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Everything posted by jwinges

  1. Totoro wasn't released...I heard because of problems with FoxFamily who released the first Totoro. You can get the fox family one for like $7 at best buy. Disney decided to release The Cat Returns instead of Totoro. I wish disney would realize that tagging a hollywood actor to an anime title doesn't improve the movie...they would be better off getting somebody from ADV or Bandai to do the voice work...this is especially true for the male voices. Most of the women can be dubbed with acceptable results.
  2. God I wish they would have chosen somebody else to voice Porco. Its like listening to Batman voice the role of a fat pig. The voice for the American pilot sucks as well. Hopefully Nausicaa is better
  3. THis movie was a waste to even sit through moreless the time it took to download it when it first came out with subtitles. Skip it and be thankful you did.
  4. Try Hanoko maid team either the original or the new remade ed. (Comedy) Ikki Tousen (Fanservice fighter) Fruits basket (Drama) Please twins (Comedy) Ghost in the shell movie 2 and SAC TV (Action) Gundam Seed Gundam Zeta Initial D (Action) Ruruni Kenshin (Fighter) X Driver (Action) Kiddy Grade (Action) Ai Yori Aoshi 1&2 (Drama comedy) Full Metal Panic (Action Comedy) Full Metal Alchemist (Action Drama) Grenadier (JAP) Trigun (Action) Love Hina (comedy) Azumanga Dioh (comedy) Anything by Myazaki (Great stuff) Oh my goddess movie or OVA (Comedy) Cowboy Bebop (Action) Wolfs Rain (Action) Outlaw star (Action) Steel angel Kurumi (Comedy)
  5. So how many episodes are there in Destiny?
  6. its an eva valkerie
  7. Hey Rohby, If you sell these I'll take at least one. If the price is right I might take 5. I love these little guys.
  8. My vote is for #1. ALso I'll take one. Who do I need to talk to about ordering? THanks
  9. Not so great. Preview is better than the entire movie.
  10. I'm getting my Jeep washed at a Danny's Carosaul in AZ and I'm looking around in the store and I see the entire constructicons set...for $5.99! for them all in one package. They definitely look like bootlegs but its not like the original looked very good either. I'm not a TF fan but I know some of you are. You might want to take a look if your in AZ. It was the Danny's on Ray Just east of Priest.
  11. Can anyone tell me the UC timeline. I want to know where F91 fits in.
  12. How much are they and is there still any chance for a supplemental so we can complete 4 with one to 2 sheets. I've got 6 jokes that need stickers but its seems like I'd be paying for a lot of extra stuff I don't need in its current form. I really need sticker but have no need for the 18 extra chest stripes I'll end up with.
  13. I really like the Gundam series. Especially the last 2 for PS2. Zeonic front is cool if your into a more cotrolling thing. Its like Rainbow 6 for gundam fans. Macross for PS2 is awsome. But you'll need a fliptop to play it. Amored core isn't bad. RT battlecry sucks All the Transformers games blow.
  14. Anybody else think that the Dub is all messed up. I've watched the first season subbed and watched the subbed version last night on cartoon network. Is it just me or did they make edwards vioce to old and als way too young.
  15. Definitely the best minmay ever. Please recast or offer a finished version for sale. please
  16. So what is all included in the sheet. I need something like 6 of them! Anyword on a supplemental sheet that was talked about before? Thanks
  17. Saw this the other day. Not too bad. Not stellar but not bad at all. Definitely worth the rental from netflix.
  18. Sounds like a ricky williams costume! LOL
  19. Anybody think that the shadow alpha will come with a big-ass mace? Ala Robotech: Invasion
  20. Anybody got a mace...I want a shadow with a mace. LOL
  21. old news. I dl'ed this months ago.
  22. Maybe if they were 1/48
  23. Maybe if they were 1/48
  24. First off this game is a total disappointment in that you can pilot an alpha or beta. I've yet to decide if it was even worth renting, which is what I did. THe sub plots suck and the character interactions are amond the worst I've seen on PS2. It seems as though harmony gold is trying to add a comedic element but they even fail at that. THe invid themselves aren't too bad except for the charge move which is totally lame. I'm about 2 hours into playing it. What sucks is that you have to remember to save often because there is no auto save at the end of levels. If the game freezes up (which it did for me once) you loose all progress since your last save. The game itself is a major headache creator and is really hard on the eyes. Also HG has added some funking things like everything goes blurry and you start hearing voices of women and commanders telling you to do stuff. BTW did anyone else see the beta prototype in the game. If this is any preview of what HG's beta will look like....ITS TOTAL S@#T! It has some kind of funky torrent on the top. Other quirky things include the lack of weapon descriptions on the screen so you don't really know what weapon your carrying or using. Missle on the cyclone suck. and grenade throwing is practically worthless since the range is about 1/2 what you get in other first person shooters. If you can get this game for free or less than $5 then get it..otherwise you best off saving your money for other better games.
  25. Does anybody have a recent copy of Shonen Ace-A magazine? If you do can you post a sized down scan of the cover or pic of the cover. I need it to recognize title characters and font of the magazine when I look for one. THanks
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