegun crisis 2040 (southern but not over the top) 4. Azumanga Diaoh's Osaka (perfect accent for the spaced out kid) Worst use of accent 1. Witch hunter robin (horrible british) 2. Love Hina's Kitsune (god its horrible) 3. Someday's dreamers (when she talks on the phone with her mom and reverts to her southern accent 4. Noir (poor accents everywhere) Also I do watch a ton of anime and can actually pick out a Japanese country/ southern accent as was in Love hina and some of the Ghibli films.
  18. Anybody notice that whenever a character is supposed to be from a rural part of Japan that ADV,Funimation, Manga, Pioneer, you name them...always pick a voice actor/actress with the most annoying southern accent they can find. Stuff like Love Hina, Somedays dreamers, the accents are awful. Why couldn't they be a little more subtle and have a midwest accent or something. Instead they use somebody sounding like big tom from survivor. Most of the time I can deal with it but lately I hear this southern accent and just want to immediately change the audio track to japanese and turn on the subtitles. Southern accents should be banned from anime!
  19. At least its recoverible. Be thankful your hard drive did crash and get ruined. I lost a 120 gig HD that had 105 gig's of anime and games on it. Lost it all. Decided to buy a DVD burner after that.
  20. I heard that they delayed the release so they could finish the 1/48 GBP armor that will be released exactly 3 months after the 1/60 GBP so they can make us all look like fools for buying the crappy 1/60 when they know we all would rather have the 1/48. Didn't you know they hired Dr. EVIL. HOOOHAAA HOOHAAA HOOHAAA
  21. 1. 2nd death star 2. Dyrl final battle 3. SDF-1 final battle 4. Outlaw star (pick any they all rock) 5. Any Crest of stars/battle of stars battles 6. Starship troopers infiltration of bug planet battle 7. Last exile dragon's tooth battle 8. Gundam 0083 planet drop 9. Char's counterattack final battle 10. Macross 7 fleet of strongest women final battle 11. 8th MS team first battle in the Ball I can't believe that I'm the first to name outlaw star.
  22. Funamation sucks! I hate how they change so much and only put a couple of eps per disk. Give me a company that puts 5-6 on a disk anyday. I hate string a series along.
  23. We used to take a 20oz hammer to our matchbox cars and then use little bits of scotch tape to tape the mangled parts together. They we'd shoot them out of those matchbox car launchers and have a demo derby. Can't say that loosing the cars was a big deal but man your fingers took a beating smashing them up with that big hammer.
  24. I used win rar to rar them. The highest res one's are the Orange hair one's of pillaged of this sites artwork page.
  25. Apple 4 sorry about all the files but the 1000k limit made it a necessity Apple_4.rar
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